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Environmental Statement for Supplier


This Statement is valid for all production sites of supplier mentioned below


Supplier’s name : 供应商名称 : Supplier’s Site : 供应商地址 :

products and packing) supplied to Chiva are in compliance with all environmental laws and

本公司[供应商名称]保证所有提供给的物品 (如原料,组件,半成品,成品以及包装材料)均 符合适用于振华产品和活动的环保法律和法规,包括但不限于以下要求: 限用物质清单 欧盟关于电池和蓄电池中含有的特定有害物质的指令(2006/66/EC ) 欧盟关于包装材料和包装材料废弃物指令(94/62/EC ), 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(也称之为“中国 RoHS”), REACH 法规。


Authorized person(公司负责人) : Title(职务):

Authorized signature(签名): Effective date(生效日期): Tel(电话): Fax(传真):

公司印章 Company chop

regulations applicable to Chiva activiti es and products, including but not limited to: Chiva List of Restricted Substances. The European Directive 2006/66/EC on batteries dangerous substances, The European Directive 94/62/EC & 2004/12/ECon packaging and packaging waste, Administrative Measures on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products”(herein referred to as “China RoHS”). REACH Legislation

We will indemnify and hold chiva harmless against any and all actions, claims, damages and/or

costs arising out of our infringeme nt of the guarantee under this Statement.” 本公司愿意赔偿所有因本公司违反本协议而对振华造成的一切损失 Object name :All the articles delivered to Chiva (See Remark 1)

对象名称: 交付给深圳市振华通信设备有限公司之所有物品(参见备注 1)

We [Supplier’s name] warrants that all articles (i.e. materials, components, subassemblies or

Chiva Restricted Substances List


Table 1: RoHS Substances Restrictions in all product-related applications (See remark3) 表格1:在所有产品相关应用中的 RoHS 物质限制(参见备注3)

Maximum Concentration Limit

Substances 物质名称



Cadmium and Cadmium compounds 镉和镉化合物

100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Hexavalent Chromium (Cr 6+) and Cr (6+) compounds 六价铬 (Cr 6+) 和铬 (6+) 化合物 Lead and Lead compounds 铅和铅化合物

Mercury and Mercury compounds (See remark 4) 汞和汞化合物(参见备注 4)

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (See remark 5) 多溴联苯醚 (PBDE)(参见备注 5) Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) (See remark 5) 多溴化联苯 (PBB)(参见备注 5)

Table 2. REACH Article 67 Legislations Substances Restrictions which may be found in hardware and electrical and electronic equipment

Substances 物质

or as given in the table 最大浓度限值百万分

率(毫克/千克)或如表格中指定 Application 应用 Asbestos (all types) 石棉(所有类型) Ozone depleting substances 耗臭氧物质

Not intentionally added 无意添加 Not intentionally added 无意添加

All applications 所有应用 All applications 所有应用

Perfluoroctane sulfonates (PFOS’s) compounds 全氟 辛烷磺酸 (PFOS) 化合物 1000

Dielectrics 电介质

Monomethyl dibromodiphenyl methane (DBBT) 单甲基二溴二苯基甲烷 No content permitted 不允许有任何含量

Monomethyl dichlorodiphenyl methane (Ugilec 121 or No content permitted

Ugilec 21)

不允许有任何含量 单甲基二氯二苯甲烷(Ugilec 121 或 Ugilec 21)

No content permitted


Monomethyl tetrachlorodiphenyl methane (Ugilec 141) 单甲基四氯乙烷甲烷 (Ugilec 141) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 多氯联苯 (PCB)

Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) 聚氯三联苯 (PCT) No content permitted 不允许有任何含量 No content permitted 不允许有任何含量

Substances which are restricted if part comes into contact with skin 皮肤接触应用

Nickel and nickel alloys 镍和镍合金

Only in direct and prolonged skin contact applications 仅限于直接与皮肤有长期接 触的应用

0,5µg/cm2/w eek

All articles (i.e. materials, components, subassemblies or products and packing) delivered to Chiva must be free of the “Restricted substances” or, If present, are below the threshold level (See remark 2).Where there is a difference between the Chiva requirements and the local regulatory requirements, the most stringent of requirements applies. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that these requirements are met.

所有出货给振华使用的产品(如原料,组件,半成品,或成品以及包装材料)不得含有以下“限用物质”,如含有,其含量不 得超过以下限制值(参见备注 2)。振华要求与当地监管要求之间有差别的地方,请按最严格的要求执行。确保达到 这些要求是供应商应尽的责任。

表格2. 硬件、电气和电子设备中可能出现的 REACH 条款第 67 条法定物质限制

These substances are equivalent to the relevant restrictions as included in article 67 of the EU REACH regulation. However, Chiva enforces these limits worldwide 。

这些物质包括在欧盟 REACH 法规第 67条有关限制。然而,振华在全球实施这些限制

Maximum Concentration Limit ppm (mg/kg)
