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She is a teacher.她是一名教师。

We are in the classroom. 我们在教室里。

2.表示状态连系动词有:keep, stay等。

Though it is spring now, it remains cold in this city. 尽管现在是春天了,但这座城市仍然很冷。We should keep our classroom tidy every day. 我们应当每天保持我们的教室整洁。

This bar often stays open till twelve at night. 这家酒吧经常一直营业到晚上12点。

3.表示变化的连系动词有:become, get, grow, turn, 等。

I became a teacher when I grew up. 我长大后成为了一名教师。

The weather gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和了。

In the autumn, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and red. 在秋天,树上的叶子变黄,变红了。It was growing dark. 天渐渐变暗了。

4.表示“看起来”的连系动词有:look,seem ,appear。

She looked very happy today. 她今天看起来很高兴。

His father seems a serious man. 他的父亲似乎是个严肃的人。

Everybody appears well prepared. 看来大家都准备好了。

5.表示感官感觉的系动词有:feel (摸起来),smell (闻起来),taste (尝起来),sound (听起来)。Silk feels soft.丝摸起来很柔软。The flowers smell very sweet.


It tastes fine.


The idea sounds quite all right.





(误)He is kept quiet.

(正)He keeps quiet.

2.除表示状态变化的情况以外,连系动词通常没有进行时。The days are getting longer and longer.


(误)He is remaining silent.

(正)He remains silent. 他仍然保持沉默。


look like 看起来像

look the same 看起来一样

feel like 想要

sound like 听起来像

come true 实现,成为现实

fall asleep 入睡

3.be,get, grow, look, smell, taste, turn等,除了作连系动词以外,还可以作助动词或实义动词。

They are working. (助动词)


Please look at the blackboard. (实义动词)


I am sure I smell gas. (实义动词)


1. —What is Mr Wang like? —____. A. He is a teacher B. He is old and kind C. He looks like a balloon D. He likes English

2. What Mr White said sounds____. A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely

3. The poor boy ____ blind at the age of three. A. turned B. goes C. became D. went

4. When he was a child he____ . A. grew patience B. was alive C. ran wild D. came true

5. His voice____ as if he has a cold. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems

6. This shirt___ as if it is made of cotton. A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems

7. He looks ___ he hadn’t had a good meal for a month A. that B. as if C. when D. so far

8. It ____that he was late for the train. A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems

9. These apples taste_____.

A. to he good

B. to be well

C. well

D. good 10. —Do you like the shirt? —Y es, it ____ very soft. A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt 11. The moment Mr Zhang went to bed, he____ asleep A. kept B. got C. fell D. fall 12. When I went home yesterday, it was ____ dark. A. going B. getting C. running D. coming 13. Their plan ____ to be a perfect one. A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D. proving 14. The flowers in the garden ____ sweet. A. sound B. taste C. become D. smell 15. She____ like her mother in character. A. looks B. seems C. is D. feels 16. It____ another fine day tomorrow.
