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一.Write the answers.(根据题意,写出答案。)

black dog is ______(thin) than the white dog.

balloon is ________(big) than yours.

bag is _________(heavy) than yours.

is _________(strong) than Mike.

5. I am ________ (short) than Lucy.


young long tall heavy old thin

’s tail is ________ than the rabbit’s tail.

is 11 years old. Nina is 12 years old.

Dick is _________ than Nina.

’m 140 cm ________ .

’m 40 kg. You’re 42 kg. I’m ________ than you. _________ are you? I’m 45 kg.


1. How heavy are you? _______.

A. I’m 48 years old.

B. I’m 48 kg.

C. I’m 48 cm.

2. Tom is 120 cm. Jack is ______than him.

A. tall

B. taller

C. heavier

3. How heavy is the whale? _______.

A. It’s strong.

B. It’s heavier.

C. It’s 3600 kg.

4. How _______ are you?

A. old

B. older

C. taller

5. The monkey has a _______ tail.

A. tall

B. long

C. longer

6. How big are your feet? ______ .

A. I wear size 17.

B. I’m bigger than you.

C. I’m 17 bigger.

7. Jim is 40 kg. Tom is 38 kg. Tom is ___ than Jim.

A. taller

B. thinner

C. heavier

8. I’m 11 years old. My sister is 2 years older than me. She is __.

9. I am ______ than my aunt.

A. strong

B. big

C. shorter

10. My father is ______ than my grandpa.

A. older

B. younger

C. smaller


tall –_______ strong –_______ old- _______ thin –_______ heavy – _______


1. your, is, big, room how (?)


2. I’m, than, taller, 6 cm, you (.)


3. my pencil, longer, yours, is, than (.)

________________________________ 4.tall, 21, I,,am, meters(.)

