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Unit 2 Working the land

Warming Up and Reading

Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1)words and expressions:sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather than

2)important sentences;

3)knowledge of the topic:to learn sth. About Yuan Longping and his great achievement

Ability aims:

1)To do some reading to further develop Ss’ reading abilities like skimming, scanning and summarizing etc.

2) To help develop Ss’ good reading habits.

Emotional aims:

1)To help ss have a better understanding of the great value of the scientific research done by Dr Yuan Longping.

2)To cultivate ss’ sense of sympathy and humanism.

3)To get them to learn some noble character from Dr Y uan.

Teaching key points:

1)To get ss to read the text and learn something about the scientist, his great achievements and his personality.

2) To improve ss’ reading skills.

Teaching difficult points:

1)How to help develop their ability of analyzing some difficult sentences.

2)How to help them to form a good habit of reading.

3)How to improve their ability of outlining the main idea of the whole text or each paragraph. Teaching method:

Task-based language teaching and discussion

Teaching aids:

Stude nts” learning paper, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead –in

1.Students’ presentation

Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon.

Who knows food on a tray, Due to their toiling day.

Ask Ss what the poem is about.

2. Show the pictures of people who are planting rice and ask some students to introduce the way of growing rice.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Q: What kind of crop can produce more rice and who invented it?

Step 3 Reading

1. Skimming

Task1: Listen to the tape and match the main idea with each paragraph.

Para.1 A. DrYuan’s dreams.

Para.2 B. Dr Y uan’s attitude towards life.

Para.3 C. Dr Y uan’s education and his study on agriculture.

Para.4 D. Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new kind of rice.

E. DrYuan’s appearance and his achievements.

Para.1-E Para.2-C Para.3-B Para.4-A

2. Scanning

Task2: Choose the best answer to each question according to the text.

(1). According to the text, in 1950, Chinese farmers could produce about __C___ million tons of rice.

A. 26




(2). What does the word “battle” refer to in Para.2 ? B

A. The low rice output.

B. Ridding the world of hunger.

C. Fighting against farming.

D. The freedom to do research

(3). It can be inferred (推断) from the text that C .

A. Yuan cares about money and being famous.

B. Yuan is interested in playing the piano.

C. Yuan’s rice is grown in many countries.

D. Spending money on himself means very little to Dr Yuan.

3.Careful reading

The passage tells us that the great achievements Yuan Longping made in his research on hybrid rice , his noble personalities and his dreams.

Step 5 Homework

1. According to the resume, write a passage about Yuan Longping using 5 sentences.

2.Fill in the blank

Yuan Longping is one of China’s most famous 1 (science).Born in 1930, DrYuan graduated 2 Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.At that time, hunger was 3 disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. Since then, 4 (find) ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. In 1974, he invented Super hybrid rice and 5
