高中英语 Unit1 (Project 第1部分)教案 译林牛津版必

高中英语 Unit1 (Project 第1部分)教案 译林牛津版必
高中英语 Unit1 (Project 第1部分)教案 译林牛津版必

英语必修4译林牛津Unit 1精品学案(Project 第1部分)



单元:Unit 1 Advertising

板块:Project 1



Teaching aims:

1. Get to learn and use English by doing a project.

2. Try to fully understand the two reading materi als and master the language items.

3. Learn to get enough information about ad campaigns from the reading materials.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Show students two groups of pictures and draw their attention to the importance of ads.


Step 2 Listen and understand

Have students listen to the recording of the handout and answer the three questions to get a general idea of this reading material.


Step 3 Reading for detailed information

Ask students to read the material again carefully to get detailed information about developing an ad campaign.


Step 4 Main idea of each paragraph

Ask students to work in pairs to focus on each paragraph of the handout and then report the main idea of each paragraph to the class.



Step 5 Read and understand

Ask students to read the sample ad campaign and answer three questions in order to get a general idea.


Step 6 Language focuses

Ask students t o list the useful words and expressions from the two reading materilas in notebook and make preparations for writing an handout.


Step 7 Homework

Ask students to finish Part B1 and B2 on P91 to be more familiar with the meaning and the usage of the words and phrases learnt in this section.






My grandparents actively practi ced simplicity. They both grew up in very large families and lived through the Great Depression. Saving for a rainy day and avoiding superfluous consuming was their life philosophy. Rather than seeking fulfillment through material items, they chose to spend really simple life together, with family and in nature.

Over the years my grandparents noticed dramatic changes in their community. Every year more farmland was destroyed to build larger and larger homes. As real estate prices rose, many of their neighbors sold their little homes and land. Soon theirs were the only small house on the block, surrounded by a sea of mansions. My grandparents built and lived m a small 600-square-foot cottage for most of their adult lives. Lots of family members encouraged my grandparents to expand their little old house. But they didn’t want a bigger place. They loved their l ittle house and were content with what they had.

My grandparents avoided consumptive(浪费的)lifestyle by painting and repairing the house themselves. They lived in a small home, but had a huge garden. They loved gardening and planting because it reduced their grocery bill, improved their health, and gave them an excuse to be outside. They also reused and recycled everything. For instance, they had driven the same car for over 15 years and didn’t buy a new one until the old Chevrolet was worn out.

Through their example I le arned an important lesson: It is possible to live a simple and fulfilli ng life. My grandparents taught me that living a simple life isn’t about self-deprivation. Instead, i t’s about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to pursue your dreams. Becoming debt free, downsizing to a smaller home, and going car-lite(减少用车频率)are a few ways to take control of your life and start pursuing your dreams.

26.The underlined word superfluous in Paragraph I is closest in meaning to _____.

A. meaningful

B. unnecessary

C. increasing

D. troublesome


【解析】词义猜测题。A。有意义的;B。不必要的,多余的;C。渐增的;D。麻烦的,令人苦恼的。由“My grandparents avoided consumptive(浪费的)lifestyle”可知他们避免不必要的消费。故选B。

27.The community’s changes include all the following EXCEPT that _____

A. the people built more farmland

B. the neighbors sold their houses

C. the houses became more expensive

D. many mansions were built there


【解析】细节理解题。由“Every year more farmland was destroyed to build larger and larger homes.”可知社区的改变不包括建造更多的农田。故选A。

28.The author’s grandparents didn’t expand their house because _____.

A. they didn’t accept the family members'1 advice

B. their house were really new and large enough


牛津高中英语模块三第三单元 Back to the past Reading Lost civilizations 江苏省沭阳如东中学张长波 一、教学内容分析: 本案例是牛津高中英语教材模块三第三单元阅读的处理。本节课是以听、说、读为主的课文理解教学课。通过听课文,阅读课文和问答对文章进行初步理解。再通过列表比较和复述课文进一步理解课文,最后通过讨论深化主题。希望通过该课的学习,学生能够对失落的文明有所了解,并对人类文明的发展及如何保护人类的文化遗产做出探讨,同时培养学生综合运用语言及听说读写的能力。 二、学生学情分析: 教学对象为江苏高中一年级下学期学生,学生思维活跃。高一学生已经初步实现从具体思维向抽象思维的过渡。他们不满足于教科书上的知识,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。他们喜欢富有个性化的教学设计,喜欢接受新鲜事物。他们的学习自主性很强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体。同时他们还主动扩展和利用学习资源(如电脑操作知识),从多渠道获取信息,并能用所获得的信息进行清楚有条理的表达。因此,设计这节课时,我充分考虑到学生的主体性,充分创造机会让学生拥有成功的喜悦,在和谐的氛围中探究并完成教学任务,让学生主动学习,学有所获。 三、设计思想(Thoughts on the design) Reading主要是了解人类历史上两个非常著名的失落的文明——意大利的庞贝合中国的楼兰。本文是一片旅行日志,笔者根据自己对教材的理解,紧扣单元主题设计了导入、头脑风暴、快速阅读、仔细阅读、巩固复述、拓展讨论、作业七个环节。在设计教学的过程中,运用复习‘文明’的定义作为本课的导入,激发学生兴趣。设计的任务由浅入深,环环相扣,并注重各教学环节的衔接。在整个教学过程始终贯穿人类文明这条主线,用图片的形式呈现Part B的词汇——温故知新,设计输入,激活记忆,借助于已学过的词汇建立起新旧知识之间的联系。以话题为中心重组教材。词汇教学离不开语境,设计一个中心话题,使教材为当堂的词汇教学所用,而不是按部就班地教教材。以词汇为主线展开教学,以运用为目标挖掘生成,创造机会促使学生运用目标词汇进行表达。以快乐为原则寓教于乐,促进学生在学习过程中的积极体验,从而达到多维的目标。


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 1 School life 板块:Word Power Thoughts on the design: Word power 该板块设计的目的是引导学生通过以下两种方法学习词汇:一是让学生学习与单元话题相关的分类词汇;二是通过构词法学习单词。该板块设计了图表、对话或短文,用以拓展学生对于话题相关的词语的认识和运用。 Teaching aims: 1.to cultivate students’ ability of reading a map; 2.to develop and practice the way of asking and giving the way; 3.students are expected to gain a more general ideal of school facilities; 4.to enlarge students vocabulary and try to guide them to use correctly. Teaching procedures: Step One—Don’t tell me its name (Guessing game) [设计说明] Describe the features of the given place, but not to mention its name, let others guess)(通过此步骤使得学生充分熟悉有关school facilities的名词,为教学的下一步展开做好铺垫,同时激发学生学习热情。 e.g. (提示词) *Book stand;E-books;Abundant reading materials (library) *Pieces of equipment for specific purposes, as building up one’s body (gym) *Yummy Yummy (Picture Presentation) (students’ canteen) *Second Home (dormitory) Step Two—Drawing a map & looking for destination [设计说明] 学生按照老师口头所给路线画图,可请1-2名学生上黑板演示,充分锻炼学生“ASK AND GIVE THE WAY”的能力。 如: Now, everybody, welcome to our starting point. Try to imagine that you are right now facing the North. I’d like you to go along this road, which is called the Zhong Shan Road, and then turn left; you will find a city library on your right side … Step Three—Welcome our spokesman (Role-acting & Recommendation) [设计说明]角色扮演,学生按自我意愿在所给选择范围内挑选一名运动明星,并向大家推荐由其代言的某一运动项目。


龙文教育学科老师个性化教案 教师学生姓名上课日期 学科英语年级教材版本人教版 学案主题必修一unit 1 课时数量 (全程或具体时间) 第(1)课时授课时段 教学目标 教学内容 必修一unit 1个性化学习问题解决必修一unit 1 教学重点、 难点难点:词汇重点:词汇 教学过程一.词汇 单词用法讲解 survey 调查.测验 add up 合计 upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬.忽视 have got to 不得不;必须 concern(使)担比:涉及;关系到n 担心;关注.(利害)关系be concerned about 关心.挂念 walk the dog 遇狗 loose adj 松的.松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家)

German 德国的.德国人的.德语的. Nazi 纳粹党人adj 纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下.登记 series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的.一系列;一套outdoors在户外.在野外 spellbind 迷住;疑惑 purpose 故意 in order to 为了 dusk 黄昏傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n 雷,雷声 entire adj 整个的;完全的,全部的entirely ady. 完全地.全然地.整个地Power能力.力量.权力。 Face to face 面对面地 Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布 dusty adj 积满灰尘的 no longer /not …any longer 不再partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历


《牛津高中英语》模块一Unit 1 一、教学课型: 阅读理解课 二、教材分析 1. 教材内容 见《牛津高中英语》模块一Unit 1 (Pages 2—3) 2. 教材处理 该篇文章主要介绍中国学生Wei Hua 在英国为期一年的留学经历。通过她对英国中学生活的描述,学生对英国中学生的日常学习情况增加一定的了解。但由于内容较多以及中英文化方 面的差异,在阅读过程中,对于刚进入高中学习的学生,他们中有些在完全理解课文方面有 一定的困难。 针对上述分析,本课在设计时先以录像导入的形式,增加学生对文章有关的感性知识;然后采用略读的方法,培养学生阅读整体观念;在随后的细节处理时,采取寻读、细节理解、正 误辨别的方法;在难点处理时,通过启发诱导,教师归纳的措施加以突破。整个教学过程的设计由浅入深,由感悟、理解、分析、归纳、总结到运用,从而完成从阅读输入到理解输出 的学习过程,达到培养学生阅读能力的目标。 3. 教学目标 ①知识目标: 通过该文的学习,帮助学生对英国中学作息时间、班级规模、所学科目、课程内容、学习负担等学校生活有具体的了解。 ②能力目标: 通过寻找文章大意及具体细节问题的答案,培养学生快速归纳文章主旨和获取 文章细节的阅读能力。 ③文化目标: 通过对课文的学习、有助于学生对英国中学生活全面而深入的理解,体会中英两国之间由于国情、历史的不同所产生的文化教育的差异。 4. 教学的重点和难点 ①重点:对英国中学生活的具体了解和中英两国之间的文化教育的差异。 ②难点:如何培养学生运用略读(skimming )和寻读(scanning)阅读技巧来快速获取主旨 大意和细节信息的能力。 三、教学设计 1. 总体思路 本课的教学设计采用:阅读前(导入)、阅读中(略读,寻读,辨别正误,比较, 分组活动, 巩固)、阅读后(运用)三部分。 2. 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in T: Now, Class, we have learned English since the primary school, and we have known some Britis h language, culture, history and some other British lives. But do you know what the British schoo l life is really like? If you want to know the answer, please watch the following video.


高中英语教学案例分析 王萃 摘要:在英语课程的改革中,方方面面都在提倡自主、合作与探究的学习方式,让学生成为学习的主人,使学生的主体意识、能动性和创造性不断得到发展。因此,培养学生自主、合作与探究的学习方式,是新课程改革中一个迫切的任务。 关键词:合作与探究英语阅读 一、前言 《牛津高中英语》Project是课堂教学的延伸和拓展,属于探究式学习,要求学生走出课堂,与同学分工合作。学生认真阅读所提供的阅读材料,从中得到启发,然后通过讨论、调查、专访、文献检索等活动,完成一个特定的课题。模块六第一单元Project的课题是Putting on a play.包括两个舞台剧:The invisible bench和The important papers。现将设计思路及教后反思与诸君交流,探讨如何让学生真正走出课堂、参与课堂、享受课堂。让学生参与“备课”,备教材在本课的两个舞台剧中,台词较为简单,但旁白和转场很多,人物表情和心理活动非常丰富。所以,同学们主要应在揣摩人物内心方面做足功课。 二、学生分析 根据《新课标》精神,高中英语教学要在培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上培养综合语言运用能力。因此,高二学年的英语教学将继续培养和优化学生的

英语学习方法,使他们能通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。同时,还要关注学生的情感,提高他们的人文素养,提高他们独立思考和判断能力,培养创新精神和实践能力,增进跨文化理解和交际能力。 三、教材分析 该板块引导学生进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外;它基于阅读文本,又超越文本信息。根据《课标》,《课标》在“使用建议”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的灵活性和开放性。在不违背科学性原则的前提下,教材应该具有一定的弹性和伸缩性。允许使用者根据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充。因此,此教学设计着眼于把project 部分根据现在所教生源的实际情况,设当地化繁为简,让学生自己从两片喜剧中选择一个小组合作表演。并根据英语课程标准倡导的“任务型”教学途径,设计相应的教学任务,同时在整节课的教学设计中强化每个任务环节的有机结合。对学生而言,随着不同任务的转化,对他们构成了不同层次的挑战,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力,从而达到学以致用的目的。三是注重在语言材料的有效输入的基础上进行语言的有效输出。坚持先读(课文,课外阅读材料),后说(合作探讨如何表演),再演(完成舞台表演)的教学三部曲。 四、教学策略 该板块引导学生进行谈那就行学习,把英语听说读写的训练从课


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子? 这里dream表示心目中最理想的. 如dream team (梦之队)。


Unit 1 Friendship (Listening and Writing) 整体设计 从容说课 This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. We can first review some important language points the students learned in the last several periods. The emphasis of this period should be laid on listeni ng and writing. They are expansion of the topic of the text. Listening is about Lisa’s problem of making a friend with a boy. She asks Miss Wang for advice. Through listening and exercise, students learn how to give advice and the skill of giving advice. And also let them think about the problem of boy’s making friends with girls and girls with boys. And then design a task to ask students to give advice according to the different problems to develop their ability to solve the problems. All of these lay the foundation for the next task—writing. In this way, students feel that they have information to put out. And writing makes for the improvement of students’ writing ability, strengthening their comprehension of friendship. The two letters, listening and letter writing prepare students to further talk about friendship, especially the problems with misunderstanding, and unfriendliness, thus strengthen students’ abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems. 教学重点 Develop the students’ listening ability, especially listening to and understanding key words and speakers’ intention and attitude. 教学难点 Develop the students’ writing skills by reading, discussing and writing a letter to give advice on friendship. 教学方法 1. Task-based teaching and learning 2. Cooperative learning 3. Discussion 教具准备 A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools 三维目标 Knowledge aims: 1. Get the students to learn the following new words and useful expressions. teenager get along with fall in love advice questionnaire quiz editor communicate habit 2. Get the students to know how to write a letter to offer advice. Ability aims: 1. Enable the students to listen and understand the listening materials. 2. Enable the students to write a letter to offer advice on friendship. Emotional aims: Develop and improve the students’ ability to help others solve such problems as how to communicate with people, how to make and be good friends, and so on. 教学过程 设计方案(一) →Step 1 Revision


教学设计 学科高中英语 课题 教材 设计者 学校 Unit3 Celebrations Lesson1 Festivals( A reading lesson)

Ⅰ Analysis of Teaching Material This is the first lesson of this unit. Before this class, the teacher have taught the students vocabulary in Warm-up and Lesson 1. The reading passage titled FESTIVALS briefly describes three traditional festivals of China. Such a topic is closely related to students’life, thus it is very easy to arouse their interest in learning this lesson. The text covers 3 sections. Teacher should encourage students to skim for the general idea for each section, and scan for further understanding, because this lesson introduces a lot of useful new words and expressions which are only used for festivals. In order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. After reading, students are required to do the exercises in the each step to see how much they have understood the reading passage. The teacher can let them work in pairs or in groups to find the answers cooperatively, and then check their answers with the whole class. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to talk about festivals in their own words at the end of the class. Moreover, homework is very important for an effective class. So the students are assigned to write a composition about Spring Festival, based on what they have learned in this lesson. Ⅱ Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases. 2.Let the student learn about 3 traditional Festivals of China. 3.Train the students’ skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text. 4.Encourage students to learn more about Chinese festivals and cultivate their love to our traditional culture. Ⅲ Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the following words and phrases: be celebrated by, is said to do, be made with, fall on, the first lunar month, burn down, in many shapes and sizes, mark, many different kinds of, special food 2.Enable the students to understand the three Chinese traditional festivals, Mid-Autumn


《牛津初中英语》教学案例五年级:初二学科:英语学校:南京市第六十六中学执教:杨慧 8B Unit 4 Reading (I) Teaching aims: To read an e-mail about hosting a charity show. To improve the students’ reading skills. To make students know more about charities and what they can do for the charities. Teaching aids: Multimedia and a tape-recorder Teaching methods: 1.Imagine. 2. Listen and read. 3. Ask and answer. 4.Summarize 5.Free talk Important and difficult points: To know how to raise money for charities To learn about Ricky’s feelings before, while and after the show Emotional attitudes: By learning more about charities in China and what people do for the charities, let the students know our world is full of love. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-reading 1.What is a charity?(showing this definition on the screen) It’s a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or homeless, or any organization which is set up to provide money or help in this way. 策略:通过老师对charity这个词的最原味的英文解释,一下子把学生的思维跟本单元的话题拉近,也可以让学生从定义上初步获得一些我们可以为慈善事业做些什么的信息。 2.Revise the names of some charities in China and what these charities do.(showing them some pictures of these organizations) Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas. Save China’s Tiger s protects tigers and other big cats in China. Spring Bud Project helps poor young girls return to school. Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China. 3.Present some news.

高中英语 Unit1 (Project 第1部分)教案 译林牛津版必

英语必修4译林牛津Unit 1精品学案(Project 第1部分) 教材:牛津高中英语(模块四)高一下学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案 单元:Unit 1 Advertising 板块:Project 1 课堂设计指导思想: 本堂课的宗旨是引导学生在“做中学”,通过让学生完成一份围绕本单元主题的传单来学习和使用英语。引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究的方式发展自己的语言综合能力。 Teaching aims: 1. Get to learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Try to fully understand the two reading materi als and master the language items. 3. Learn to get enough information about ad campaigns from the reading materials. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Show students two groups of pictures and draw their attention to the importance of ads. 【设计说明】通过两组图片将学生的思绪带回本单元主题,重新引发他们对广告的注意力,以旧带新,自然导入本课。 Step 2 Listen and understand Have students listen to the recording of the handout and answer the three questions to get a general idea of this reading material. 【设计说明】帮助学生通过听录音和回答问题初步理解阅读材料,并获取有关广告宣传单的基本信息。 Step 3 Reading for detailed information Ask students to read the material again carefully to get detailed information about developing an ad campaign. 【设计说明】引导学生通过详读阅读材料,更好地理解文章并了解策划广告宣传活动的主要环节。 Step 4 Main idea of each paragraph Ask students to work in pairs to focus on each paragraph of the handout and then report the main idea of each paragraph to the class. 【设计说明】启发学生注意文章的段落结构,复习说明文的阅读策略,为策划宣传单做准备,


牛津高中英语教学设计与反思 单元:Unit1 School life 板块:Reading 靖江市第一高级中学闻震宇 一·教学设计指导思想: 第一模块第一单元的主题为“School Life”, 整个单元内容的设计围绕高中生活这一主题展开,本节课的教学内容为“Reading School life in the UK”课文理解。在这一部分,学生将学会skimming &scanning阅读策略,并对英国学生的在校生活有所了解。 Teaching aims: 1. to read a magazine article about school life in the UK; 2. to learn to apply two basic reading skills: skimming and scanning; 3. to learn some expressions about school life; 4. to get some information about what school life in the UK is really like. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Play the song of ‘High School Life’ and show students’ photos. Can you guess the name of the song? What can you think of when we talk about school life? Now we are going to read a magazine article which is written by Wei Hua, an exchange student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there. Let’s first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word. Step2 reading Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. 1. Reading strategy-scanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly. Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2. 2. Reading strategy-Skimming We skim a text when we want to get a general idea of what it is about. Apply skimming to find the key sentences of the paragraph. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph. Part1: School hours: 1. Was she happy with the school hours? ______________ 2. School in Britain _______ around 9 am and __________ about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins before 8a.m. We believe that ___________早起的鸟儿有虫吃。


牛津高中英语教学设计 教材:牛津高中英语(模块三)高一下学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案 单元:Unit 2 Language 板块:Project(第一课时) 作者:孙小朵 教案背景:新课改背景下,素质教育的真谛:创新与合作,着重于孩子能力的培养,鼓励在创新中成长。本课时的设计为Project的第一课时,主要是侧重于文本的处理,同时也把文章的重点短语一并完成,学生在课前做好充分的预习准备。对于Project的文本,我们在实际操作中达成了这样的认识:文本是用以阅读的,但是不同于Reading的阅读,Project的文本阅读不是单单以获取信息、了解文本为目的的,它的存在是以阅读为基础,为下一课时的图册文本设计提供信息与蓝本,本文主要是讲述了中国汉字的发展历程:汉字的出现.象形字.会意字.形声字.以及简化字。 Teaching aims: 1.Let the students know the development of Chinese characters. 2.Let students know the formation of Chinese characters. 3.Learn to explain the process of the Chinese character Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Ask students a question "Can you recognise these Chinese characters?"and Show the students some pictures about developing process of the Chinese characters and introduce the topic “The development of Chinese characters”. 【设计说明】作为文本阅读的导入,首先要找一些关于课文的图片来挑动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习热情,自然而然地引至主题。 Step 2 Skimming Skim the text and think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into,then match the main idea with each part: A The origin of Chinese characters. B Simplified Chinese characters. C. Brief introduction of Chinese characters. D. Form and development of Chinese characters. para.1 C Para.2A Para.3-4 D Para.5 B 【设计说明】通过快速阅读掌握文本的结构划分,对于文本实现整体性的粗线条把握,在文本划分基础上概括每部分的总体大意。 Step 3 Reread the text and answer the following questions Part1

人教版-必修一-U1-friendship- reading教学设计

《教学设计》基本格式 英语学科高一英语备课组组员(签名): 一、教学内容(课题) Unit 1 Friendship 二、本课在教材中的地位和作用★★ 1.所在的课程模块:Module one 2.对课标的理解与把握 英语的新课程标准是根据语言学习的规律和义务教育阶段学生的发展需求,从语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五方面设计课程总目标和分级目标的。这五个方面相互联系,相辅相成,使英语课程既重视学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,也注重优化学习过程,引导学生形成有效的学习策略和一定的文化意识,培养积极向上的情感态度和价值观。 3.教学内容深度分析 “友谊”自古就是人们的永恒话题之一,本单元的中心话题就是“友谊”,该单元几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。

Warming up部分通过一个问卷调查的形式,让学生对于日常生活中朋友之间可能发生的真实问题以及如何解决这些问题有所了解。 Pre-reading部分设计了三个问题,一方面引导学生对“友谊”和“朋友”这两个概念进行思索;另一方面让学生知道友谊不仅仅存在于人与人之间,日记之类的东西也可以成为人们的朋友。 Reading节选了《安妮日记》的一部分,全部内容可分为四大部分: 1.谈论有关朋友的事情; 2.简单介绍安妮的一些情况; 3.为什么安妮把日记当作自己最好的朋友; 4.赏析部分《安妮日记》。 Comprehending部分主要是对课文的细节进行了解,共设计了4种形式的练习。第一部分是连句的形式;第二部分是回答问题的形式;第三、四部分是展开想象。 Learning about Language分两部分: 一是巩固文中的词汇,共设计了四个题型: 1. 对单词的英英解释; 2. 用第一题以及Warming up中的一些单词和短语完成短文; 3. 用Warming up和Reading词的正确形式完成句


牛津高中英语教学案例 ------M3,U3,Reading: Lost Civilizations 引言 近几年来,高中英语教学改革在逐步的加快和深入。新课程的实施、新教材的使用、新教法的提倡、以及改变“死读书,读死书”的问题,让学生自主学习等,已成为广大高中教师普遍关注的教学热点。国家教育部颁发的《英语课程标准》倡导采用“任务型教学”的途径,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,逐步达到教学目标规定的要求。因此,在设计教学的过程中,如何才能体现新的课程理念、培养学生的思维能力、激发学生的学习热情,就成为高中英语教学中教师所面临的一个重要的必须解决的问题。 下面以笔者的一节课为例,对教师在这一节课所设计的过程进行案例分析,阐述在新的课程标准下,如何才能让课堂焕发“新课程、新理念”的光彩。 教学背景 教学对象是高一学生,英语基础知识和听说读写技能都处于一般水平,部分学生对英语学习兴趣不浓。因此,通过让他们积极参与实践、学习和使用英语,调动他们学习英语的兴趣,是本学期英语学习的主要目标。 教材分析 本课是高一必修第三模块里的unit3, back to the past 中的阅读课lost civilizations 这一主题。由于在welcome to the unit 部分,学生已经获取了一部分关于历史文明的内容,因此在学习此部分内容时,学生就比较容易能接受。本部分内容的学习,主要是通过图片和视频,让学生了解庞贝古城、楼兰王国,并比较它们之间的区别。通过分析和讨论,让学生在理解历史的基础上,明白保护历史遗迹的重要性,并能从自身作起,铭记历史,捍卫历史。但由于此部分内容中出现的时间、地点等生僻词过多,因此,在课前,我教他们读了一下,让他们能自行阅读课文,这样在学习课文时,就容易理解。 教学目标
