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1‘What did Jack buy yesterday?

A‘A football‘B‘A basketball‘C‘A volleyball‘

2‘How is the weather?


3‘What subject are they talking about?


4‘Where are the two speakers?

A‘In a bookstore B‘In a library C‘In a cinema‘

5‘Why was Tom late?

A‘Because his bike was broken‘

B‘Because he had an accident‘

C‘Because he got up late‘


6‘When is Rose free?

A‘This afternoon‘B‘This morning‘C‘This evening‘

7‘What festival is it today?

A‘The Spring Festival‘B‘The lantern Festival‘C‘The Dragon Boat Festival‘


8‘What did the two speakers do just now?

A‘They watched a football match‘B‘They visited a museum‘C‘They watched a movie‘

9‘Where are they going next?

A‘To a post o ffice‘B‘To a restaurant‘C‘To a bank‘

10‘What will they have?

A‘Pizza‘B‘Hamburgers C‘Chinese food


A Famous Student

How old is he? 11‘________years old‘

What’s the name of the program? The best 12‘________of Our School‘

In 13‘________‘

When did he take part in the


What did he wear? A pair of 14‘________jeans‘


16.This story happened at night‘

17.The writer was watching TV in the room when someone was knocking at the door‘

18.The young man wore a pair of glasses‘

19.The young man was the writer’s friend‘

20.At the end of the story, the young man ran away‘



21.________terrible news! Three of us didn’t pass the exam‘

A‘What B‘How C‘What a

22.Peter, please turn off the TV________no one is watching it‘

A‘so that B‘though C‘when

23.--Shall we climb hills this Sunday?--________‘

A‘Good idea B‘You’C‘You’re right

24.--Will you go to the ________this afternoon?--Yes‘I want to go swimming‘

A‘gym B‘station C‘supermarket

25.--Must I return the book today?--No, you________‘You can do it tomorrow‘

A‘cant’B‘needn’t C‘mustn’t‘

26.--________you ________to Nanhu Park a week ago?--Yes‘We had a good time there‘

A‘Do, go B‘Did,go C‘Did, went

27.Yesterday was his________birthday‘He enjoyed himself‘

A‘twelfth B‘twelve C‘the twelfth

28.Look! This house is as________as that one‘

A‘the most beautiful B‘more beautiful C‘beautiful

29.Our teacher tells us________on the street because it’s too dangerous‘

A‘not play soccer B‘not to play soccer C‘to not play soccer

30.--I wonder________‘--Maybe she had something important to do‘

A‘why she left early B‘why did she leave early C‘why left she early


Molly’s brother Sammy like to play the guitar and sing‘The 31‘________made him happy ‘He wrote a lot of songs and played them for his family‘THere was 32‘________ that Sammy wanted more to do‘

But one day Sammy 33‘________a tree‘Unluckily he fell off and hurt his arm badly‘The doctor at the hospital told him his arm would never work again‘It made him very 34‘________‘His sister Molly felt sad too‘She knew how down he was‘She wished that she could 35________him‘She told him to be positive(积极的), and she would help him out‘Sammy smiled a bit, 36‘________his sister seemed to care‘She gave him her support and he was glad that she was there‘WHen Sammy returned home from the hospital he could not wait
