


1、what are the differences in political system between the UK

and the USA?


2、what is the role of the Monarch in the UK?


3、how do you comment on the British education system?


4、what do you think of the open University in British?


5、how do you comment on the American ?


6、how does novel develop in British literature?

Ex: 书本上,稍微动脑筋课件上总结

7、what is the significance of American Puritanism in

American literature?


8、why is that theatrical creations have been on integral part of

english的 culture for centuries?


9、summarize the history development of british music?


10、what innovations have the 20th century artist in the United States made in the field of arts?


11、do the Americans share the same weddings traditions with

the British people?


12、what‘s your understandings of the ten core American



13、what’s are the differences forms of media existing today?

What are the main functions of media and press in the UK and the USA?


14、list the famous broadcasters in the UK and the USA and try

to make a comparison between the broadcasting systems

in the two countries?

15、Discuss the main services of british national public

broadcaster theBBC.

16、Discuss the development in thus magazine industry and

identify the strengths and weakness of the maganizes


17、What does Guy Fawkes’ Day celebrations?

18、How do people celebrate Hawlloween?


Exercises Part one: choose the correct answer: 1.The highest mountain peak in Britain is in ____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 2.The longest river in Britain is ___ A. River Severn B. River Thames C. River Mercy D. River Humber 3. The largest lake in Britain is located in ____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D.Northern Ireland 4. The highest mountain peak in Britain is called ___. A. Ben Nevis B. Cross Fell C. Snowdon D. Scafell 5. Which of the following is not the feature of British climate? A. coldness B. more rainy days C. changeability D. more fogs 6. The leading anthracite coalfield in Britain are in ____. A. Scotland B. England C. Wales D. the North Sea 7. The English people are descendant of ___. A. Celts B. Romans C. Anglo-Saxons D. Danes 8. London dialect was once disseminated throught the country Not because London was ____. A. a commercial center B. a political center C. a printing center D. a linguistic center 9. The established church of Britain is ____ A. The Church of England B. The Church of Scotland C. Free churches D. The United Reformed Church 10. British economy in the 1970s was characterized by ____ A. stagnation B. inflation C. recovery D. stagflation 11. Britain is the ____ largest country invested and the investor abroad. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth 12. The British beef industry has been hit badly by ____. A. SARS B. BSE C. AIDS D. None of the above 13. The central bank in Britain is ____. A. Lloyd B. Barclay C. Midland D. the Bank of England Part Two Fill in the blanks: 1. The total area of Britain is about ____ square kilometers. 2. The chief ranges in England are the ____ and the ____ Mountains. 3. The English people are the descendant of ____, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish are the descendants of the ____. 4. The major languages spoken in Britain are ___,____ and ____. 5. The fishing industry provides ____ % of the UK demand for fish. 6. The British company Glaxo-wellcome is the biggest ____ company in the world. 7. The German company named ___ recently bought Britain’s last major independent car company, Rover. Part Three: Match: 1. Liverpool a, the steel manufacturing center of Britain 2. Hull b, the former center of textile industry of Britain 3. Sheffield c, the fishing port in Hunberside 4. Manchester d, the largest city in Britain 5. Glasgow e, the second largest city in Britain 6. London f, the district of Merseyside 7. Birmingham g, the largest city in Scotland 8. Belfast h, the capital of Wales 9. Edindurgh I, the capital of Northern Ireland 10. Cardiff j, the capital of Scotland Part Four Explain the following terms: 1.the backbone of England 2.the English Channel 3.invisible trade 4.the development areas


英美文化概况之英国篇 英国早期人文历史常识 (一) 英国东邻北海,西、北面对大西洋,南面是英吉利海峡(the English Channel),与法国隔海相望。 地理上,这里被称为“不列颠群岛”(British Isles),由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和爱尔兰岛(Ireland)这两大岛屿,以及其它几百个小岛组成。 大不列颠岛上分布着英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(England,Scotland and Wales)三个区域,而爱尔兰岛则分成北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国(Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)两块。 政治上,大不列颠和北爱尔兰共同组成联合王国(the United Kingdom),而爱尔兰共和国则是独立于联合王国而存在的独立的国家。我们通常所说的英国,则是指联合王国。 联合王国的首都是伦敦(London);而爱尔兰共和国的首都是都柏林(Dublin)。 大不列颠岛在政治上被划分成英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士三个区域,其中英格兰面积最大、人口最多,总的来说也最为富裕。因此很多人通常会用“英格兰人”(English)指代“不列颠人”(British),这点当然会引起苏格兰人和威尔士人(Scots and Welsh)的不满。不列颠在大约一百年前曾统治着世界上四分之一的人口和土地,其殖民地遍布全球各大洲。二战之后,随着不列颠国力衰退,各殖民地纷纷独立,不列颠帝国(the British Empire)在1931年起被英联邦所取代。

英联邦(the Commonwealth of Nations)是由英国和已经独立的前英国殖民地或附 属国组成的联合体。英国作为英联邦元首并无政治实权;各国在一定协议上相互进行政治、主要是经济方面的磋商和合作;各成员国也有权利选择退出英联邦。 (二) 英国地势西北高、东南低。其西北地区主要地形是高原;而东部和东南部则主要是低地,他们是整个欧洲平原(the Great European Plain)的组成部分。 英格兰占据了大不列颠南面的最大部分土地,那里地势平缓,多为平原、丘陵和沼泽地。特别是英格兰东部沿海地区,土地肥沃,适于耕种。 苏格兰多为山地、湖泊和岛屿,它拥有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地以及南部山陵。不列颠最高峰尼维斯峰(Ben Nevis)便座落于此,高1,343米。威尔士亦是多山地区,6%的土地被森林覆盖,大部分村庄以放牧为主。 北爱尔兰北部为多岩石、荒蛮的海岸,曲折蜿蜒。其东北部多为高地,东南部为山区,而中部则是低浅的盆地。 不列颠是个岛屿国家,四面环海,它隔着英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆遥遥相望。位处英法两国之间的英吉利海峡最窄之处被称作多佛海峡(Straits of Dover),仅有33公里宽度。1985年英国政府和法国政府决定在多佛海峡处修建海峡隧道。 总长153公里的隧道于1994年五月竣工通车,使得欧洲公路网得以连成一体,被誉为人类工程史上的一个伟业。 英国河流分布细密。塞文河(the Severn)是英国第一大河流,长338公里,它同西


《最新英美概况》 练习参考答案 (本答案不包括练习中的开放性习题、思考题和讨论题) ==================================================== PART TWO The United States Chapter Eight The Land P. 209—210 I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions. 1. the Star-Spangled Banner, Defense of Fort McHenry, 181 2. 2. the Stars and the Stripes, Old Glory, the Star-Spangled Banner. 3. The White House, The Capitol, The Pentagon. 4. June, 14th, June 14th. 5. the Potomac, no state, the Federal government. 6. 36, 36 states. 7. Amerigo Vespucci, American War of Independence. 8. Pierre L’Enfant, light, service. II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A B C D 5. C D III Decide which of the following statements is TRUE: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T IV Answer the following questions. 1. (1) At first the Continent was named as “America” after explorer Amerigo Vespucci. (2) During the American War of Independence, the former British colonies first used “the thirteen united States of America” in the Declaration of Independence. (3) The official name of America was adopted on November 15, 1777, when the Second Continental Congress passed the Articles of Confederation. 2. The 50 stars represent the 50 States, while the 13 stripes represent the original thirteen colonies. White indicates purity and innocence; red indicates valour and bravery, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice; it is also a symbol of respect to God. 3. The stars and strips have different meanings. Each star represents each state in America, while strips represent the original thirteen colonies before the independence of America.


1. What is the full name of the U.K.? ----United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland? ----They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes. 3. How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they? ----The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English. 4. Why did English become more important after Black Death? ----The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French. 1. Who are the British People? ----The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of the Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds. 2. What is Standard English? ----Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct Britain English. It is also


山东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题 英美文化概况(110126)试卷(5) 注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效 Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. 5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. 6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. 7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. 9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. 12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic” 13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. 14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. 15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. 16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. - 1 - (共页)


1. The highest mountain in Britain is __B__. A. Scafell B. Ben Nevis C. the Cotswolds D. the Forth 2. The longest river in Britain is __C___. A. the Clyde B. the Mersey C. the Severn D. the Thames 3. The largest lake in Britain is ___A__. A. the Lough Neage B. Windermere Water C. Coniston Water D. the Lake District 4. The first inhabitants in Britain were __C___. A. the Normans B. the Celts C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons 5. British Recorded history began with __A___. A. Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest C. the Viking and Danish invasion D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion 6. In 829, __C___ actually became the overlord of all the English. A. John B. James I C. Egbert D. Henry I 7. Christmas Day __B__, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey. A. 1056 B. 1066 C. 1006 D. 1060 8. In __B___, a small group of Puritans sailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the North America. A. 1620, London B. 1620, Plymouth C. 1720, London D. 1720, Plymouth 9. With regard to its size, the USA is the __D___ country in the world. A. largest B. second largest C. third largest D. fourth largest 10. Among the following rivers, __C___ forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S. A. the Potomac B. the Columbia C. the Rio Grande River D. the Colorado 11. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by ___B__. A. James Madison B. Thomas Jefferson C. Alexander Hamilton D. GeorgeWashington 12. On July 4, 1776, ___B__ adopted the Declaration of Independence. A. the First Continental Congress B. the Second Continental Congress C. the Third Continental Congress D. the Constitutional Convention 13. President Jefferson bought __B___ from France and doubled the country’s territory. A. New Mexico B. the Louisiana Territory C. Kansas D. Ohio 14. The first known settlers of Britain were ___D____.


英语考研英美概况模拟题 American Survey Test 地理 1.The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range. A. eastern B. western C. northeastern 2.In eastern _____ lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level. A. California B. Utah C. Arizona 3.In the west of the _____ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the Columbia Plateaus. A. Rocky Mountain B. Coast Range C. Cascades Mountains 4.The _____ lies between the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia Plateaus A. Great Basin B. Colorado Valley C. Great Plains 5.The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____. A. California B. Arizona C. Wyoming 6.The world-known Colorado Valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the Colorado River. A. Arizona B. Utah C. Montana 7.Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States. A. Erie B. Superior C. Michigan 8.Only the climate in the southern part of _____ is tropical. A. Florida B. Georgia C. Virginia 9.Washington, the capital of the US, is on the _____ river. A. Potomac B. Delaware C. St. Laurence 10.The width of the Niagara Fall is about _____ metres and the drop average _____ metres. A. 1650, 50 B. 1240, 49 C. 1540, 49 11._____ part is the most densely populated region in America. A. The southern B. The northeastern C. The western 12.The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____. A. Idaho B. Arizona C. Nevada D. Utah 13._____ has been called the“ cradle of American Liberty”. A. Philadelphia B. Plymouth C. Boston 14.About _____ of the world ’annuals agricultural products come from the United States. A. half B. one third C. two thirds 15.The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____. A. Appalachian B. Mekinley C. Rocky 16.Mount Mekinley lies in the _____ Range. A. Sierra Nevada B. Cascades C. Alaska 17.The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities except _____. A. New York B. San Francisco C. Miami 18.The world ’ s largest freshwater lake is Lake _____. A. Superior B. Ontario C. Victoria


英美文化概况作业 1、what are the differences in political system between the UK and the USA? Ex:课件 2、what is the role of the Monarch in the UK? Ex:课件女王 3、how do you comment on the British education system? Ex:与中国教育进行对比阐述。课本。 4、what do you think of the open University in British? Ex:英国教育起源招生宗旨培养目标 5、how do you comment on the American ? ex:最后一天讲的,找一个点进行对比。 6、how does novel develop in British literature? Ex: 书本上,稍微动脑筋课件上总结 7、what is the significance of American Puritanism in American literature? Ex:美国文学倾教思想如何在教育中体现的?可以以霍森的小说为例解释、 8、why is that theatrical creations have been on integral part of english的 culture for centuries? Ex:课本上。课件里没有 9、summarize the history development of british music? Ex:课本目录。 10、what innovations have the 20th century artist in the United States made in the field of arts? Ex:课本上的。 11、do the Americans share the same weddings traditions with the British people? Ex、课本上的。

英美文化 (英国部分答案)

(判断题) Chapter 1 1. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. (F) 2. The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England.(T) 3. Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language. (F) 4. In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of Britain.(F) 5. Although the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperature in northern Scotland often falls below -10℃ in January . (F) 6. The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.(T) 7. The Celtic people were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.(T) 8. English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16th century.(F) Chapter 2 1. British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2. The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 5th century.(T) 3. The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxons tribes exercised power at their own will. (F) 4. The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 5. HenryⅡ built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 6. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 7. The Hundred Years’War (1337-1453) was a series of wars fought between the British and the Vikings for trade and territory.(F) 8. In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen ElizabethⅠactually defended the fruit of the Reformation.(T) Chapter 3 1. Conventions are regarded less important than the statutory law in the working of the British government.(T) 2. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F) 3. In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F) 4. The British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.(F) 5. The members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F) 6. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T) 7. Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament.(F) 8. The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are much similar in terms of law, organization and practice.(T) Chapter 4 1. British was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T) 2. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the post-war period.(T) 3. Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain after World WarⅡ.(F)


英美文化试题 1. The executive power is in the hands of ________. A. Parliament B. the House of Commons C. the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister D. the Queen 2. In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of _______. A. the Queen B. the Primer Minister C. the House of Lord D. the House of Commons 3. The general election in Britain is held every _______ years. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 4. The famous “Scotland Yard” refers to _______. A. CIA B. CID C. New Scotland Yard D. Greater Londo n 5. Which of the following is not one of the functions that Parliament plays? A. To serve as the final court of appeal in civil cases and criminal cases. B. To make laws. C. To control and criticize the executive government. D. To control the raising and the spending of money. 6. The British government is established on the basis of ______. A. federal system B. central system C. constitutional system D constitutional monarchy 7. _______ is in power in Britain now? A. Labour party B. Conservative Party C. the coalition of Labour Party and Liberal Democratic Party D. the coalition of Conservative Party and Liberal Democratic Party 8. The President of the United States exercises the ______ power. A. legislative B. executive C. judicial D. veto 9. How many continental states were there at the time of independence of the United States? A. 35. C. 48. B. 13. D. 50. 10. Representatives in the United Sates are elected ______. A. annually B. every two years C. every three years D. every four years 11. The congress of America consists of the Representatives and _____. A. parliament B. the House of Commons C. The House of Lords D. Senate 12. The Constitution of the United States says that only ______ can declare war upon other nations. A. the president B. Congress C. Department of Defence D. the National security council 13. The General Election in the United States is held every ______. Year. A. three B. four C. five D. six 14. The newly elected president takes up on ______. A. January 10th B. January 20th of the next year C. march 10th D. April 20th of the next year 15. There are two major parties in USA, one of which is Democratic Party, and the other is______. A. Green party B. Republican Party C. the Federal party D. Conservative party 英美文学复习试题 1. When appreciating a piece of literature, readers are more likely to read the ______ the meanings that attach to words in order to have a deeper understanding.
