大学英语3 本科

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课程名称:大学英语3 层次:本科




()1. – How ____ can you finish the drawing?

A. often

B. soon

C. long

D. many

()2. John plays basketball ____, if not better than, David.

A. as well

B. as well as

C. so well

D. so well as

()3. She got up ____ this morning.

A. lately .

B. latter

C. later

D. late

()4. Thank you so much for your help.

-- ____.

A. Glad to hear that

B. Not worth thanking

C. Don’t mention it

D. You’re too polite

()5. He went to Shanghai by ____

A. the air

B. an air

C. air

D. a air

()6. This is ____ exciting movie I have ever seen.

A. a very

B. a most

C. the most

D. a more

()7. – Oh, sorry to bother you.

-- ______.

A. That’s OK.

B. No, you can’t.

C. That’s good.

D. Oh, I don’t know.

()8. When you called me last night, I ____ a bath.

A. was taking

B. had been taken

C. had taken

D. has taken

()9. – What a great job you have done.

-- ______.

A. You speak too highly of me.

B. No, no.

C. This is what I should do.

D. Thank you.

()10. – We are going on a visit to Japan next week.

-- ____.

A. Have a good journey.

B. Good bye.

C. Wish you happy.

D. You’re right.

()11. He told us that honesty _____ the key to success.

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. must be

()12. The whole area was flooded because it _____ for weeks.

A. rains

B. has rain

C. had been raining

D. was raining

()13. He _____ his homework before I came.

A. has done

B. has been doing

C. had done

D. would have done

()14. I haven’t seen her ____.

A. during three weeks

B. since three weeks

C. three weeks ago

D. for three weeks

()15.Let me introduce myself. I’m David Gilbert.

-- ____.

A. Pleased to meet you.

B. Glad to have met you.

C. I’m very pleased.

D. I’ve known you before.


Would you like to improve your professional skills from the comfort of your home or get a college degree without setting foot _1_ campus? Sound _2_ good to be true? There are now thousands of online classes _3_ on the World Wide Web and that number will soon mushroom into tens of thousands.

For decades, students have _4_distance learning to further their educational goals. From correspondence courses to tele-classes, distance learning has served the needs of people who cannot physically attend classes. _5_ the explosion of information technology and the Internet, you can now have a _6_ classroom right on your desktop. _7_, to take a course you need only your computer, a web browser and Internet _8_.

Typically, online classes are targeted to working adult—people who want to get an advanced degree or _9_ new skills for their jobs, but don’t have time to _10_ attend classes. It woks best for people who are self-motivated, enjoy working alone at their computer and feel comfortable using technology. Beyond that, it’s just one of those things you have to try.

()1. A. in B. on C. at D. to

()2. A. so B. much C. too D. such

()3. A. available B. achievable C. approachable D. accomplishable

()4. A. turned to B. turned in C. turned on D. turned up

()5. A. In B. At C. Of D. With

()6. A. real B. virtual C. true D. actual

()7. A. In most cases B. Under cases stages C. On most cases D. At most cases

()8. A. access B. means C. link D. connect

()9. A. learn B. give C. make D. earn

()10.A. regular B. regularly C. usual D. usually


Passage A:

One day a lawyer’s wife fell i ll and he went to get a doctor. The doctor went to see the woman, but before he went into the house he stopped. He knew that the lawyer never paid his bill. So he said to the man, ―But if I do cure your wife I’m afraid you may not pay me.‖

―Sir,‖ said the lawyer, ―here I have $ 500. Whether you cure my wife or whether you kill her I wil l give you all this.‖The doctor was now sure of the payment and went into the house. When he reached the wom an’s bedside, it was soon clear to him that he could do little. She was badly ill, and though he gave her some medicine to take, she soon died.

He told the lawyer he was very sorry, then, asked for the money.

―Did you kill my wife?‖ asked the lawyer.

―Of course not,‖ said the doctor.

―Well, did you cure my wife?‖ asked the lawyer.

―I’m afraid that was impossible,‖ answered th e doctor.

―Well then, since you didn’t kill her and you didn’t cure her, I have nothing to pay you.‖

()1. Before the doctor went into the lawyer's house he stopped because _____.

A. the lawyer was too poor to pay his bills

B. the lawyer had a bad name

C. he knew, well he couldn’t cure the lawyer’s wife

D. it was well-known that the lawyer would not be willing to pay what he should
