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( )1.Look at_____ picture. In it we can see______ small boat on the river.

A. a, a

B. the, the

C. the, a

D. a, the

( )2.Here are your new trousers. Please_______.

A. look it after

B. look after it

C. look them after

D. look after them ( )3.The purse is______. It's not______.

A. my, his

B. hers, his

C. her, mine

D. mine, her

( )4.This is Mr. Huang's watch. Please ______.

A. give them to him

B. give him them

C. give it to him

D. give him it

( )5.Do you know the girl over there? She _______a red dress today.

A. puts on

B. have

C. is in

D. takes off

( )6."_____in your Chinese book?" "A photo of my twin sister."

A. Who's

B. What's

C. Where's

D. How's

( )7.Mike's schoolbag is _____the floor_____ his desk.

A. on, in

B. on, under

C. beside, near

D. behind, over

( )8.It's already(已经) midnight. It's time_____, I think.

A. to go to bed

B. go to bed

C. for the bed

D. for to bed ( )9."Oh,your kites are very nice.""_______."

A. That's right

B. It's nice

C. Yes, you are right

D. Thank you ( )10.Jim,with Tom, Bill and Lu Ming_____ there in the tree house.

A. are sitting B .is sitting C. are up D. is up

( )14."Do you have a sweater like this?" "Yes, I have_____."

A. one

B. a one

C. red one

D. it

( )15.Hello,Jack________.

A. Here's a flower from you

B. Here's a flower of you

C. Here are two flowers for you

D. Here has a flower for you



_____ _____ are _____ _____ _____ now.


The old man _____ _____ _____is Joy's_____.


Miss Gao asks_____ _____ _____ _____the twins.


_____ you _____that it's his_____ _____?


_____ _____ _____ _____now?


________. _____ _____help you.


There are too_____ _____in the park. Mrs. King_____ _____her______.



1.How many sheeps can you see on the hill over there?_______

2.The computer is old, and its keyboard is new._______

3.Is the TV in your home color or black or white?________

4.Your shoes are very nice, and his is very nice, too._______

5.I don't think it's time to go her home._______

6."Which bike is under the big tree?" "Mike's."_______

7."Aren't Lucy and Lily in different class?" "Yes, they are."_______

8.Your coat is in the bed. Please put it on._______

9.You can see a desk, a chair and a clock in the picture.

And what can you see in it?______

10.Mr.and Mrs. Brown want live in China very much._______


I work in a small shop(商店). It's near an English 1. Every day the students come to 2 things. In the morning, I get up 3 six, and then I have breakfast. I go to 4 by bike. I get to the shop at about six fifty. The shop 5 at seven. We sell(卖) things 6 food and drink(食品和饮料). We have school things, too, so there 7 often many people in our shop 8 morning to evening. I have 9 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed(关闭).We all go home 10 supper.

( )1. A. hill B. house C. school D. river

( )2.A.buy B. sell C. take D. want

( )3.A.on B. in C. at D. from

( )4.A.school B. bed C. class D. work

( )5.A.opens B. open C. is opening D. is open

( )6.A.with B. like C. for D. about

( )7.A.are B. have C. see D. come

( )8.A.in B. on C. at D. from

( )9.A.supper B. breakfast C. tea D. lunch

( )10.A.to B. at C. with D. for



Han Mei: Excuse me, Jim. What's the time, please?

Jim: It's five fifteen.

Han Mei: Oh, it's late. I must go and see Miss Gao.

Jim: How is Miss Gao? She isn't at school today.

Han Mei: She isn't well today.

Jim: Oh, you have many nice flowers. You can give flowers to Miss Gao.

Han Mei: Yes, you're right. Will you go with me, Jim?

Jim: Sorry, Han Mei. My parents are at work.

I must look after my child Bruno. He is ill.

Han Mei: Your child? Do you have a child?

Jim: Oh, no. It's my dog. I must go now. Bye!

Han Mei: Ah, Jim. You are very funny. Bye!


( )1.Han Mei will ______.

A. go home

B. play games

C. go to school

D. see Miss Gao
