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6.To get promoted, I must _____ my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs.
A.take afterB.take toC.take inD.take on
试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语take after长得像,性格类似于,效仿;take to喜欢上,沉溺于;take in吸收,理解,欺骗,收养;take on雇佣,呈现;句意:为了被提拔,我要消防我的同事们,他们工作非常努力。根据句意可知take after意为“效仿”,符合上下文含义。
3.97.—I was told that you had your stomach examined last week?
—Yes. But I hope that I shall never again have to ________ such unpleasant experience.
A.undergo B.undertake C.undercharge D.underline
A.deposited B.delivered
C.deduced D.defined
考查动词辨析。A. deposited存放;B. delivered递送;C. deduced推导;D. defined使明确。句意:在中国有很多网上购物的支付方式,当订单交付,你可以选择现金,POS或支票支付货物。结合句意可知答案为B。
16.We ______ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.
7.These rules ________ new members only.
A.are applied toB.apply for
C.apply toD.are applied for
试题分析:考查动词短语。短语apply to sb for sth向某人申请某物;apply to适用...;句意:这些规则只适用于新成员。根据句意可知C项正确。
A.makes out B.makes into C.makes up D.makes for
考查动词词组。A. makes out明白,理解;B. makes into制成;C. makes up由----组成,编造;D. makes for有助于。句意:——许多乐观的青少年把他们的个性归功于他们外向的父母。——它是有意义的。我们都知道,一个快乐的父母造就了一个快乐的孩子。故选D。
A.extends B.declines
C.swells D.varies
考查动词词义辨析。A. extends扩大;B. declines下降;C. swells膨胀;D. varies改变。句意:随着全球人口的膨胀和自然资源的减少,我们许多人都对后代面临的挑战感到担忧。根据“the earth’s natural resources decrease”判断此处表示“人口的膨胀”,故C项正确。
考查形容词辨析。A. suspected被怀疑的;B. accused被控告的;C. arrested被逮捕的;D. charged带电的。be charged with sth.意为“关于……被控告”。句意:两个男人被控告偷了财物,这让父母极为担忧。故选D。
A.set aboutB.set upC.set outD.set down
此处set about开始做. . .,后接名词、动名词;set up建立;set out开始做. . .,后接不定式;set down写下,记下。根据to paint可知选set out。句意:那天我们开始粉刷整个房子但只完成了前面的部分。
9.Whenever I ______an interesting article online, I will share it with friends on WeChat.
A.figure outB.put forward
C.get acrossD.come across
12.Despite the heavy snow outside yesterday, everybody in the company ________ their daily tasks as usual.
A.brought about B.worried about C.cared about D.went about
A.keep withB.stay with
C.meet withD.live with
live with和put up with类似,在此意为“忍受”。句意:在现代社会,人们尽管过着舒适的生活,但他们还得学会忍受各种各样的压力。
5.The two men were______ with receiving stolen property, which would probably result in their imprisonment.
10.Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population _______ and the earth’s natural resources decrease.
考查动词词组。A. brought about带来;B. worried about担忧;C. cared about关心;D. went about四处走动。句意:尽管昨天外面下了一场大雪,公司里的每个人还是照常工作。结合句意可知答案为D。
13.There are many online shopping payment methods in China, and you can choose, when the order is _____, cash, POS or checks, to pay for the goods.
2.-----It’s a pity that Nelson Mandela passed away.
------ But he will __________ in the memories of people worldwide.
A.live on B.stay on C.go on D.put on
11.His food ______, the man had to come out of his hiding place.
A.run outB.was run out
C.running ouBaidu NhomakorabeaD.using up
考查动词短语和现在分词的独立主格结构。句意:食物快吃完了,那人不得不从藏身之处出来。动词短语:run out“用完,耗尽”,相当于不及物动词;use up“用完,耗尽”,相当于及物动词。分析句子结构,这里既不是并列句也不是从句,此处His food和run out之间是主动关系,是现在分词的独立主格结构,如果用use up,则必须用过去分词used up的形式。故选C。
8.He had been struggling for many years and finally ________ his fantasies.
A.lived upB.lived on
C.lived throughD.lived out
试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语live up快乐生活;live on继续存在;live through经历;live out过着...的生活;live out his fantasies过着梦想的生活。句意:他努力了很多年,终于过着他梦想的生活了。根据句意可知D正确。
【解析】考查动词辨析。A. undergo经历;B. undertake承担,保证;C. undercharge充电不足;D. underline强调,在下面划线。上句:我听说你上星期检查过胃了?下句:是的。但我希望我永远不会再遭遇到这种不愉快的经历。故选A。
4.In modern times,people have to learn toall kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一名能源部官员表示,该国所有的核电站都经过了检查,能够承受自然灾害。A. arranged安排;B. appreciated感激;C. inspected检查;D. performed执行,表演。结合句意故选C。
考查动词辨析。句意:这种植物的外表很像草,所以学生们很难区分它们。A. reflects反射;B. instructs命令;C. resembles类似;D. shapes使…成形,根据题意,故选C。
15.Why ______________ to go abroad to study, when there are so many good universities at home?
14.This kind of plant ______ grass in appearance , so it’s difficult for the students to tell them.
A.reflects B.instructs
C.resembles D.shapes
17.An energy ministry official says all of the country’s nuclear plants have been________ and are capable of standing natural disasters.
1.Many optimistic teenagers owe their personalities to their outgoing parents.
It makes sense. As we all know, a happy parent ________ a happy child.
考查动词短语辨析。句意:每当我在网上遇到有趣的文章时,我会与微信上的朋友分享。A. figure out找出;B. put forward提出;C. get across跨越;D. come across偶然遇到。分享文章通常是先遇到好文章再分享,没必要特意找好文来分享,所以A错,B、C选项明显和句意不搭,故选D。