















1.全面推广模具CAD/CAM/CAE技术:随着微机软件发展和进步,普及CAD /CAM/CAE技术的条件已基本成熟,各企业需要加大CAD/CAM技术培训和技术服务的力度,同时进一步扩大CAE技术的应用范围。计算机和网络的发展可以促进CAD/CAM/CAE技术跨地区、跨企业、跨院所地在整个行业中推广,实现技术资源重新整合。使虚拟制造成为可能。





6. 模具的失效原因有很多.材料方面的原因占较大的比重,据资料统计,因选材和用材不当,致使模具过早失效。大约占失效模具的45%以上。另一方面,在整个模具价格构成中,材料所占比重不大。一般在20%一30%。因此,十分有必要选用优质钢材和应用表面处理技术来提高模具的寿命。模具用钢要采用电渣重熔工艺。如采用粉末冶金工艺制造的粉末高速钢等。目前,模具钢品种规格多样化、产品精细化、制品化,尽量缩短供货时间亦是模具行业的重要发展趋势。

7. 冲压模具是冲压牛产中的重要工艺设备,是提高产品质量、节约原材料、体现模制品技术经济性的有效手段。一副冲模从设计、机械加工、装配、调整到安装使用,工序多,刷期长,加工费用高。因此,对于冲模除了要求生产效牢高、所冲出零件完全符合质量要求和技术条件外,冲模的使用寿命也是非常重要的。但由于模具材料、机械加工等一系列内外因素的影响,企业生产中经常导致模具过早失效而报废,造成浪费并可能影响到仓业的正常生产。实际生产中冲模的失效现象相当频繁,冲模消耗量大。冲模的失效形式主要有三种: (1).磨损失效(2).变形失效(3).脆裂失效。分析冲模失效原因,采用各种有效措施防止冲模早期失效,可大大提高冲模使用寿命。

8. 合理设计模具结构



口粘结严重,磨损加快,进而影响模具的寿命。对于冲裁模具有研究表明:在保证冲裁工件质量的前提下,冲裁模具应尽可能选用较大的冲裁间隙,以降低冲裁力,减小模具的磨损从而能提高模具使用寿命。某厂电机定、转子片为0.5mm 的硅钢片,手册推荐的间隙为0.0 4~O.07ram,约为材料厚度的8%~14%。

按照这个间隙,冲出的定、转子片毛刺虽能控制在规定范围内。但由于间隙偏小,使得凸模与被冲的孔之间、凹模与落料之间的摩擦严重,造成凸模和凹模侧壁产生粘结,致使模具寿命下降。为提高冲片质量,延长模具寿命,该厂根据国内外资料信息,在实践中对模具间隙做了试验摸索,证明间隙值为0.09~O.1 1 mm最为合适。提高模具加工工艺要重视模具钢坯的锻造工艺,消除带状和网状碳化物分布,使流线和冲击力方向垂直。锻造时为了充分打碎坯料中的碳化物,使其呈弥散状均匀分布,应采用高锻比变向镦拔的方法。在模具制造加工过程中,必须严格保证模具的尺寸形状精度,避免留下机加工刀痕;过渡部分要平滑,不能有微小缺陷,防止使用过程中出现应力集中裂纹。电加工及磨削加工后应进行回火,以消除加工应力。拉深模具的最后抛光工序操作方向应和坯料金属流动的方向一致,凹模型腔应纵向往复而不是圆周运动抛光。抛光时应注意冷却,防止过热使模具硬度下降。冲模刃口多采用线切割加工。由于线切割加工的热效应和电解作用,使模具加工表面产生一定厚度的变质层,造成表面硬度降低,出现显微裂纹等,致使线切割加工的冲模易发生早期磨损,直接影响模具冲裁间隙的保持及刃口容易崩刃,缩短模具使用寿命。








Development of cold stamping die

Mold is an integral part of high-tech industry is an important foundation for industrial production equipment. Produced by mold, the mold is often worth its valueseveral times. Mold Technology is a technology based on integrated technology, precision equipment, strong technology, involving new technologies, new processes, new materials, new equipment development and application. Metallurgy, materials, measurement, mechanical and electrical integration, computer and other subjects as well as casting, forging, heat treatment, machining, testing, and many other types of work together to build the system works.With the mold products with high efficiency, low consumption, high consistency, precision and high complexity of features, this is in any other manufacturing methods can not reach. At present, the mold manufacturing industry has become a high-tech industries rely on each other with the industry, mold The level of industrial technology has become an important measure of national manufacturing level one of the signs. Of any country, manufacturing industry is the level of overall national strength and technical expression. The mold industry is the foundation and key manufacturing industries. In response, the state has adopted corresponding policies, are actively developing mold making industry.

I. Die with a long history of industrial

Cold stamping process in China has a long history. According to historical records: the working people as far away as China discovered the Bronze Age with the hammering deformation properties of the metal, to the Warring States Period (403 BC, a former 221) has been refining the sword can be quenched.Our ancestors 2,300 years ago has acquired weapons and various metal hammering commodity technology. During the long period of feudal society, our working

people in the gold, silver, copper ornaments, and the production of daily necessities, but also shows sophisticated technology.And superb artistic level, it is amazing.

In modern times, from the last century 20's, metal products, toys and hardware and other industries began using punch presses and other simple mechanical devices and the corresponding product of the rough mold or some parts, one of the "knife-edge mold" specialized for punching, "dock workers mold" can be used for metal extension. Relatively low in productivity, technology is not enough. At that time stamping equipment used in power plants is not large, or even most of the pedal or lever. Mold processing industry mainly manual and therefore the accuracy of the mold is not high, the failure rate of large. Until the early 20th century, 40, appeared hydraulic Die. 50 years after the public-private partnerships. Added a grinding, milling and sawing equipment, and coupled with hardness, diameter and inner diameter measuring device such as a more precise gauge block measuring equipment, Die precision can be improved. The sixties and seventies, with the production of large-scale use stamping machine, Die single dashed from the original material, the development of a single punching die punching compound die. Die frame and because the emergence of standard parts, so that the mold design of structural forms, which also increase the accuracy. At the same time. With the progress of heat treatment technology and testing means perfect, Die service life 5 to 7 times. This period. Also due to form grinding, wire cutting machine tools and other electrical pulse, and have to use, and alloy for mold materials used, production of Die a new development process. Designers to improve the modeling process, with automatic feeding, automatic feeding device management chip and then the composite die in large numbers. After the introduction by the milling machine model, plaster, mold, or surgery can be reproduced the same physical shape of the mold core, so that the production of mold compound to facilitate deep care a lot, to ensure accuracy. 70 years later, using the slope Die Cutting processing. The punch (punch) and die cutting can be quenched and then assembled to replace the original production

of Die Deformation need treatment for a correction of a complicated assembly process, the mold precision can reach 0.01ram. Can be said that this time the rapid development of China's mold industry.

Ⅱ. the status of industrial Die

To the 21st century. With the computer software development and progress. CAD / CAE / CAM technology is getting more mature, and its application in the modern mold more and more widely. At present, China stamping die, whether in quantity or in quality, technology and energy.Forces have made significant progress, etc., but with national needs and the world advanced level, still have great differences, some large, sophisticated, complex, long-life die each year a large number of high-end imports, especially in coverage of high-end cars in Die With. Still rely mainly on imports. Some low-level simple die, they have been over-supply, the market is very competitive.

According to China Mould Industry Association statistics, total import and export in China in 2009 dies as $ 3,807,000,000, down 3.03%. The import amounted to $ 1,964,000,000, down 2%; exports amounted to $ 1,843,000,000, down 4.1l%. By different types of mold. Import and export is still the highest plastic rubber mold, the amount of import and export accounted for 50.12% and 70.26%; followed by the stamping die, the amount of import and export accounted for 42.42% and 22.07%. Imports by origin of goods points, import die mainly from Japan, Korea, Germany, followed by China Taiwan, the United States, Canada, Italy, Singapore, Denmark and France; by export destination points, China's export market, mainly the Hong Kong mold, the United States and Japan. Followed by Germany, India, China Taiwan, France, Brazil, Korea and Vietnam; by export supply to points of export die mainly from Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Analysis of import and export prices from the mold. Export stamping die in 2009 $ 8,894.5 per ton price. Increased by 13.5% over the previous year; exports of plastic rubber mold the average price of $ 963 each, up 15.6% over the previous year. If compared with the import price, import and export stamping die per ton ratio 1.8:1; plastic rubber mold of the average ratio

of each set of imports and exports 2.5: l. Compared with the previous year, the gap is significantly reduced. China Mould Industry Association's analysis pointed out that the price can be seen from the above, the Chinese out of El mold technology content and added value, there has been increased over the previous year, compared with imported molds, technology, and continued to narrow the price gap is also fully reflect out of the mold industry in China in 2009 and technological progress.

Ⅲ. the development direction of Die

Tooling industry is the key to the development of mold manufacturing technology and related personnel, and mold material. Die die technology development is the most critical industrial development - a factor in the direction of its development should meet the mold "short delivery time", "high precision", "Good quality "and" low price "request for service. For this reason, urgent need to develop the following items:

ⅰ. Comprehensively promote mold CAD / CAM / CAE technology: With the computer software development and progress, universal CAD / CAM / CAE technology, conditions are ripe, all enterprises need to increase CAD / CAM training and technical service efforts, and further expand the CAE technology applications. Computers and networks can facilitate the development of CAD / CAM / CAE technology trans-regional, cross-enterprise, campus-wide in the industry in the promotion of technical resources to achieve re-integration. The virtual manufacturing possible.

ⅱ. Die scanning and digital system: high-speed scanner and scanning system with the mold or in kind from the model to the processing of the scanned model required many desired features, which can greatly shorten the manufacturing cycle mold development. Fast scanning system will be installed in an existing CNC milling machine and machining center, you can achieve rapid data acquisition, automatic generation of a variety of CNC machining process, different formats of CAD data for mold manufacturing "reverse engineering."

ⅲ. EDM: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) although the high-speed milling has been a serious challenge, but its inherent characteristics and the unique processing method is high-speed milling can not be completely replaced. For example, the complexity of the mold surface, deep narrow cavity, pointed, narrow, groove, deep processing, etc., EDM has unparalleled advantages. Complex, precision micro-cavity and a small cavity and remove the marks, complete angular, narrow, groove, deep processing and pattern processing, etc., will be the focus of future EDM applications. In order to further mold its unique role to play in the future will continue to improve the efficiency of EDM automation, processing, surface integrity and precision equipment, and large-scale, as a strategy of sustainable development, green technology is important in the future EDM trends.

ⅳ. Quality materials and advanced surface treatment technology: high quality steel and application of appropriate surface treatment technology to improve the life of the mold it is very necessary.

ⅴ. Mold polishing automation, intelligent: the quality of the mold surface of mold life, the appearance of quality parts and so have a greater impact, research automation, intelligent grinding and polishing methods replace the existing manual operation and improve the mold surface Quality is an important trend.

ⅵ. There are many reasons for the failure of the mold. Materials account for a large proportion of the reasons, according to statistics, due to improper selection and use of materials, resulting in premature failure of the mold. Failure accounts for about 45% of the mold. On the other hand, the price structure throughout the mold, the materials do not share. Generally 20% to 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to use high quality steel and application of surface treatment technology to improve die life. Mold steel to be used ESR process. Such as the use made of powder metallurgy high speed steel powder. Currently, the diversity of tool steel of different specifications, product refinement, product technology to shorten the delivery time is an important development trend of the mold industry.

ⅶ. Stamping stamping die is an important process in cattle production equipment, improve product quality, conservation of raw materials, reflecting the mold of an effective means of technical and economic aspects. A die design, machining, assembly, adjustments to the installation, process more, brush on a long, expensive process. Therefore, in addition to requirements for die production of high efficiency prison, out of part of the quality of full compliance with the requirements and technical conditions, the die service life is also very important. However, mold material, machining and a series of internal and external factors, often result in mold production and premature failure and scrapped, resulting in waste and may affect the storage industry's normal production. The failure of the actual production of the phenomenon quite frequently die, die consumed in large quantities. Die There are three main failure modes: (1). Wear failure (2). Deformation failure (3). Brittle failure. Failure analysis of die, die using a variety of effective measures to prevent early failure, can greatly improve the die life.

ⅷ. Rational design of die structure

Die die structure is the key to durability, rigidity of the irrational structure likely to cause uneven distribution of poor and wall thickness, and surface defects (such as surface oxidation, decarbonization, cracks, scars) will affect the performance of mold material, resulting in die early failure. Mold design principle is to ensure sufficient strength, rigidity, concentricity, neutral and reasonable blanking clearance, and reduce the stress concentration produced by the mold to ensure parts meet the design requirements. Therefore, the main work of zero for the mold (such as the convex die, die) requested its orientation with high accuracy and concentricity.

Structure in the design of blanking die, punch and die clearance reasonable selection is to ensure that the mold work, to extend die life is a key factor. Gap should be the ideal fracture of sheet metal punching, punch and die edge produced by edge cracks in a straight line, or punching the edge of the glitch will occur is not allowed to make a serious edge bonding, wear faster,

thereby affecting the mold life. Die studies have shown that for: ensuring the quality of the workpiece under the premise of punching, blanking die blanking should be as large selection of clearance to reduce the blanking force, reduces wear on the mold so that it can improve die life. Factory motor stator and rotor of the silicon steel sheet is 0.5mm, the manual recommended clearance is 0.0 4 ~ O. 07ram, thickness of about 8% to 14%.

According to this gap, out of the stator and rotor piece burr, although can be controlled in the specified scope. However, the gap is too small, making the punch and punch the holes are between the blanking die and friction between the serious and cause the punch and die wall produces bonding, resulting in decreased die life. To improve the quality of salt tablets, extending tool life, the plant data and information at home and abroad, in practice, the die gap was tested to explore, demonstrate the gap is 0.09 ~ O. 1 1 mm is most appropriate. Attention should be paid to improve the die mold process forging billet, eliminating the distribution network carbide strip and so that flow lines and impact the direction of vertical. Forging billets in order to fully break the carbide, it was distributed evenly dispersed form, should be changed to the high forging upsetting than the pull method. In the mold manufacturing process, we must strictly ensure the accuracy of the mold size and shape, to avoid leaving marks machining; in part to smooth the transition, can not have tiny defects, to prevent stress concentration during use crack. Power processing and tempering should be carried out after grinding to remove the processing stress. The final drawing die polishing process operation should be directed to the direction of metal flow and the same blank, concave cavity should be vertical rather than circular motion reciprocating polishing. Polishing should pay attention to cooling, to prevent overheating of the die decrease in hardness. Die cutting edge to use more lines. Since the thermal effect of cutting line and electrolysis, so that a certain thickness of the mold surface of the metamorphic layer, resulting in lower surface hardness, micro cracks occur, resulting in the die cutting process prone to early wear and tear,

mold punching gap directly affects easy to maintain and edge chipping and shorten the life of mold.

Therefore, the cutting line should be selected in the Criteria for a reasonable power to minimize the depth of deterioration. Die machining accuracy of the durability greatly. If the blanking die assembly space due to uneven, often under the action of shear stress will affect the die eating a bad life. Meanwhile, the die surface finish is too low, it will reduce the durability of the die. Therefore, processing must be on the pitch size of the punch assembly supported on the surface of the fixed vertical plate, die spacing uniform and guide sleeve, guide column guiding accuracy level to the full attention. Precision manufacturing and assembly work of some of the higher surface roughness and the higher the level, the higher the die durability.

Ⅳ.Stamping die structure, technical measures for the safety of

Stamping is a high productivity, simple operation, workpiece dimensional stability, high precision, good interchangeability less without cutting processing methods. Because of its technical and economic peculiarities of the modern industrial production and thus plays a very important position. However, the stamping process is a very vulnerable to accidents in the production, the stamping of the occurrence of the personal accident than other mechanical processing of physical accidents (according to foreign countries to the information, the punch appeared to personal accident than the general machinery the industry is 3 times higher). At present, some enterprises (especially SMEs) in the use of processing time stamping method, still in use with hand-loaded directly take part in the mold cavity artisanal methods. In this case, such as mold design and unreasonable or without security guards, to prone to physical security incidents.

Ⅴ. Conclusion

The level of mold technology to measure a country's level of manufacturing industry is an important landmark. Requires further development of China's industrial sector to the large mold, precision, complex, efficient, long life and

multifunction. Article history starting from the mold, summarized the development of the domestic cold stamping die situation. Discusses the development of the domestic cold stamping die mold industry in China although the new direction has been greatly developed, but the whole, the technology is still lagging behind compared to 15-20 years of industrial countries, which is compared to the requirements of manufacturing industry still a big gap. In order to promote the socialist modernization drive, to adapt to the needs of the development of national economic sectors, the need for further technical tooling industry structure and speed up the localization. Should therefore be based on national conditions, focusing on the development of mold industry in the key, common technology. Increasing development of new technologies and application, and continuously improve the industry's capability of independent innovation, promote and enhance the use of information technology, industrial manufacturing tooling technology, active use of high technology and advanced applicable technologies to improve the overall level of the industry. China's mold industry to make large, sophisticated, complex, high efficiency, long life and multifunction. China's mold industry to promote technological progress to a new level, will be the development of China's mold industry is an important task.
