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Baidu Nhomakorabea
National Forest Park of Rizhao coastal
WanPingkou Square
This is WanPingkouSquare. Everyone will see it if you come to RiZhao and watch the sea. Wanpingkou means that ten thousand boats arrive at the port safely. The sand shore is 4 kilometers long, with wide beach, mild wave, and fine sand. It is a good place for stepping waves and swimming.
莒县浮来山景区 4A
龙门崮更风景区 3A
日照海滨国家森林公园 4A
竹洞天风景区 3A 万平口海滨风景区 4A
刘家湾赶海园 4A 日照磴山寨景区 3A
Wulian Mountain Scenic Spot
Mount Jvxian
National Forest Park of Rizhao coastal
Tourism in Rizhao
The name of Rizaho originates from an old saying“It is the first to get the sunshine”.
Geographic Location
The name of Rizaho originates from an old saying“It is the first to get the sunshine”.
WanPingkou Square
山东省各地市A 级景区数量排名
名称(市) 潍坊 青岛 临沂 烟台 济宁 淄博 德州 枣庄 济南 威海 泰安 聊城 东营 滨州 菏泽 日照 莱芜 A级以上景区数量(家) 78 74 63 43 39 37 37 33 31 27 27 25 23 19 15 11 9
It is close to Qingdao in the north neighbor, Lianyungang in the south and faces Japan and Korea across the sea.
It is a new rising port city and it is famous for its blue sky,jade sea and golden beach.
Rizhao city tourism image origentation (日照旅游形象定位)
The sunshine coast,the center of water
Distribution of tourism resources
九仙山风景区 4A 五莲山风景区 4A