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1.We are supposed ________ some housework with our parents when we have free time.

A. to share

B. sharing

C. shared

D. share

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:有空的时候,我们应该和父母一起做家务。be supposed to do sth,固定搭配,应该,故此处是不定式,故选A。

【点评】考查固定搭配,注意be supposed to do sth的用法。

2.My brother is a humorous young man. He often tells jokes to make us .

A. laughing

B. laugh

C. to laugh

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:我哥哥是应该幽默的年轻人,他经常讲笑话让我们笑。make sb do sth ,使某人做某事,省略to的动词不定式,应该是动词原形,故选B。

【点评】考查省略to的动词不定式。make sb do sth ,使某人做某事。

3.—What does the sign mean?

—It tells us ____________ in public.

A. didn't smoke

B. don't smoke

C. not to smoke

D. not smoke

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——这个标志是什么意思——它告诉我们在公众场所不要吸烟。根据短语tell sb not to do sth“告诉某人不要做某事”,故此处为动词不定式not to smoke。故选C。

【点评】考查固定搭配tell sb not to do sth。

4.It is wise ______Linda to make up her mind _______to play an instrument.

A. for; learning

B. for; to learn

C. of; learning

D. of; to learn

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:琳达下决心学弹乐器是明智的。由句子结构可知,不定式作真正的主语,放在句末,用it作形式主语。要用固定句型:It's + adj +for/of sb to do sth.前面的形容词来描述不定式时,要用介词for;形容词说明人时,要用介词of。这里的形容词wise是形容人的性格特征的,要用It's + adj +of sb to do sth.,故选D。

【点评】考查固定句型It's + adj +for/of sb to do sth.的用法区别。根据形容词的属性,选择正确的介词。

5.——Would you mind not_____ noise? Alice is sleeping.

——Sorry, I didn't know. I________ she was awake.

A. make, think

B. making, thought

C. making, think

D. make, thought

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:—你可不可以不要制造噪音?Alice在睡觉。—对不起,我不知道。我还以为她醒着呢!根据I didn't know.可知我刚才不知道,那时认为她醒着,I thought我原以为。故选B。


6.Young people are encouraged to work hard ____their own dreams.

A. achieve

B. achieves

C. to achieve

D. achieved

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:鼓励年轻人努力工作,实现自己的梦想。根据句意可知their own dreams是workhard的目的,常用动词不定式来表示目的,故选C。


7.It was raining. My father asked me _______ a raincoat.

A. take

B. takes

C. took

D. to take

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:正下雨。我父亲要我带上雨衣。根据关键词 asked me,再结合选项,可判断出此处考查的是 ask sb. to do sth.的用法,故答案选 D。

【点评】考查固定搭配ask sb. to do sth.。

8.Their parents don't allow them _______ in the river because it's really dangerous.

A. swim

B. swimming

C. to swim

D. swam

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:他们的父母不允许他们在河里游泳,因为太危险了。固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.,此处应用不定式。故选C。

【点评】考查固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.

9.The child is crying. Please do something to make him_____.

A. stop to cry

B. stop crying

C. to stop crying

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:孩子在哭,请你想办法让他不要哭.使役动词make后面的宾补要用动词原形,即"make sb.do sth让某人做某事"故排除选项C;stop doing sth停下手头正在做的事情,stop to do sth停下手头的事去做…这里句子应该要表达:宝宝在哭,想办法让宝宝别哭了.所以用stop doing sth.故选B
