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Multiple 1

1. The keyboard, mouse, mon itor, and system un it are:

hardware output devices storage devices software

2. Programs that coord in ate computer resources, provide an in terface, and run applicati ons are known as:

applicati on programs storage systems operat ing systems utility programs

3. A browser is an example of a:

basic applicati on specialized program system

applicati on utility program

4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great process ing speeds and data storage.

mai nframe media cen ter 5. The smallest type of microcomputer:

n etbook han dheld midra nge n etbook

midra nge tablet PC

6. RAM is a type of:

computer memory n etwork sec on dary storage

7. Uni ike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs eve n after electrical power to

the computer system has bee n turned off.

primary RAM ROM sec on dary

8. The type of file created by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.

database docume nt prese ntati on worksheet 9. The cha nge in conn ectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift many

computer activities from a user ' s computer to computers on the In ternet.

cloud computi ng high defi niti on n etwork USB

10. The largest n etwork in the world is [the]:

Facbeook Internet Web USB

Multiple 2

1. The n etwork that conn ects computers all over the world.

CERN In ternet LAN Web

2. The rules for excha nging data betwee n computers.

DSL protocols Web WWW

3. Clie nt-based e-mail acco unts require this special program to be in stalled on your computer.

e-mail clie nt hyperli nk Java utility

4. Commun ities of in dividuals who share a com mon in terest typically create


clie nts groups pages profiles

5. E-mail that does not require an e-mail program in stalled on a user's computer is known as:

blog podcast Webmail utility

6. A very well-k nown microblog.

Lin ked In MySpace Twitter Wikipedia

7. These programs continually look for new information and update search services ' database programs.

filters IM spiders wikis

8. A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engin es, orga

ni zes their resp on ses, elim in ates duplicate resp on ses, orders hits, and the n provides an edited list.

directory search ISP

metasearch engine specialized search engine

9. This is the Internet s equivale nt to traditi onal cash.

digital cash e-commerce icash Internet dollars

10. Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially con figured servers on the In ter net. This is called:

dow nl oadi ng filteri ng bloggi ng uploadi ng

Multiple 3

1. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to han dle the

majority of tech ni cal details.

applicati on gen eral purpose system utility

2. A recta ngular area that can contain a docume nt, program, or message.

dialog box form frame wi ndow

3. Programs that create text-based docume nts.

DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors

4. Programs that orga ni ze, an alyze, and graph nu meric data such as budgets and finan cial reports.

DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors

5. In a spreadsheet, the in tersecti on of a row and colu mn creates a:

cell formula fun cti on label

6. A collect ion of related data that is the electr onic equivale nt of a file cab in et.

cell database docume nt table

7. A database tool that will quickly rearrange a table ' s records according to a

selected field.

filter sort spreadsheet word processor

8. Programs that comb ine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually in teresti ng prese ntati ons.

5. Special programs used to create multimedia prese ntati ons.

desktop publishi ng programs Flash editors

image editors multimedia authori ng programs

DBMS prese ntati on graphics spreadsheet word processor
