报告VTS 船舶驾驶常用英语口语-消防与灭火

报告VTS 船舶驾驶常用英语口语-消防与灭火
报告VTS 船舶驾驶常用英语口语-消防与灭火

1、**VTS,this is M/V **,we arrive at VTS report line,my last port**,next port**,my draught**,over 。**交管中心,**船到达VTS报告线,我上一港**,下一港**,吃水**米

2、**VTS,this is M/V **,we supply for anchoring at NO.1 anchorage。 **交管中心,我是**船,我们申请在一号锚地抛锚

3、**VTS,we finished with anchoring,my position LAT*,LON*。 **交管中心,我是*船,我抛锚完毕,锚位经度*纬度*

4、**VTS,can I go alongside the wharf? *交管中心,我能靠码头吗?

5、**VTS,this is M/V *,we finished with loading,cloud I proceeded to sea? *交管中心,我是*船,我们装货完毕,我们能否开航?

6、could I overtake you on youport/stardbord?我能在你左/右舷追越吗?

7、please keep you course and speed。请保持你的航向和航速。

8、we pass port to port。我们左舷对左舷通过

9、*pilot station,this isM/V*,we need a pilot。 *引航站,我需要引航员。

10、when and where should I take the pilot?我在何时、何地接引航员?

11、you should reduce your speed。你应该减速。

12、you should increase your speed。你应该加速。

13、you should altere course to port/starboard 你应该向左/右转向

14、what's you course and speed?你航向航速是多少?

15、I need 2 tugs。我需要两艘突托轮。

16、can you read me。你能听见我吗?

17、please change to channel **请转到*频道。

Fire Protection and Fire Fighting

Dialog A: Check Fire Fighting Appliance 对话1:检查消防装备

Captain: Did you replace a CO2 cylinder in saloon? Third Mate.


Third Officer: What is the problem? Captain.


Captain: You serve as the Third Officer. A CO2 cylinder weighed lighter than normal weight. You asked me the problem. Ridiculous!

Listen, if I find this kind of problems again, you will be dismissed.


Third Officer: I am sorry, Captain. It is my fault. I replace it now!


Dialog B: Fire Fighting Drills


(After fire alarms a long blast 火警后一长声)

Chief Mate: On foreward deck, put on breathing apparatus, smoke helmet, protective clothes, and carry your outfits. Let’s go!


A.B: Yes, sir.


Chief Mate: Connect water hoses. Stand by water.


A.B: Water is on.


Chief Mate: Fighting fire.


Bridge: Is fire under control?


Chief Mate: Fire extinguished. Ask

retreat signal.


Bridge: Agree on retreat signal. Fire alarm cancelled.


Dialog C: Finding the Fire


Third Mate: I smell burnt in living spaces. Let us check and report.


Carpenter: Yes, sir.


Third Mate: Smoke is from deck. Look at hatches.


Carpenter: Third Mate! Fire! Hatch No.3 is on fire. We must come back to bridge immediately, and report to captain.


Third Mate: Ok. You go to bridge immediately. Then report to captain. I will sound the alarm and wait for fire party.


Practical Expressions 实用表


Part A: Checking status of equipment 检查设备状况

1.Have fire patrols. 保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols 3 times every watch. 每班防火巡回检查3次。

Have permanent fire watch. 保持永久性防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols in all spaces. 每个空间保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols in engine room. 机舱保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols in cargo spaces. 货舱保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols in superstructure. 上层建筑保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols in accommodation. 生活区保持防火巡回检查。

Have fire patrols on deck. 甲板上保持防火巡回检查。

2.Everything in order. 一切正常吗?

Yes, everything in order. 是的,一切正常。

No, following not in order: CO2 cylinder, water hoses.


3.Check fore alarms and report. 检查防火警报并汇报。

Check smoke alarms and report. 检查烟雾警报并汇报。

Fire alarms operational. 防火警报工


Smoke alarms not operational yet.


Smoke alarms in accommodation operational in 10minutes.


4.Switch on fire alarms. 打开火灾警报。

Switch on smoke alarms. 打开烟雾警报。

Switch off fire alarms. 关闭火灾警报。

Switch off smoke alarms. 关烟雾警报。

Switch on fire alarms in all spaces. 打开所有空间火灾警报。

Switch off smoke alarms in engine room. 关机舱的烟雾警报。

Switch on smoke alarms in cargo tanks. 打开货油舱烟雾警报。

Switch on fire alarms in superstructure. 开上层建筑火灾警报。

Switch on fire alarms in 3 compartment. 打开3


Fire alarms in superstructure switched on.


5.Check fire alarm displays on bridge and report.


Check smoke alarm displays on bridge and report.


Fire alarm displays on bridge operational.


Fire alarm displays of accommodation not operational.


Fire alarm displays of holds operational in



6.Check portable extinguishers and report.


Portable extinguishers in position and operational.


Portable extinguishers in saloon not in position.


Portable extinguishers in hold No.2 not accessible.


Portable extinguishers in Chief Mate Cabin missing.


Replace missing portable extinguishers.


Seals of portable extinguishers in compartment No.3 broken.


Replace portable extinguishers with broken seals.


Test certificates of portable extinguishers in galley expired.


Replace expired portable extinguishers.


7.Check fire mains and report.


Fire mains operational.


Hydrants in port deck not operational.


Hydrants in top deck not accessible.


Hoses to hydrants in starboard deck worn.


Hoses to hydrants in main deck cut.


Replace worn hoses. 换掉破损的皮龙管。

Replace cut hoses. 换掉断裂皮龙管。

Spanners to hydrant in hold No.2 missing.


Replace missing spanners. 换掉丢失的搬手。Nozzles to hose not operational. 皮龙枪不能工作。Nozzles to hose do not fit. 皮龙枪与皮龙管不匹配。Replace nozzles to 6″.换成6英寸喷嘴。

Fire pump in hold No.4 not operational.


Water pipe in starboard deck leaking.


Repair leaking water pipe in starboard deck.


Pressure in water pipe in engine room too high. 机舱管道水压过高。

Reduce pressure in water pipe. 减管道水压。

Water pipe in port deck blocked. 左舷水管内阻塞。

Free blocked water pipe in port deck.


Pressure in water pipe too low. 管内水压过低.

Increase pressure in water pipe. 增加管内水压。

8.Check fixed foam system and report.


Check gas fire extinguishing system and report.


Fixed foam system operational.


Gas system not operational.


9.Check sprinkler system and report.


Sprinkler system operational.


Sprinkler system in engine room not operational.


10.Check ventilation system and report.


Ventilation system operational.


Ventilation system not operational.


Remote control not operational.


Indicator not operational.


Dampers in boiler not operational.


11.Check skylights windows and report.


Skylights in engine room open.


Skylights in hold closed.


12.Check watertight door control and report. 检查水密门控制器并报告。

Watertight door control operational.


13.Check electrical lighting and

report. 检查电照明并报告。

Electrical lighting operational.


Black-out circuit in hold No.2.


Short circuit in No.4 hold.


14.Check emergency power supply and report.


Emergency power supply operational.


15.Check firemen’s outfits and report.


Firemen’s outfits complete and availabl e.


Firemen’s outfits not complete.


Complete firemen’s outfits.


Breathings apparatus not operational.


Smoke helmets not operational.


Safety lamps missing.


Replace breathing apparatus.


Part B: Reporting fire


16.Fire on board!


Smoke in engine room. 机舱有烟雾。Fire in engine room. 机舱着火。Explosion in hold No.3. 3舱爆炸。Smoke in superstructure.


Fire in accommodation. 住舱着火。Explosion in cargo spaces.


Smoke on deck. 甲板有烟雾。Smoke from ventilators.


Burnt smell in living spaces. 住舱有焦糊味。

17.Report injured persons. 报告受伤人员。

No person injured. 无人受伤。

Number of injured persons: 6. 6人受伤。

Number of casualties: 2. 2人伤亡。

18.What is on fire? 什么着火。

Fuel on fire. 燃油着火。

Cargo on fire. 货物着火。

Cars on fire. 汽车着火。

Wagons on fire. 货车着火。

Trucks on fire. 卡车着火。

No information. 没有消息。

19.Is smoke toxic? 烟雾有毒吗?

Yes, smoke toxic. 是的,烟雾有毒。

No, smoke not toxic. 不,烟雾无毒。

Is smoke poisonous? 烟雾有毒吗?

Yes, smoke poisonous. 是,烟雾有毒。

No, smoke not poisonous. 不,烟雾无毒。

20.Is fire under control? 火势得以控制了吗?

Yes, fire under control. 是,火势得以控制。

No, fire not under control. 不,火势无法控制。

21.What is damage? 有什么损失?

No damage. 没有损失。

Minor damage in hold. 货舱有轻微的损失。

Major damage in accommodation. 住舱有严重的损失。

No power supply. 无供电。

22.Pressure on fire mains. 大型灭火系统加压。

Fire mains under pressure. 大型灭火系统已上压。

23.Shut down main engines. 停主机。

Shut down auxiliary engines. 停辅机。

Main engine shut down. 主机已停。

Auxiliary engine shut down. 辅机已停。

24.Stop fuel. 停止供燃油。

Fuel stopped. 已停止供燃油。

25.Close hatch covers. 关舱盖。

Hatch covers closed. 舱盖已关。

26.Close all openings. 关闭所有盖子。

All openings closed. 所有盖子已关闭。

27.Switch off ventilators. 关


Ventilators switched off. 通风机已关闭。

28.Turn bow to windard. 掉船头对风。

Bow turned to windard. 船头已调转对风。

Turn stern to windard. 掉船尾对风。

Stern turned to windard. 船尾已调转对风。

29.Turn port side to windard. 调左舷对风。

Port side turned to windard. 左舷已调对风。

Part C: Reporting readiness for

action 报告准备措施

30.Stand by fire party. 灭火队待命。

Stand by rescue team. 营救队待命。

Stand by first aid team. 急救队

First party standing by. 消防一队已待命。

31.Stand by CO2 station. 二氧化碳站准备。

Stand by emergency generator. 准备应急发电机。

CO2 station standing by. 二氧化碳站已备妥。

32.Close all openings and report. 关所有盖子并报告。

All openings closed. 所有盖子已关。

Openings in engine room closed. 机舱通风已关闭。

Openings in holds closed. 货舱盖及通道已关闭。

Openings in accommodation not accessible.


Part D: Orders for fire fighting 命令灭火

33.Start fire fighting. 开

Take two fire parties to scene. 派两个灭火队到现场。

Take two rescue teams to scene. 派两个营救队到现场。

34.Go following route: 走下列路线:

Go through engine room. 穿过机舱。

Go through hold No.2. 穿过2舱。

Go through superstructure. 穿过上层建筑。

Go through accommodation. 穿过住舱。

Go through cargo spaces. 穿过货舱。

Go through funnel. 穿过烟囱通道。

Go from outside to inside. 从外到内走。

35.Take following safety measures and report.


Have 4 members in one team.



主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck 船长甲板master deck 高级船员甲板office deck 艇甲板boat deck 船员甲板crew deck 机舱engine room 货舱cargo hold 货舱口cargo hatch 压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson 球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志draft mark 甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck 载重线标志load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线fresh water load line/F 热带载重线tropical load line/T 夏季载重线summer load line/S 冬季载重线winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line/WNA 国际船舶载重线证书international load line certificate 吃水指示系统draft indicating system 船舶尺度ship dimension 最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度overall dimension


Lesson Three Tug Assistance: 拖带协助 Dialog A: Tug Ordering 对话1:叫拖船 Yong Men/BOCV: Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I require tugs. Over. “永门”船:爱汶港调度,我是“永门”船。我在莱姆斯港外 开敞锚地抛锚。我需要拖船,请讲。 Avonport P.C: Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over. 爱汶港口调度:信息已清楚。你需要多少拖船?请讲。 Yong Men/BOCV: I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over. “永门”船:我要两艘拖船,拖船几点到,请讲。 Avonport P.C: The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out. 爱汶港口调度:拖船半小时到,完毕。 Dialog B: Tug Operation 对话2:拖船在工作 M/V Eternal Glory: Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. Forward tug. Over.

“永恒光荣”船:请拉紧拖缆,绑牢,前拖船。请讲。 Forward tug: M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough. I suggest the aft tug single up. Over. 前拖船:“永恒光荣”船,这是前拖船。水流太不平稳了, 我建议后面的拖船单绑,请讲。 Eternal Glory: Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over. “永恒光荣”船:同意,后拖船单绑,请讲。 Aft tug: Yes, sir. Single up. 后拖船:遵命。单绑。 Dialog C: Completion Work 对话3:结束工作 Chang Ting Bridge: Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over. “长亭”驾驶台:“长亭”船注意。前后松绑,请讲。 Chang Ting aft: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船尾:驾驶台,这是船尾拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Chang Ting forward: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船头:驾驶台,这是船头拖船,我将松绑,请讲。 Tug 1: Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.


General arrangement 总布置 Interior arrangement 舱室布置 Engine room arrangement 机舱布置 Compass deck 罗经甲板 Navigation deck, bridge deck 驾驶甲板 Boat deck 艇甲板 Promenade deck 游步甲板 Accommodation deck 起居甲板 Helicopter deck 直升机甲板 Upper deck 上甲板 Winch platform 起货机平台 Passage , passage way 通道 Wheel house 驾驶室 Chart room 海图室 Radio room 报务室 Radar room 雷达室 Engine room 机舱 Centralized control room for machineries 机舱集控室Reactor room 反应堆舱 Boiler room 锅炉舱 Pump room 泵舱 Chain locker 锚链舱 Steering engine room, steering gear room 舵机舱Fan room 通风机室 Air conditioning unit room 空调机室 Refrigerator room 冷冻机室 Fire-smothering unit room 灭火装置室Emergency generator room 应急发电机室Commutator room 变流机室 Battery room 蓄电池室 Gyro-compass room 陀螺罗经室 Mast room 桅室 Sonar transducer space 声纳舱 Log room 计程仪舱 CO2 room CO 2室 Paint room 油漆间 Lamp room 灯具间 Windlass room 起锚机室 Anchor winch, anchor windlass 起锚机 Mooring winch 拖缆机,系泊绞车


Lesson Thirty-seven Dispute and Arbitration 争议与仲裁 Dialog A: Cargo Shortage 对话:短货 Consignee: Chief Mate, the goods I received were found to be 100 bags short landed. 收货人:大副,我收到的货物少了100包。 Chief Mate: I’m afraid it’s not as many as you said. 大副:恐怕没有您说的那么多吧。 Consignee: I can’t understand what you mean. 收货人:我不懂您的意思。 Chief Mate: According to our investigation, there were only 50 bags short landed. 大副:根据我们的调查只少了50包。 Consignee: What I mean by 100 bags also includes those bags which are badly crushed. 收货人:我听说的100包还包括那些被弄破的。 Chief Mate: I think that should attribute to the rough handling of stevedoring company. 大副:我认为这应归咎于装卸公司的野蛮装卸。Consignee: There are still some bags that become damp. 收货人:另外还有一些受潮的。


How do you do,Mr. Wang. I'm Brown,a ship chandler. 你好,王先生,我是布朗,物料供应商。 Glad to meet you,Mr. Brown. Have a seat,please. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生,请坐。Thanks. Your agent asked me to come and see you. 谢谢,你们的代理让我来见你。 Yes. We're going to order some stores and spare parts. 是的,我们想订些物料及备件。 Well,here is our price list. You'll find our prices fair and reasonable. 很好,这是我们的价目表,你会发现我们的价格公平合理。 I'm afraid I can't give you my order right now. 我恐怕不能马上给你订单。 That's all right. I'll be glad to come again tomorrow. 好的,我明天再来。 OK. See you tomorrow. 好吧,明天见。 Glad to see you,Mr. Brown. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生。 Me too,Mr. Wang. 我也是,王先生。 Let's talk about the orders. 我们谈一下订单吧。 All right. I'm ready for them. 是的,我正等着做这事呢。 We would like to get some spare parts for our diesel engine. 我们想订一些柴油机的备件。 What spare parts do you want? 你想要什么备件? I've got a list. Here you are. 我这儿有份备件清单给你。 Let me have a look. 让我看看。 When can you deliver them? 你们什么时候能送来? It depends on what you ordered. 这取决于你订什么东西。 A plunger with guide bush and sixty pcs of rubber rings. 一个带有导套的柱塞和60只橡皮圈。 Rubber rings,no problem. But the plunger is out of stock. However,I can make a special order for you. 橡皮圈没问题,但柱塞目前缺货,不过我可为你专门订货。 Can I get them within three days? 3天内能交货吗? I'm afraid not. The time is too short. 恐怕不行,太急了。 Well,Singapore is our next port of call. Could you airmail them there? 好吧,新加坡是我们下一停靠港,你可否把它们空运到那里? We'll arrange for the delivery,if you need them. 如果你们需要,我们可以安排。 OK. Customs duties and transport charge will be on your account(will be charged up to you). 好的,关税及运费由你们支付。 How about other spare parts or stores? 还需要别的备件和物料吗? Yes,we need water packing. 我们需要水封填料。 How much do you need?需要多少? Two boxes. 2箱。 All right, you'll have it. 好的,我们供给你。 Besides that,we'd like to order some electrodes for steel and v-belts. 此外,我们订购一些用于焊接钢的焊条和三角皮带。 How many pieces do you want to order? 你们想订多少? 3 packs of 3 mm diameter electrodes and 4 pieces of v-belts. 3包直径3 mm的焊条及4条三角带。 Are you going to take spare rollers? 你们需要备用滚轮吗? We don't need to this time. But thanks anyway. 这次我们不需要,但还是要谢谢你。Anything else? 还有别的吗?

船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 (1)

Lesson Two Pilotage: 引航业务 Dialog A: Ordering of Pilot 对话1:要引航员 M/V Midas: Dalian Pilot Station, Dalian Pilot Station. M/V Midas calling, M/V Midas calling. I require a pilot, over. “梅达斯”船:。。。。。。。。我需要引航,请回答。 Pilot Station: M/V Midas, Dalian Pilot Station. What’s your ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse? 引航站:“梅达斯”船,大连引航站。你船预抵黄白嘴灯塔的 时间是对少? M/V Midas: My ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse is 0900 hours local time. “梅达斯”:我船预抵黄白嘴灯塔时间是当地时间0900时。Pilot Station: What are the colour of the funnel and the colour of the hull? 引航站:请告知你船烟囱和船体颜色。 M/V Midas: The funnel is red and blue bands. The hull is green. When will pilot embark? On which side shall I rig the pilot ladder? “梅达斯”:烟囱是红蓝条状的,船体是绿色的。引航员什么时 候上船?哪一侧放引航梯?



一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船 manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船 airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空 气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船 electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船 nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship

cargo liner 定期货船 tramp ship 不定期货船 container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集 装箱船semi-container ship 半集装 箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途 集装箱船 general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船 multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船 chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石 油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天 然气运输船 tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮


Lesson Six Acquiring and Providing Information on VHF 在甚高频上询问与提供信息 Dialog A: Ship’s Particulars 对话1:船舶细节 Yokohama Radio: Please tell you ship’s particulars, over. 横滨台:请告诉你船船舶细节,请讲。 M/V Yu Long: LOA, 121metres. Breadth, 20.6metres. TGT 12,800 tons, draft forward 7.5metres. draft aft 8.5metres. Over. “育龙”船:总长121米,宽20.6米,总吨12800吨,前吃 水7.5米,后吃水8.5米,请讲。 Yokohama Radio: What is your intention of calling this port? Over. 横滨台:你船靠该港意图是什么?请讲。 M/V Yu Long: We are calling at this port for replenishment of fuel oil. Over. “育龙”船:我们靠该港的目的是加燃油,请讲。 Dialog B: Changing Channel 对话2:转换频道 M/V Nathan: Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. Singal strength 2. Advise you change

channel 12, over. “内森”船:神户台,这是“内森”船。信号较弱,建议换到 12频道,请讲。 Kobe Radio: Positive. Over. 神户台:同意,请讲。 M/V Nathan: Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. How do you read me? Over. “内森”船:神户台,这是“内森”船信号强度如何?请讲。Kobe Radio: Signal strength 2, There is a crosstalk. Advise you change channel 26. Over. 神户台:信号强度2,有串线,建议改到26信道,请讲。M/V Nathan: Negative. Reason, I do not have Channel 26. Over. “内森”船:不同意,理由是我没有26信道,请讲。 Dialog C: Port of Call, Destination 对话3:挂港与目的港 Hong Kong Radio: What was your last port of call? Over. 香港台:你上一次挂港是哪里?请讲。 M/V Jin Jiang: My last port of call was Dalian, over. “金江”船:我上一次挂靠大连,请讲。 Hong Kong Radio: What will be your destination? Over. 香港台:你的目的港呢?请讲。



用舵完毕finished with the wheel 走082 steer zero eight two 朝……走steer on …… 2.车钟口令Engine Orders 备车stand by engine 微速前进dead slow ahead 前进一(慢速)slow ahead 前进(半速)half ahead 前进三(全速)full ahead 停车stop engine(s) 微速后退dead slow astern 后退一(慢速)slow astern 后退二(半速half astern 后退三(全速)full astern 紧急进三emergency full ahead 紧急退三emergency full astern 用车完毕,完车finished with engine(s) 主机定速ring off engine 首侧推全速向左bow thrust full to port 首侧推全速向右bow thrust full to starboard 首侧推半速向左bow thrust half to port

首侧推半速向右bow thrust half to starboard 常用船舶会话 1.what is your ETA at bohai 9? 预达渤九时间? 2.I’d like to know how much fuel and fresh water have you transfered to me? 请告诉我你给我打了多少油和水? 3.advice you to heave up the anchor 建议你现在起锚 4.my ETA at bohai 9 is 2200 hours 预达渤九时间22:00 5.what is your distance from me? 你距我有多远? 6.what is the position of you?你的位置在哪? 7.what is your freeboard?你的干舷是多少? 8.how long do you come over to bohai 9 from heave up?起锚到渤九 需多长时间? 9.Is extra power available in emergency?有其他应急电源吗? 10.d o you have bow thruster or stern thruster?你有艏推和尾推吗? 11.d o you have automatic pilot?你能自航吗? 12.w hat is your full speed?最大航速是多少? 13.h ow many tugs do you require?你需要几艘拖轮? 14.w hen will tugs expect to meet me?拖轮何时到? 15.t he current (sea)is too rough海况很糟 16.l et go my towing line PLS请给我解拖缆 17.w e finished our job. Can we leave now?工作结束了,可以离开吗? 18.s lack down on tug towing line解掉拖缆


阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船 screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船 steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship 尾升高甲板船 well-deck ship 半舱船 single side ship 单舷长大舱口船three-island ship 三岛式船 double shell ship 双壳船 riveted ship 铆接船 welded ship 焊接船transversely framed ship 横骨架式船longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船combined framed ship 混合骨架式船 sea-going vessel 海船 ocean-going vessel 远洋船 coaster 沿海船 channel ship 海峡船 inland waterway vessel 内河船 civil ship; merchant ship 民用船;商船transport ship 运输船pleasure yacht 游艇passenger ship 客船 coasting passenger and cargo ship沿海客货船passenger and auto-car carrier 旅客及汽车运输船tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船cargo ship; freighter 货船 cargo liner 定期货船 tramp ship 不定期货船container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集装箱船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途集装箱船general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船 liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮 VLCC (very large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的) 巨型油轮 ULCC (ultra-large crude carrier) (吨位在30万至50万吨之间的) 超巨型油船 refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷藏船roll-on/roll-off ship (RO/RO ship) 滚装船 ferry 渡船passenger ferry 旅客渡船 freight ferry 货物渡船 fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮 trawler 拖网渔轮 barge carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船barge; lighter 驳船 deck barge 甲板驳 well-deck barge 半舱驳 double shell barge 双壳驳 single side barge 单舷长大舱口驳 oil barge 油驳container barge 集装箱驳船 RO/RO barge 滚装驳船 liquefied gas barge 液化气体驳 hopper barge 开底泥驳

船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 (4)

Lesson Five In Icy Water 在有冰的水域 Dialog A: Ice-breaker Assistance 对话1:破冰援助 M/V Utopia: Skedholm Radio. This is M/V Utopia. My position 55°30′North 048°40′West. My destination Skedholm. Do I require ice-breaker assistance to enter? Over. “乌托邦”船:斯科德海姆台,我是“乌托邦”船。我船位置是 55°30′N,048°40′W。我船目的地是斯科德 海姆。我船需要破冰援助方能进入吗?请讲。Skedholm Radio: Yes, you require ice-breaker assistance. Receiving point is 225°, 10miles from Freya Head. Do not pass receiving point until 1100 hours local time. Out. 斯科德海姆台:对,你船需要破冰援助。会合点是方位225°, 距佛里亚·海德10海里处,在当地时间1100时 以前不要穿过会合点。完毕。 Dialog B: Ice-breaker in Operation. 对话2:破冰船在工作 M/V Princess Silva: M/V Nutcracker, This is M/V Princess Silva. Ok. I

am following you. I will keep a distance of three cables between vessels. Over. “丝维亚公主”:“纳特可利克”船,我是“丝维亚公主”船。我 正跟随你。我船保持船舶间距3链,请讲。 M/V Nutcracker: M/V Princess Silva. This is M/V Nutcracker. Your place in the convoy is astern of M/V Golden Dove. You will be followed by M/V Fuji Maru. Over. “纳特可利克”:“丝维亚公主”船,这是“纳特可利克”船,你 船在编队中位置是在“金鸽”船之后,“富士丸” 船之前,请讲。 M/V Nutcracker: Attention all vessels. Slow down. Shorten the distance to one cable. Proceed along the ice channel. Over. “纳特可利克”:各船注意,减速,船间距保持1链,沿着已开的 冰上航道航行,请讲。 Dialog C: M/V Nutcracker Finished Work 对话3:“纳特可利克”船结束工作 M/V Nutcracker: M/V Dainty River. This is M/V Nutcracker. Stop your engine immediately. Be ready to cast off towing line. Over. “纳特可利克”:“雅河”船。这是“纳特可利克”船,你船要立


Lesson Twenty-four Handover 交接班 Dialog A: Chief/Second Mates Handover 对话1:大副、二副交接 Second Mate: Did you have a nice dream? 二副:你做好梦了吗? Chief Mate: Oh, at the mid-way. A/B wakes me. 大副:刚到一半,一水叫我。 Second Mate: Course 275°. A passing vessel is on our port bow. The compass error has been adjusted. Dead racon is on the chart. Captain orders that call him if there is something abnormal. 二副:航向275°,左舷船头有一艘对驶船,罗经差 已校正,海图上已画出推算船位。船长命令有异 常时叫他。 Chief Mate: OK, have a nice dream. 大副:现在,你去睡个好觉吧。 Dialog B: Second/Third Mates Handover 对话2:二副、三副交接 Second Mate: What’s the matter? 二副:出什么事了?

Third Mate: The wind is so strong. Sea rough. Captain orders: Alter course if necessary. Present course 202°, speed 10.5 knots. 三副:风太强了,海面大浪。船长命令:必要时可转向。 现在航向202°,航速10.5节。 Second Mate: OK. The movie shown in saloon is wonderful. Won’t you watch? 二副:好,大台放的电影太好了,你不想看吗? Third Mate: A good sleep is number one choice. 三副:睡个好觉是最佳选择。 Dialog C: Handover alongside 对话3:系泊交接 Third Mate: The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No.1 crane motor is inoperative as well. 三副:岸吊不好用,1小时前装卸工用我们吊。1舱吊 的电机也不好用。 Second Mate: Call electrician and report to Chief, Third Mate. 二副:三副,叫电机员并报告大副。 Third Mate: I did. The electrician is repairing. The Chief is consulting with harbour master. I reported to


Excuse me, I'm Hyde, the representative of Eastern oil company.我是海德,东方油料 公司的代表。 Yes, I'm Wang. Take a seat,please.好的,我姓王,请坐。 Mr. Wang , your agent informed us you need 600 tons of 180 cst heavy oil and 200 tons of diesel oil,right?王先生,你的代理通知我们,你们需要600 t 180 cSt的重油和200 t 柴油,对吗? That's exactly what we want.这正是我们要的。 OK. Here is the a pplication f orm. All the specifications are on the form. Please go through it and fill it out.好的,这是申请表,所有规格明细均在里面,请看完后填表。 Well , why is there no sulphur content among specifications?为什么规格中无硫含量? You see , Mr. Wang ,the fuel oil comes from the Gulf Area. Its sulphur content is very low ,so we ignore it.你知道,王先生,这种油产于海湾地区,硫含量非常低,所以我们 忽略了。 Yes, I see. But the harbor officers from the European countries often check the sulphur content in the fuel.是的,我明白,但是欧洲的港口官员经常检查燃油硫含量。 We'll be fined if the content is over 1.5 percent.如果超出 1.5%,我们就得挨罚。 That's the point. If so,I'm sure you'll get the exact sulphur content next time.这才是问题关键,我保证下次提供精确的硫含量。 OK. So much for that. When will your bunker come here?好了,不管它了。你们的 油驳什么时候来? At your convenience. How about tomorrow?看你的方便,明天怎样? OK. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.好吧,明天上午9 时。


船舶英语口语精选 2009生产处内部人员英语培训资料 <<造船英语口语精选>> 船厂生活用语(Life in The Yard) 1( 还习惯吗,Have you got used to life here? ( 完全可以。By all means. 2 3( 小心,当心。Be careful (Take care). 4( 正是这样,对啦。Just so. 5( 好,可以,行。All right. 6( 请休息会儿。Have a rest (break), please. 7( 哦,我明白了。Oh, I see. 8( 给你,接着。Here you are. 9( 您好~见到您很高兴。How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you. 10( 让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,厂长总工;吴 先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr.Lin, our shipyard director; Mr.Wang, our chief engineer. Mr.Wu, director of the hull shop. 11( 欢迎您到我们船厂来~welcome to our shipyard! 12( 请坐~Sit down please. 13( 请喝茶。Please have a cup of tea.

14( 喂,您好吗,(熟人之间)Hi, how are you? 15( 很好,谢谢。您好吗,Fine, thank you, and how are you? 16( 很好,谢谢~Very well, thanks. 17( 我们现在就开始工作好吗,Shall we start our work now? 18( 请这边走。This way, please. 19( 我可以进来吗,May I come in? 20( 请进~Yes, please. 21( 请问您有什么事和我商讨,What business would you like to talk with me about? 22( 船东想在船上做些变化。The ship owner wants to make some changes in the hull. 23( 这样的事,我只能晚些时候回答您。In that case, I need to answer you later. 24( 好的。如果你做出了决定,请尽快告诉我。OK. If you make the decision, please tell me soon. 25( 有一个舱口盖有点问题,我想和你谈谈。There is something wrong with the hatch cover. I would like to discuss it with you. 26( 对不起,我听不懂您讲话,您能说得慢一点吗,I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. Can you speak slowly? 27( 我的意思是我想和您谈一谈舱口盖的问题。I mean I want to talk with you about the hatch cover. 28( 噢,我懂了。到我办公室去详谈。Oh, I see. Let’s go to my office and talk it in detail. 29( 那再好不过了。That couldn’t be bett er.


Lesson Thirty-eight Accident Investigation and Manipulation 事故调查和处理 Dialog A: Fire 对话1:着火 Captain: Chief Cook, would you please tell me the fire in the galley last night? 船长:大厨,你能讲一下昨晚厨房里着火的情况吗?Chief Cook: Yes, sir. It’s all my fault. 大厨:是,先生。都是我的疏忽。 Captain: What’s the exact time, do you remember? 船长:你记得准确的时间吗? Chief Cook: 1800 hours I guess. For I was very busy at that time, I just went out to bring vegetables without shutting off the stove. When I came back, I found the frying pan burning. 大厨:我想是1800时。因为当时很忙,我出去拿蔬菜 就没有关炉火。当我回来时,我发现煎锅着火了。Captain: How did you deal with it? 船长:你是怎么处理的? Chief Cook: I put the blanket on the pan first, and then I switched off the stove and used a fixed foam
