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试卷说明:1. 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,考试用时120分钟,共150分。

2. 试卷Ⅱ的答案必须写在答题卷上,否则不予得分。

3. 凡使用铅笔、涂改液者该大题均不得分。




从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. Butterflies ______ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.

A. carry on

B. feed on

C. put on

D. focus on

2. In the 1970s, people preferred the percussion breaks in the songs, _______ people

could dance at block parties.

A. when

B. where

C. which

D. that

3. Why don’t you _______ your old house, since you can’t afford a new one in the city?

A. stick to

B. look forward to

C. refer to

D. hold on to

4. In Jilin province, lots of villages were swallowed by the flood, and panic

_______ people there.

A. seized

B. surprised

C. influenced

D. drove

5. On hearing the fire alarm, everybody _______ calm at first. Don’t be nervous.

A. kept

B. to keep

C. keep

D. keeps

6. --Judy was caught cheating in the examination last week.

--_____! She is a good student all the time. Are you kidding?

A. Don’t mention it

B. Come on

C. No wonder

D. I’m not sure

7. In the middle 19th century, for a lack of food, many children lived a miserable

life, _______

they suffered a lot tens of years later.

A. with which

B. from which

C. to which

D. by which

8. I felt the punishment was not justified, and I _______ a second chance.

A. wish

B. accept

C. receive

D. deserve

9. Sorry, I can’t go to play with you. There are so many problems _______.

A. remaining to settle

B. remained to settle

C. remaining to be settled

D. remained to be settled

10. _______ these words _______ the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.

A. Hardly had he spoken; when

B. Hardly did he speak; when

C. No sooner did he speak; than

D. No sooner had he spoken; when




I was completely los t and so annoyed. I couldn’t 11 standing around for ten- minute waiting for the bus. Hoping it would be going in the 12 direction, without any other choice I 13 walking.

Feeling a little worried, I walked quickly, almost 14 . I followed the main road, 15 taking a quick look at the bus stops I passed navigation (导向). I 16 the rush- hour traffic, my legs hurt with the 17 . I needed to walk off my 18 .

When I came to a landmark that looked somewhat 19 I eventually breathed a sigh of 20 . No bus had passed me, so I’d made a(n) 21 decision to walk.

I looked at my watch. It was so late. I scanned the street up and down. I 22 to catch another bus, but from which side of the street I 23 . I moved up the street, runnning between shoppers, trying 24 to get my direction.

“Excuse me,” I said breathlessly to a silver-haired old lady. “Do you know which direction the hospital is in?”

“It’s that way,” she said sweetly, 25 up the road. “If you get the number

62 from this bus stop, it will take you right there.”

I can’t quite explain why this simple act of kindness 26 me so much. Was

it because I was so 27 , and she seemed like a kind soul in a sea of strangers? Was it because she 28 me more than I had ever asked for? Or, because the simplest acts really do 29 our hearts the most?

People sometimes do the very things that 30 our whole day. Keep it up!

11. A. afford B. admit C. bear D. learn

12. A. opposite B. right C. same D. different

13. A. started B. tried C. stopped D. kept

14. A. leaving B. climbing C. running D. moving

15. A. hardly B. regularly C. simply D. surely

16. A. went through B. looked through C. came through D. rushed throught

17. A. effort B. accident C. pleasure D. wound

18. A. pride B. panic C. anger D. surprise

19. A. famous B. stange C. special D. familiar

20. A. worry B. reret C. pain D. relief

21. A. important B. good C. difficult D. quick

22. A. needed B. refused C. happened D. failed

23. A. decided B. considered C. wondered D. realized

24. A. unluckily B. curiously C. pleasantly D. unsuccessfully

25. A. walking B. pointing C. going D. moving
