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A new study has claimed that men really are more intelligent than women.The study concluded that men's IQs are almost four points higher than women's.

British­born researcher John Philippe Ruston says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace.

He claims the “glass ceiling” phenomenon is probably due to inferior(较差的)intelligence,rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.

The University of Western Ontario psychologist(心理学家)reached his conclusion after scrutinizing the results of university tests taken by 100,000 students aged

17 and 18 of both sexes.

A focus on the factors such as the ability to quickly grasp of a complex concept,verbal reasoning skills and creativity-some of the key factors of intelligence -showed that the male teenagers had IQs that were an average of 3.63 points higher.The average person has an IQ of around 100.

The findings,which held true for all classes and levels of parental education,overturn(推翻)a 100­year conclusion that men and women average the same in general mental ability.They also conflict with evidence that girls do better in school exams than boys.

But Professor Ruston argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them performing better than boys in the classroom.


1.The report is mainly about________.

A.a study that shows men are cleverer than women

B.the“glass ceiling” phenomenon

C.Professor Ruston's theory of IQ

D.the difference between the male and female


【答案】 A

2.The underlined word “scrutinizing” in the fourth paragraph probably means________.

A.making up B.carrying out

C.examining carefully D.looking at


【答案】 C

3.We can infer that the average woman has an IQ of________.

A.a little less than 100B.100

C.more than 100 D.96.37

【解析】推理判断题。文章第五段提到男性的平均智商比女性高 3.63,而人的平均智商约为100。那么可推断出,女性的平均智商应略低于100。

【答案】 A

4.Which of the following opinions does Professor Ruston NOT accept?

A.Men's IQs are almost four points higher than women's.

B.Few women make it to the top in the workplace.

C.Men and women average the same in general mental ability.

D.The faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom.


【答案】 C


Yawning is so contagious(具有传染性的)that chimpanzees can “catch” it from cartoons,according to research.

Scientists from Emory University in Atlanta,the US,have discovered that a cartoon of a yawning chimp will stimulate(刺激)real chimps to yawn.They describe in the Royal Society journal,ProceedingsB,how this could assist in the future study of empathy(同感,共鸣).The work could also help explain it and how computer games might cause children to imitate what they see on screen.

Previous studies have already shown,contagious yawning in chimpanzees­stimulated by video­recorded footage of yawns.

“We wanted to expand on that,”explained Matthew Campbell,a researcher from Emory University's Yerkes National Primate Research Center and lead author of the
