



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

About 100 years ago, one of the founders of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure, wrote that the relationship 1.the sounds we make and the concepts they express are arbitrary(任意的,随意的). Many have long agreed. But now the inherent(内在的) randomness of human language 2.(challenge) by a large new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3.analyzed 100 basic words in 3,700 languages around the world. In short: Certain words tend to contain or omit certain sounds in a significant number of these languages, and the consistency is “stronger than we’d expect by chance.” The team of physicists, linguists, an d computer scientists from the US, Argentina and Europe took a “big data approach” to sixty two percent of the world’s languages. And one of 4.tells the Washington Post.

Among their many findings is 5.the word for nose contains the sound “n” in more tha n 1,400 languages, 6.(range) from “nev” in Icelandic and “hana” in Japanese to “kon” in Sar and “naris” in Spanish. Ditto(同上,同前) the sound “s” in sand. The researchers don’t yet know why, although they’ve ruled out the idea of there 7.(be) one original la nguage. It’s not the first study 8.(suggest) a biological basis for the sounds we appoint to objects ---- something 9.(call) the “bouba/kiki” effect dates back to 1929, suggesting that most humans think the fake word “bouba” sounds like a rounded shape while the fake word “kiki” sounds spiky(带尖刺的).

A separate researcher tells the Telegraph that some words may date back from 10.babies can first say, such as “mama”, but says the study “looked at too few words to make any firm conclusions.”


Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

To many of us, the bilateral symmetry(左右对称)that characterizes the human face and the animal kingdom may be one of the first impressions we get of the world. If you reflect the left half of the face or body in a mirror, you obtain something that closely 11.the right half. Bilateral symmetry is so common that it could 12.be due to chance. If you think of the human body as a collection of some ten thousand trillion molecules, then there are countless ways to combine them into non-symmetrical shapes than into symmetrical ones. Why is it, then, that bilateral symmetry is so common? Given that all life on Earth slowly 13.through natural selection, the fact that we and many animals possess left-right symmetry, not, say, up-down or front-back symmetry, must have somehow 14.certain advantages. But how?

We can understand at least some parts of this natural “engineering” 15.by considering some simple physical principles. First, on the surface of the Earth, the Earth’s gravity introduces a 16.difference between up and down. Animals had to be able to remain stable and to cope with their weight under Earth’s perpetual downward pull. The ability to move further enhanced the difference between top and bottom. On one hand, birds had to handle the aerodynamics of flying, and on the other, be able to handle landing. Land animals had to develop some “mechanical” appendages (in other words, legs) to allow them to 17.themselves efficiently.

Animal locomotion was probably also 18.for the front-back asymmetry. Whether it was a bird, or a fish, having the sensory organs and the mouth in the front could mean the difference between finding lunch or missing it. The digestive and reproductive systems were pushed to the rear. Having eyes, ears, and noses in the front was also 19.for the avoidance of predators, and for the ability to explore an area before actually entering it. Life 20.that are fixed in one place or that move very slowly, such as trees or jellyfish, tend to have a different kind of symmetry, similar to that of a cone(球果) — they produce similar reflections in any mirror passing through their central axis.


Like it or hate it, when Kim Kardashian wears something, people take notice. With the reality TV star wearing secondhand Azzedine Ala?a to Paris fashion week, secondhand Jean

Paul Gaultier to a party and a secondhand 1990s Thierry Mugler gown to an award ceremony, it 21 change is happening. Who would have thought that Kardashian – a woman worth $350m (£270m)– would be making a case for sustainable fashion?

As consumers become increasingly aware of the 22 impact of fashion, they are looking for a more sustainable way to shop. Could 23 secondhand be the answer? Vintage(经典复古风格), it seems, is increasingly 24 . High-end boutique Browns has also just launched the label One Vintage, which uses antique textiles to create new clothes. Octavia Bradford, the womenswear buyer for Browns, says: “25 is the loudest conversation in fashion right now.”

A study shows that, last year, 64% of women were willing to buy pre-owned pieces compared with 45% in 2016 – and 26 , by 2028 13% of the clothes in women’s wardrobes will be secondhand. Fashion circularity, a new term referring to the recycled life of clothes, is 27 to reach $51bn in five years, up from the current $24bn, according to ThredUp’s annual resale report.

Stella McClure, the founder of the online shop The Stellar Boutique, has noticed a

28 . When she opened 20 years ago “there was still a 29 attached. But now (thankfully) The Stellar Boutique is not just acceptable –it’s cool and has completely 30 the fashion trends,” she says.

Aside from an increased 31 of sustainability, vintage fashion fits neatly into the wider mood of the Instagram age, where authenticity and originality – not being seen in the same outfit as anyone else – are 32 . What better ways to stand out than to wear clothes few others are likely to own?

Not 33 to sit back and watch others profit from their vintage items, some luxury labels are relaunching decades-old designs from their own archives. Last year, 34 , Dior brought back its saddle bag because of the attention it was getting in the vintage fashion market. However, for some, buying vintage will never feel quite right. “It’s really not my bag,” says Bates.

There are obvious 35 –sizing isn’t uniform, and, she says: “You have to be so careful to look for holes and rips.”

21.A.suggests B.maintains C.calculates D.advocates 22.A.cultural B.historical C.environmental D.emotional 23.A.distributing B.buying C.controlling D.decreasing

24.A.in fashion B.in effect C.out of date D.under control 25.A.Originality B.Technology C.Profit D.Sustainability 26.A.legally B.appropriately C.likely D.luckily 27.A.required B.projected C.guaranteed D.warned 28.A.symptom B.field C.tradition D.shift 29.A.right B.label C.shame D.price 30.A.broken B.defined C.captured D.challenged 31.A.potential B.awareness C.lack D.power 32.A.reversed B.questioned C.ensured D.valued 33.A.considerate B.content C.stressful D.adventurous 34.A.for instance B.as a result C.by contrast D.in addition 35.A.expectations B.policies C.traps D.reminders


As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly sophisticated, there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat. This danger can be avoided, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell, if we figure out how to turn human values into a programmable code.

Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it's necessary to translate our morals into AI language.

For example, if a robot does chores around the house, you wouldn't want it to put the pet cat in the oven to make dinner for the hungry children. “You would want that robot preloaded with a good set of values,” said Russell.

Some robots are already programmed with basic human values. For example, mobile robots have been programmed to keep a comfortable distance from humans. Obviously there are cultural differences, but if you were talking to another person and they came up close in your personal space, you wouldn't think that's the kind of thing a properly brought-up person would do.

It will be possible to create more sophisticated moral machines, if only we can find a way to set out human values as clear rules.

Robots could also learn values from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior. They are dangerous only if programmers are careless.

The biggest concern with robots going against human values is that human beings fail to do sufficient testing and they've produced a system that will break some kind of taboo(禁忌).

One simple check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with an unusual situation.

If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave, it has the opportunity to stop, send out beeps(嘟嘟声), and ask for directions from a human. If we humans aren't quite sure about a decision, we go and ask somebody else.

The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in moral, and how to create a set of ethical rules. But if we come up with an answer, robots could be good for humanity.

36.What does the author say about the threat of robots?

A.It may constitute a challenge to computer programmers.

B.It accompanies all machinery involving high technology.

C.It can be avoided if human values are translated into their language.

D.It has become an inevitable peril as technology gets more sophisticated.

37.What would we think of a person who invades our personal space according to the author? A.They are aggressive. B.They are outgoing.

C.They are ignorant. D.They are ill-bred.

38.How do robots learn human values?

A.By interacting with humans in everyday life situations.

B.By following the daily routines of civilized human beings.

C.By picking up patterns from massive data on human behavior.

D.By imitating the behavior of property brought-up human beings.

39.What will a well-programmed robot do when facing an unusual situation?

A.Keep a distance from possible dangers. B.Stop to seek advice from a human being. C.Trigger its built-in alarm system at once. D.Do sufficient testing before taking action.

Recalculating the global use of phosphorus(磷), an important fertilizer element of modern agriculture, a team of researchers warns that the world's stocks may soon be in short supply and that overuse in the industrialized world has become a leading cause of the pollution of lakes, rivers and streams.

Writing in the Feb. 14 edition of the journal Environmental Research Letters, Stephen

Carpenter of the University of WisconsinMadison and Elena Bennett of McGill University report that the human use of phosphorus, primarily in the industrialized world, is causing the widespread eutrophication of fresh surface water. What's more, the minable global stocks of phosphorus are concentrated in just a few countries and are in decline, posing the risk of global shortages within the next 20 years.

"There is a finite amount of phosphorus in the world," says Carpenter, one of the world's leading authorities on lakes and streams. "This is a material that's becoming rarer and we need to use it more efficiently."

Phosphorus is an essential element for life. Living organisms, including humans, have small amounts and the element is crucial for driving the energetic processes of cells. In agriculture, phosphorus mined from ancient marine deposits is widely used to boost crop yields. The element also has other industrial uses.

But excess phosphorus from fertilizer that washes from farm fields and suburban lawns into lakes and streams is the primary cause of the algae blooms that destroy freshwater ecosystems out off kilter and degrade water quality. Phosphorus pollution poses a risk to fish and other water life as well as to the animals and humans who depend on clean fresh water. In some instances, excess phosphorus sparks blooms of toxic algae, which pose a direct threat to human and animal life.

"If you have too much phosphorus, you get eutrophication," explains Carpenter of the cycle of excessive plant and algae growth that significantly degrades bodies of fresh water. "Phosphorus stimulates the growth of algae and weeds near shore and some of the algae can contain cyanobacteria(蓝菌), which are toxic. You lose fish. You lose water quality for drinking."

The fertilizer fueled algae blooms themselves amplify the problem as the algae die and release accumulated phosphorus back into the water.

Complicating the problem, says Carpenter, is the fact that excess phosphorus in the environment is a problem primarily in the industrialized world, mainly Europe, North America and parts of Asia. In other parts of the world, notably Africa and Australia, soils are phosphorus poor, creating a stark imbalance. Ironically, soils in places like North America, where fertilizers with phosphorus are most commonly applied, are already loaded with the element.

Bennett and Carpenter argue that agriculture practices to better conserve phosphate within agricultural ecosystems are necessary to avoid the widespread pollution of surface waters.

Phosphorus from parts of the world where the element is abundant, they say, can be moved to phosphorus deficient regions of the world by extracting phosphorus from manure, for example, using manure digesters.

40.The word “eutrophication” (Line 4, Para.2) most probably means __________ . A.pollution B.excess of nutrients

C.increase of algae D.growth of bacteria

41.Which of the following is not correct about the use of phosphorous?

A.It is used in industry.

B.It is used to increase crop yields.

C.It is used to drive the energetic processes of cells.

D.It is used only in small amounts in living organism

42.According to the last paragraph, we learn that ________ .

A.Environmental problems exist only in the industrialized countries.

B.Agriculture practices should conserve phosphate within agricultural ecosystems. C.Phosphorus can be created by using manure digesters.

D.Soils are not short of phosphorus in Africa and Australia.

Recently, a coalition of business and advocacy groups from around Washington gathered to kick off a campaign to enact a carbon pricing program in the capital. Known as the Climate and Community Reinvestment Act of D.C., the plan would place a new tax on all fossil fuels bought or sold, with the hope of ultimately discouraging the use of these polluting energy sources.

The big-picture goal of this campaign is admirable: to address the ever-deepening crisis of humanity-driven climate chaos by dissuading the continued use of coal, oil and gas, the filthy substances rapidly warming our planet. But unfortunately, the approach — one based in a world of financial markets, trading schemes and enticing new public revenue streams — is deeply and inherently flawed. Simply put, carbon pricing is a false solution to climate change and a distraction from real, effective climate solutions we must urgently pursue.

To date, there is scant(不足的) evidence to indicate that carbon taxes lower greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the opposite is true. Recently Food & Water Watch reviewed the British Columbia carbon tax program, often cited by advocates as an example of success. From 2009 (the first full year of the tax) to 2014, emissions from taxed sources grew by 4.3 percent. And in

the seven years after the carbon tax took effect, total gasoline sales increased by 7.37 percent.

Supporters of such plans like to focus on a deceivingly simple notion that increasing the price of a consumer good will automatically reduce its use. But this just isn’t the case when it comes to the purchase of necessities. People must heat their homes in winter, and they must commute to work, regardless of the cost.

Those backing the D.C.carbon pricing plan like to note that revenue from the new tax would go toward investment in clean energy sources. But only 20 percent of the generated funds would be allocated in this manner. The rest would be divvied(分摊) up in tax breaks for businesses and rebates(回扣) for consumers, another factor undercutting the notion that increased costs up front would change consumer behavior in the long run.

Meanwhile, fossil fuel giants such as ExxonMobil are increasingly coming out in support of carbon pricing. This should be cause for alarm for anyone concerned with stamping out the use of the dirty energy sources these corporations profit from. Exxon knows that carbon taxes will do little to change the business-as-usual dependence on oil and gas that it relies on to continue operating and enriching shareholders. Furthermore, corporations such as Exxon rightly view carbon pricing schemes as a means of diverting energy and interest from tougher regulations that might actually encroach on(侵犯) their business plans and bottom lines.

Despite what many well-intentioned activists and community leaders want to believe, there is no convenient, market-friendly solution to our dire climate condition. There is only the hard truth that we must tackle the problem at its source: We must stop using fossil fuels, and soon. The latest science indicates that in order to avoid the worst effects of deepening climate chaos, society must transition completely to clean, renewable energy by 2035.

43.Food &Water Watch found that _______ .

A.carbon taxes could limit greenhouse gas emissions

B.taxing carbon emissions did not reduce pollution

C.carbon emissions grew at a lower rate than gasoline sales

D.British Columbia carbon tax program achieved lasting effect

44.Which of the following is true, according to Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A.Consumers will use less of a good when its price increases.

B.Carbon taxes will benefit the development of clean energy.

C.Increased cost will do little to change the use of necessities.

D.The dependence on fossil fuels will decrease automatically.

45.Fossil fuel giants _________.

A.are expressing dissatisfaction with carbon pricing schemes

B.are reducing their dependence on dirty energy sources

C.view clean renewable energy as their future source of profits

D.see carbon pricing as distraction from tough rules against them

46.The most suitable title for this text would be __________.

A.The Carbon Tax Fallacy(谬论) B.The Climate Change Myth

C.The Call for Clean Energy D.The Causes of Climate Chaos


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

There’s no denying crows are smart. They can remember where food has been hi dden, recognize faces and craft tools. And, according to a new paper in Scientific Reports, some crows can even make those tools from memory. This skill may point to these clever corvids having a sort of culture of their own.

Researchers, led by Sarah Jelbert at the University of Cambridge, worked specifically with New Caledonian crows. 47.But experts haven’t been able to make sure where the crows pick up their skills. A bird in one area can construct the same tool as another bird miles away —but there’s no evidence bird one watched bird two build the gadget in order to copy it. And New Caledonian crows don’t really have a language, either.

48.Jelbert and her team had a hunch(预感) that it was because the birds were building based on the memory of tools the y’d seen.

To test this, the group trained eight crows to place pieces of paper into a pseudo-vending machine (really just a wooden box) to get a treat. 49.Once they learned which sizes were rewarded, Jelbert and her team then gave the feathered participants large cards; the birds could fashion these into the coin sizes they’d picked up on earlier. Importantly, the crows didn’t get any sort of template(模板) when they were working with the big cards. And the birds snipped them into pieces that were similar in size to the coins they’d learned would get them treats.

Given the lack of a template to copy, it seems the crows were able to construct mental images of the coins and use it to replicate a tool. 50.These birds can see something and not

just build it from memory, but potentially make improvements in their designs. “Most importantly,” the authors say in the study, “an improvement made by a crow during its lifetime could become part of the template learnt by subsequent generations, leading to an increase in tool complexity over time.” And this progression is a key component of cultural progression.

Jelbert and her team recognize there’s still work to be done to see if their hypothesis is solid, like testing how long the crows can remember their mental images of the tools.

A.So if they’re not building by imitation or carrying out instructions, how is this knowledge getting passed around?

B.Crafting tool is a kind of culture, which can be passed down from generation to generation by crows.

C.However, the crows o nly got treats when they popped in a paper “coin” of a certain size. D.These birds, native to the islands of New Caledonia east of Australia, are known for their ability to craft tools.

E.Seeing this in action is important because it supports the idea that New Caledonian crows are capable of building — at least when it comes to crafting tools.

F.Jelbert and her team then gave the crows paper to let them cut into proper size.


51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The New Dinner and a Movie

Dinner and a movie was a two-part affair. But increasingly, the two have blended into a single experience, allowing moviegoers to get fries and a beer while they watch the latest superhero blockbuster. Full-service theaters have become a Friday-night pastime as Americans are going to the movies.

Dine-in cinemas are not altogether new. In the late 1980s, brothers Mike and Brian Mc Menamin opened one in Portland, Ore. A decade later, inspired by the Mc Menamins, Tim and Karrie League began pairing trendy beer with hits like The Craft at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin. But in recent years, the trend has expanded from marginal to mainstream. There are now 29 Alamo locations nationwide, from Omaha to El Paso.

Full-service theaters appeal to a broader, more regionally diverse customer base. At Movie Tavern in Roswel, Ga., for instance, you can order popcorn seafood and a “Jumbo Jar” cocktail

while watching Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. AMC, the biggest U.S. movie-theater company, launched Dine-In, where meals can be ordered with the push of a button.

The rise in full-service moviegoing coincides with declining ticket sales across the industry more broadly. North American movie attendance in 2017 dropped to what appears to be a 27-year low. The downward tendency is the continuation of a 15-year trend. As younger audiences choose to consume content on their smartphones and the popularity of streaming rises dramatically, it’s no wonder that theater owners are seeking creative ways to stimulate customers off their couches. It’s working: despite a 2% decline in movie attendance over four years, AMC Dine-In achieved 4% growth in just two.

Full-service theaters are not without complaints. Despite servers’ attempts to quiet down, many find them distracting when serving food. Besides, prices tend to get steeper once varieties of food enter the mix.

But for those with the funds, the full-service theater offers reason enough to quit online movies.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets. 52.只要你有耐心,你总能在夜市淘到一些便宜货。(pick up)

53.让他宽慰的是,在房价飙升之前,他在同事的建议下买了一套公寓。(advice) 54.这个品牌的手机各方面都比所有其他的手机好,只是价格实在太贵了。(superior) 55.鉴于这个计划风险太大,虽然设计者的分析听上去很合理,政府最终没有采纳。(risky)


56.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions. 越来越多的城市居民养宠物, 宠物给人带来欢乐,但是经常会有扰民或伤人的事件发生。有人提议禁止城市居民养宠物。请谈谈你的看法。



2.is being challenged






8.to suggest





1.考查介词。句意:大约100年前,现代语言学的奠基人之一费迪南德·德·索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure)写道,我们发出的声音和它们表达的概念之间的关系是任意的。此处指两者之间,用介词between“两者之间”,故填between。

2.考查现在进行时态的被动语态。句意:但现在,人类语言固有的随机性正受到《美国国家科学院院刊》上发表的一项大型新研究的挑战,这项研究分析了全球3700种语言中的100个基本词汇。此处句子主语the inherent randomness of human language和challenge之间是一种被动关系,是单数第三人称形式,再根据句中的now,可知句子用一般现在进行时态的被动语态,故填is being challenged。


4.考查人称代词宾格。句意:其中一人告诉《华盛顿邮报》。此处one of ____4____是句子主语,而介词of后面应该用代词宾格指代上句提到的physicists, linguists, and computer scientists,故填them。




7.考查there be句型的非谓语形式。句意:尽管他们已经排除了存在一种原始语言的想法,研究人员还不知道为什么。介词of后面用动名词作宾语,是there be的动名词形式there being,故填being。

8.考查动词不定式作后置定语。句意:这并不是第一个提出我们赋予物体声音的生物学基础的研究。固定搭配:the +序数词 … to do sth.“做某事的第一个……”。此处是动词不定式作后置定语,起修饰限制作用。故填to suggest。


















14.考查情态动词must have done的用法。句意:既然地球上所有的生命都是通过自然选择慢慢进化而来的,那么我们和许多动物都具有左右对称的特征,而不是上下对称或前后对称,这一事实一定在某种程度上赋予了我们某些优势。此处是must have done结构,表示对过去事情有把握的肯定推测,grant“授予”是动词,用过去分词的形式granted,符合句意。故选E。




17.考查动词不定式。句意:陆地动物必须发展出一些“机械”附属物(换句话说,腿)来让它们有效地移动自己。固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。此处


18.考查固定词组。句意:动物的运动也可能是造成前后不对称的原因。固定词组:be responsible for“对…负责”。符合句意。故选I。


be c rucial for“对…是重要的”。符合句意。故选H。

20.考查名词复数。句意:固定在一个地方或移动非常缓慢的生命形式,如树木或水母,往往有一种不同的对称性,类似于圆锥体——它们在通过其中轴的任何镜子中产生类似的反射。此处form“形式”,是名词,和life forms一起构成句子的主语,故选G。

















这是一篇说明文。文章介绍的是,不管你喜不喜欢,当金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)穿某件衣服时,人们都会注意到。随着消费者越来越意识到时尚对环境的影响,他们正在寻找一种更可持续的购物方式。复古风似乎越来越流行。可持续发展是目前时尚界最响亮的话题。21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位真人秀明星在巴黎时装周上穿的是二手的阿瑟丁?阿拉

亚(Azzedine Alaia),在派对上穿的是二手的让?保罗?高缇耶(Jean Paul Gaultier),在颁奖典礼上穿的是二手的上世纪90年代的蒂埃里?穆勒(Thierry Mugler)礼服,这一切都表明,变化正在发生。A. suggests建议,表明;B. maintains维持,继续;C. calculates 计算;D. advocates 主张,提倡。根据Who would have thought that Kardashian – a woman worth $350m (£270m)–would be making a case for sustainable fashion?“谁会想到卡戴珊——一个身价3.5亿美元(2.7

亿英镑)的女人——会为可持续时尚做贡献呢?”可知,这“表明”变化在发生。故选A。22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着消费者越来越意识到时尚对环境的影响,他们正在寻找一种更可持续的购物方式。A. cultural文化的;B. historical历史的;C. environmental 环境的;D. emotional情绪的。根据impact of fashion和they are looking for a more sustainable way to shop.可知,时尚对“环境”产生了影响。故选C。

23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:买二手货能解决问题吗? A. distributing干扰;B. buying 买;

C. controlling控制;

D. decreasing减少。根据上句的looking for a more sustainable way to shop 和secondhand可知,这里指“买”二手货。故选B。

24.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:复古风似乎越来越流行。A. in fashion流行;B. in effect 实际上,生效;C. out of date过期;D. under control处于控制之下。根据Vintage和increasingly 以及第5空后的the loudest conversation in fashion right now.可知,此处指“流行”。故选A。25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Browns的女装采购员奥克塔维亚?布拉德福德(Octavia Bradford)表示:“可持续发展是目前时尚界最响亮的话题。”A. Originality创意,独创性;B. Technology 技术,工艺;C. Profit利益,利润;D. Sustainability持续性。根据本段第一句中they are looking for a more sustainable way to shop可知,这里指的是“持续性”。故选D。

26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一项研究显示,去年,64%的女性愿意购买二手衣服,而2021年的这一比例为45%。到2028年,女性衣橱里可能会有13%的衣服是二手的。A. legally 合法地;B. appropriately适当地;C. likely很可能地;D. luckily幸运地。根据compared with 45% in 2016和by 2028 13% of the clothes in women’s wardrobes will be secondhand.可知,这里表示一种推测,表示“很可能”。故选C。

27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据ThredUp的年度转售报告,“时装循环”(Fashion circularity)是一个新术语,指服装的循环使用寿命。该词预计将在5年内达到510亿美元,高于目前的240亿美元。A. required需要,要求;B. projected规划,预测;C. guaranteed保证,提供;

D. warned警告。根据空后的to reach $51bn in five years可知,这是一种“预测”。故选B。28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:网上商店the Stellar Boutique的创始人斯特拉?麦克卢尔(Stella McClure)注意到了这种转变。A. symptom 症状;B. field领域;C. tradition传统;D. shift 转移,改变。根据上文Fashion circularity, a new term referring to the recycled life of clothes,可知,此处指注意到了“变化”。故选D。

29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:仍然有一种羞愧感。A. right正确,右边;B. label标签;C. shame 羞愧;D. price价格。根据When she opened 20 years ago 和But now (thankfully) The Stellar

Boutique is not just acceptable –it’s cool and has completely _____10_____ the fashion trends可知,这里表示Stella McClure感到“羞愧”。故选C。

30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它很酷,完全抓住了时尚潮流。A. broken折断,损坏;B. defined 下定义,明确;C. captured俘虏,捕获;D. challenged挑战。根据not just acceptable –it’s cool and has completely _____10_____ the fashion trends,可知,此处指“抓住了”时尚潮流。故选C。31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了越来越多的人开始意识到可持续性之外,vintage fashion 还很好地融入了Instagram时代更广泛的氛围,在这个时代,真实性和原创性——不像其他人那样穿着同一套衣服——受到重视。A. potential潜能;B. awareness意识;C. lack缺乏;

D. power力量,能力。根据Aside from an increased 和vintage fashion fits neatly into the wider mood of the Instagram age可知,这里指越来越多的人开始“意识到”。故选B。

32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:除了越来越多的人开始意识到可持续性之外,vintage fashion 还很好地融入了Instagram时代更广泛的氛围,在这个时代,真实性和原创性——不像其他人那样穿着同一套衣服——受到重视。A. reversed颠倒;B. questioned询问;C. ensured确保;

D. valued重视,评价,估价。此处指受到“重视”。故选D。

33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一些奢侈品牌不满足于坐视他人从自己的古董产品中获利,它们正在重新推出自己收藏了几十年的设计。A. considerate体贴的;B. content满意的;C. stressful有压力的;D. adventurous充满冒险的。根据watch others profit from their vintage items 可知,此处指“不满足”。故选B。

34.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:例如,去年迪奥(Dior)重新推出了马鞍包,因为它在古着市场上受到了关注。A. for instance例如;B. as a result 结果;C. by contrast相比之下;

D. in addition另外,此外。此处在举例子,故选A。

35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这里有明显的陷阱——大小不一,而且,她说:“你必须非常小心地寻找洞和裂口。”A. expectations期望;B. policies政策;C. traps补漏,陷阱;D. reminders 提醒物。根据You have to be so careful to look for holes and rips.可知,这里有明显的陷阱。故选C项。







36.细节理解题。根据第一段中的This danger can be avoided, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell, if we figure ou t how to turn human values into a programmable code.“根据计算机科学教授斯图尔特·罗素的说法,如果我们能把人类的价值观转化为可编程的代码,这种危险是可以避免的。可知,前一句机器人有可能会成为一种威胁,这一句提到如果我们可以想出能够把人类价值转换成计算机编码,这种威胁就可以避免。C项是原文的同义转换。故选C。

37.细节理解题。由invades our personal space可知第四段最后Obviously there are cultural differences, but if you were talking to another person and they came up close in your personal space, you wouldn't think that's the kind of thing a properly brought-up person would do.“显然,文化差异是存在的,但如果你和另一个人谈话,而他们就在你的私人空间里,你不会认为这是一个教养良好的人会做的事情。”可知,ill-bred意为“粗野的,没有教养的”。可知,根据作者的观点,我们会认为一个侵犯我们私人空间的人是粗野的。故选D。

38.细节理解题。题目中问到“机器人如何学习人类价值观”根据第六段Robots could also learn values from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior.“机器人也可以通过从人类行为的大量数据中绘制模式来学习价值观。”可知,机器人从大量的人类行为数据中学习人类的价值观。故选C。

39.细节理解题。题干问“当面临一个非常规情景时,具有良好编程的机器人会怎么办”。根据倒数第二段中If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave, it has the opportunity to stop, send out beeps(嘟嘟声), and ask for directions from a human.“如果机器人不确定动物是否适合使用微波炉,它有机会停下来,发出哔哔声,并向人类寻求求建议。”可知,一个程序良好的机器人在面对不寻常的情况时会停下来向别人寻求建议。故选B。



文,切不可望文生义。本题第3小题,题目中问到“机器人如何学习人类价值观”根据第六段Robots could also learn va lues from drawing patterns from large sets of data on human behavior.“机器人也可以通过从人类行为的大量数据中绘制模式来学习价值。”可知,机器人从大量的人类行为数据中学习人类的价值观。故选C。






40.词义猜测题。根据第五段But excess phosphorus from fertilizer that washes from farm fields and suburban lawns into lakes and streams is the primary cause of the algae blooms that destroy freshwater ecosystems out off kilter and degrade water quality但化肥中的过量磷会从农田和郊区草坪冲刷到湖泊和溪流中,这是藻类大量繁殖的主要原因,这些水藻破坏了淡水生态系统的平衡并降低了水质。由此推知,划线词的意思是“富营养作用”。故选B。

41.细节理解题。根据第四段Living organisms, including humans, have small amounts and the element is crucial for driving the energetic processes of cells. In agriculture, phosphorus mined from ancient marine deposits is widely used to boost crop yields. The element also has other industrial uses.“包括人类在内的生物体内都含有少量的这种元素,而这种元素对细胞的能量活动起着至关重要的作用。在农业方面,从古代海洋沉积物中开采的磷被广泛用于提高农作物产量。这种元素还有其他工业用途。”由此可知,“磷只在生物体中少量使用”这一说法是不正确的。故选D。

42.细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句Bennett and Carpenter argue that agriculture practices to better conserve phosphate within agricultural ecosystems are necessary to avoid the widespread pollution of surface waters.“班尼特和卡彭特认为,为了避免地表水的广泛污染,有必要在农业生态系统中更好地保存磷酸盐。”可知,根据最后一段,我们了解到农业实践应该在农业生态系统中保护磷酸盐。故选B。



八年级英语下册第二次周考试卷 一. 听力(20分,每小题1分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. How do they like when they hear the news? A B C ( )2. Which picture is the speaker talking about? A B C ( )3. How is the movie makes people feel? A B C ( )4. What is Jane doing? A B C ( )5. What are they doing? A B C Ⅱ. 听句子及问题,选择正确答语。每个句子及问题读一遍。(5分) ( )6. A. No, it doesn’t look nice.

B. Thank you. C. It’s very expensive. ( )7. A. On the road. B. In the cinema. C. In the shop. ( )8. A. 7:50. B. 7:15. C. 7:05. ( )9. A. Beijing Opera. B. Movies. C. Both Beijing Opera and movies. ( )10. A. Because he failed the English exam. B. Because he fell off his bike and was badly hurt. C. Because he missed his mother very much. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. Why does Xiao Li feel happy? A. Because he will be able to go skiing this afternoon. B. Because he will have the movie ticket. C. Because his best friend will come. ( )12. What happened to Tom’s brother? A. He was ill. B. He got hurt. C. He fell off his bike. ( )13. What does Lucy worry about? A. Speaking in front of many people. B. Seeing the doctor. C. Becoming fatter and fatter. ( )14. What will Mary do when unhappy things happen to her?


湖北省荆州市公安县车胤中学2018届高三英语9月月考试题 (满分150 时间 120分钟) 第一部分 30分 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Chase’s hobby? A. Skiing. B. Writing. C. Collecting stamps. 2. How much will the woman pay? A. $39. B. $35. C. $31. 3. How does the man probably feel? A. Hopeful. B. Confused. C. Annoyed. 4. What is the topic of the conversation? A. The lighting of the restaurant. B. The friendly staff. C. A romantic meal. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She only buys things on sale. B. Even the special price is too high. C. The man should have gotten a better deal. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is the woman talking to the man? A. She wants to see the doctor. B. She needs to email her doctor. C. She needs help logging in to the patient website. 7. How often does the woman seem to go to the clinic? A. Every year. B. Every two years. C. Every four years. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why does the woman look up the weather report?


2017-1018学年度六年级下册英语周考 测试卷(3.24) 一.按要求写单词(10*1) 1. Big (比较级)_______________ 2. 2. foot (复数)_____________ 3. Heavier(原级) ______________ 4. 4. funny (比较级)___________ 5. Thin (最高级)___________ 6. 6. clean (过去式)____________ 7. Sleep (过去式)____________ 8. stayed (原形)____________ 9.Wash (过去式)_____________ 10. break (过去式)_____________ 二.英汉互译(10*1) 1. 多高wash my clothes 2. 多重children’s show 2. 多大Drink tea 3. 多大尺码Taller than me 4. 看电视stay at home 5. 上周末 6. 感冒 三.用所给词的适当形式填空(10*1) 1. John _________(be) taller than you. 2. The book is _____(heavy) than yours. 3. What size ______(be) your shoes? 4. How ________(tall) are you ? 5. I am the ______(thin) one in our class. 6. I ________(read ) a book yesterday. 7. He _______(watch) TV last week . 8. ________(do) you play football last Monday? 9. I ________(see) a film last Sunday. 10. What _________(do) Mike do last week? 四.单项选择(10*2) ()1.You are___than Li Lei, she is only 1.5 meters. A. Heavier B. taller C. tall ( ) 2.Tom is __________-than Li Ming. A. taller 4 cm B. 4 cm taller C. 4 taller cm ()3.What size _______ your feet? A. Am B. is C. are ( )4.You are __than me, but my hands are smaller than __ A.Thin, you B.thinner, yours C. thinner, your ( ) 5.----How ____are you ? -----I am 1.6 meters. A. Tall B. taller C. tallest ( ) 6.Who is _____, Zhang Peng or Mike? A. Short B.shorter C. shortest ( ) 7.What ____you ___last Sunday? A. Do, did B. did, do C. do , do ( ) 8.Tom _____his clothes and watched TV yesterday. A. Wash B. washed C. washes ( ) 9._____you ______basketball on Sunday morning? A. Did,play B. did played C. do ,played ( ) 10._____was your weekend? 学校班级姓名考号________________ ……………………..…….密………………封………………线………………内……………………不…………………要………..…..……答…………………题…………………….……


绝密★启用前 2018年下半年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 姓名_______________ 准考证号_____________________ 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。全卷共12页,选择题部分1至9页,非选择题部分10至12页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 考生注意: 1. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试题卷和答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 答题时,请按照答题纸上“注意事项”的要求,在答题纸相应的位置上规范作答在本试题卷上的作答一律无效。 选择题部分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt A. £. B. £. C.£. 答案是C 1. What does the woman want to do A. Watch TV. B. Go for a walk. C. Access the Internet.

2. Why would the woman like to have a Chinese name A. She is taking a Chinese class. B. She will be working in China. C. She has made some Chinese friends. 3. What are the speakers talking about A. A travel plan. B. An exam result. C. A sports game. 4. What has the man been doing A. Writing something. B. Repairing his pen. C. Shopping. 5. What does John suggest the woman do A. Meet his friend. B. Ask Harry for help. C. Go to the airport with him. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where are the speakers A. In a bank. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant. 7. How much does the man need to pay A. $68. B. $136. C. $204. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Whose birthday is it A. Sarah’s B. Michael’s. C. Rebecca's. 9. When will the birthday party begin A. At 6:15. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 10. What does the man want to know


初二英语试题及答案 注:1. 卷面分3分。 一、听力测试(25分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后选出每个句子的正确应答语。(10分) 1. A.I visited my aunt. B.Thank you. C.It was great. 2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, she didn’t. C.Yes, he did. 3. A.A watch. B. Talk shows. C.Reading. 4. A.My school uniform. B.At school. C. On Monday. 5. A. It takes 25 minutes. B. How about you? C.I take a train. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. Yes, I do. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn’t. 7. A.In the classroom. B. In the garden. C.In the hallway. 8. A.He went to the beach. B. He visited her aunt. C. He was at home. 9. A.She takes a train. B.She drives a car. C.She takes a ship. 10. A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A.He takes the subway. B. He takes the bus. C.He gets to school on foot. 12. A. An hour. B.Two hours. C.Around thirty minutes. 13. A.She rides a bike. B.She takes a taxi. C.She walks. 14. A. Around two hours. B.Around five minutes. C.About twenty-five minutes. 15. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. (四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。 16. Jeff had a great vacation. 17. Jeff went across the USA by train. 18. The weather was cool in big cities. 19. Jeff loved the houses in the mountains very much. 20. The houses in the mountains were big and quiet. 二、单项填空(20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。 21. It’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.


高三上学期英语9月份月考试卷 一、完形填空 1. 完形填空 I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 1I was still in the middle of it. This habit2first my mom, then my friends, and 3even my own daughter. Often my 4wouldn’t be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 5as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, “Dad, please just read a book one6at a lime like everyone else!” At times I didn’t 7this bad habit to just books either. I also tried to skip ahead in my own life and 8out what to do months and even years from now 9enjoying each day at present. Although I knew that the 10of my life wasn’t done yet and that I had many pages 11to go. I still couldn’t control my burning desire to write the12of it half-way through. Time and again, I would 13jump ahead and try to solve every potential problem before it happened. Life,14, doesn’t work like that. It loves to 15us, and you never know what new problems, changes or opportunities each new day will 16. Recently when I found myself living in the 17again, I felt a voice that gently told me I needed to “live one day at a time.” When I heard those words, I 18, turned the book of my life back to the19page, and thanked God for today.


西华一高高一年级上学期周考 英语试题 第一部分: 听力(1—20题)(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A From family-friendly beach holidays to city breaks, you won’t need to break the bank on these trips this summer. Tenerife, Canary Islands What to do.You won’t be stuck trying to find activities that the whole family can enjoy in Tenerife. Parents can enjoy themselves as kids make the most of the sandy beaches and blue waters —everybody is happy. Where to stay. The four-star, all-inclusive Fanabe Costa Sur Hotel is a short walk from Playa del Duqe and Playa Fanabe. Its central location means it’s conveniently right by the area’s bars, shops and restaurants. Cyprus What to do: Whether you like to go out and explore local cultures or prefer to sit on a beach with a good book, Cyprus serves a wide range of holiday types. There are famous historic sites —such as UNESCO World Heritage Site “The Tomb of Kings” as well as mountains that are ideal for picturesque beaches, with many hotels offering water sports and other fun activities. Where to stay: The five-star Great Beach Hotel overlooks the Mediterranean sea, and is just a few minutes’ walk from the town. Goa, India What to do.Looking to venture somewhere a bit different this summer? Goa has everything you could want for an unforgettable


2021届辽宁省高三新高考上学期11月联合调研考试 英语试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ (含答案) 考生注意: 1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。 3.本卷命题范围:高考范围。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37. 5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Volunteer English Teachers Needed in San Jose Our volunteer TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) internships(实习)are a great way to start your new work. You can get valuable experience in your teaching while you are helping others! You can also get the chance to travel around your host city or town and have a better understanding of the local people and culture. Our volunteer TEFL internships are open to anyone who has studied in our TEFL courses and meets our need for each job chance. If you have taken a class in other TEFL courses and hold a recognized certificate (over 120 hours of study), your applications for our internships will also be accepted. How much you should pay for your internship? Only $ 350 for each person! What is included in the pay? ?Airport pick up from San Jose Juan Santamaria International Airport. ?4-day training before working, including living and meals.


铜仁一中高一年级防疫期间“停课不停学”网上第二次周考 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What will the woman do next? A.Go back home. B.Cancel her flight. C.Call her parents for help. 2.What is the woman doing? A.Making dinner. B.Reading a book. C.Washing the clothes. 3.Which part of the English exam did Jack fail to finish? A.The reading section. B.The writing section. C.The listening section. 4.How many meals does the woman have per day? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 5.Where might the speakers be? A.On a hill. B.On a boat. C.On a rooftop. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How much do people usually tip in Europe? A.10%of the total bill. B.15%of the total bill. C.20%of the total bill. 7.What does the woman think of the US tipping standard? A.It’s crazy. B.It’s quite low. C.It’s acceptable. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.What do we know about Gary’s apartment? A.The rent is too high. B.It’s too far from his office.


教学资料范本 2020高三英语9月月考试卷1-精装版 编辑:__________________ 时间:__________________ 【精选】20xx最新高三英语9月月考试卷1

英语试题 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷由第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)组成,共12页;答题卡共2页.满分150分,考试时间120分钟. 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的班级、姓名、考号、任 课老师用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写清楚,同时用2B铅笔将考号准确 填涂在“考号”栏目内. 2. 选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,如 需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后再选涂其它答案;非选择题用0.5毫米黑 色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题区域书写的答案无效; 在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效. 3. 考试结束后将答题卡收回. 第I卷(共100分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上. 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍. 1. What are the speakers doing? A. Waiting for Sue’s husband. B. Waiting for Sue. C. Talking about time. 2. What does the woman prefer? A. Foreign languages. B. Geography. C. Science. 3. Why are the speakers waiting in line?


高三英语周考试卷 一:听力(略) 二:单项选择: 21.My father has _____large collection of ______musical instruments . A. the ; the B. a ; the C. the; / D a ; / 22. ______everyone would like to find an apartment near the university ,there are very few vacant apartments in the area . A. Since B. When C. After D. Until 23. Although zorbing(悠波球) was invented in 2000,it has only recently begun to _______. A. get off B. set off C. jump off D.take off 24. He is really ____whom we can admire for his courage . A. somebody B. anybody C. something D. everybody 25. -----I’d like to see the latest movie very much ,but I have no money on me . ----That’s OK .This is my _______. A.offer B. turn C. service D. treat 26.Guangzhou Karaoke businesses are reported ____a 12-yuan royalty fee for each Karaoke room ,a charge set by the china Audio and Video Association . A. to refuse B. refusing C. to have refused D.having refused 27.----I’ll come to pick you at 11:30 tomorrow . ----But by then my class will have been over and I______my lunch at home A. am to have B. will have C. will be having D. will have had 28.---Can you answer the question for me , Mr Smith ? ---Oh, ______! A.you’ve got it B. help yourself C. you’ve got me there D. you made it 29. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering. A. that B. whose C. those D. what 30. I’ve tried several times, but the car just _______. A. doesn’t st art B. wouldn’t start C. won’t start D. didn’t start 31. Please tell me _____ you would like to have your coffee ―black or white? A. what B. where C. when D. how 32. People like beautiful things, but the beautiful________ not always the useful. A. is B. are C. was D. were 33. ―How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel? ―Well, ________. I will look up the word if it affects my understanding. A. never B. very often C. it depends D. if possible 34. ―Could you _______ take care of my dog while I’m away? ―Sure. Leav e it to me, please. A. perhaps B. possibly C. maybe D. probably 35.―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______?


学年(上)高三年级11月周测 (英语) (命题人:高三英语组考试时间:60分钟满分:100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。 A A Language Programme for Teenagers Welcome to Teenagers Abroad! We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning. Our Courses Regardless of your choice of course, you’ll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively. Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, with focused teaching in all 4 skill areas----speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, with 10 additional lessons per week, guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below). Evaluation Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. The majority of them take on online language test before starting their programme. However, if this is not available, students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course. Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class. Arrivals and Transfer Our programme offers the full package—students are take good care of from the start through to the very end. They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort. We require the student’s full details at least 4 weeks in advance. Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert). Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually. We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allergies and/ or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food. 21. When can a student attend Standard Course? A. 13:00-14:30 Monday. B. 9:00-12:30 Tuesday C. 13:00-14:30 Friday. D. 9:00-12:30 Saturday. 22. Before starting their programme, students are expected to _____. A. take a language test B. have an online interview C. prepare learning materials D. report their language levels 23. Which of the following may require an extra payment? A. Cooked dinner. B. Mealtime dessert. C. Packed lunch. D. Special diet. B Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone, not in features but in footsteps. As he grows you also age, and your ambitions become more unachievable. You begin to realize that your boy, in your footsteps, could probably accomplish what you hoped for. But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions.


时间:2013年11月16日 温馨提醒:机读卡请从第21题开始涂,注意题号。 第I卷(选择题,共85分) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — We'd like you to come to our party this evening, if possible. —_______,but I can't come back until tomorrow. A. Agree with you B. Forget it C. I'm afraid not D. I'm sorry 22.The 110th celebration is _______special holiday for most members in our campus when_______ whole students and teachers will get together to enjoy ourselves. A. the; the B. a; the C. a; a D. the; a 23. John Smith, a successful instructor in education, is planning to purchase a _______ car. A. small Japanese black B. small black Japanese C. black small Japanese D. Japanese small black 24. The boss _______ department Mr Li worked ten years ago looks down upon women. A. in which B. in that C. in whose D. whose 25.When we heard Zhou Libo’s wonderful jokes, we couldn’t_______ our laughter. A. contain B. stand C. help D. continue 26. —I thought Gao Hui and her friend were in the cinema seeing the film “Let The Bullets Fly” yesterday evening. — Impossible. She _______ TV with me in my home then. A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. was watching 27. Exciting as its special effects are _______, there is too much violence in the film. A. to watch B. to be watched C. watching D. being watched 28. All the Harry Potter books by Rowling, a poor single mother _______ in Edinburgh, _______ all over the world. A. lives; are well sold B. lives; sell good C. living; sell well D. living; are well sold 29. At the foot of the Alps where there is a lake named Schwansee _______ . A. the New Swan Stone Castle stands B. stands the New Swan Stone Castle C. does the New Swan Stone Castle stand D. there the New Swan Stone Castle stands 30.—Where did you get such a beautiful skirt? —It was at the department store _______we used to shop. A. that B. which C. where D. there 31. —I’m worried about the sports meeting. Do you think it will be postponed? —If it _______ rain tomorrow, but actually the weather forecast has removed our worry.
