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Albert Einstein's life

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. Einstein's father is a businessman, he has a production of electrical equipment factory. When children, Einstein is very quiet, he often alone to kill time. His language is slow and difficult to read. However, the things he was especially interested in the theory, and it often puts forward many problems.

When Einstein was 5 years old, his father gave him a compass. He was surprised to find that the compass needle always points to the north, he is very curious, so he asked his father and his uncle is what causes the pointer to move. However, their answers to the magnetic and gravity are too difficult for the child, but Einstein still spends a lot of time thinking about the problem.

Einstein won the Nobel prize for physics in 1921. His winning is not due to the relative theory, but because he found the law of the photoelectric effect. This discovery has driven the development of modern electronics, including radio and television. Einstein became a celebrity, but he felt very lonely, he almost no close friends. He wrote: the strange is that so many people know, but so lonely. I see in the nature of things and the profound, we understand only one or two of it.

Einstein put his life in the last 25 years in the "unified field theory".

He wanted to find a general mathematical formula that links all the physics fields. Einstein has not finished this work. In 1955 at the age of 76 Einstein depart from the world for ever.

electrical [医]电的equipment设备put forward提出theory学说;理论compass罗盘needle针curious好奇的cause n.原因pointer n.(仪表等的)指针magnetic adj.

有磁性的gravity n.重力; 万有引力due 由于relative adj.相关的; 相对的photoelectric adj.[物]光电的; effect效应discovery n.发现modern adj.现代的electronics n.电子学celebrity n.名人profound adj.厚的unified adj统一的general

adj.大致的mathematical adj.数学的formula n.公式depart v. 去世







