



herein, fully authorize (Ms. / Mr.)


to submit my visa application to Visa Application Center, to present any relevant explanation letter/statement or to pick up my passport. I will remain responsible for all the information and documents related to my application. I acknowledge that both for

application submission and passport return, the letter of authorization must be originally signed by applicant (legal guardian of minor applicant), a copy or a shared original letter with other applicants is invalid.

日期/Date :

签名/Signature :


Requirements of the Embassy / Consulate on the Letter of authorization :

1. 代理人递交签证申请或代取护照时,必须提供一份独立的委托书原件(每位申请者一份,不可与其他申请者共用)。委托书上的签名须与申请者护照、签证申请表上签名一致,且信息填写完整,不得有任何涂改。

Representative submitting a visa application or picking up a passport must provide an original letter of authorization (one original for each applicant, not sharable with other applicants). The signature on the letter of authorization must be identical with the signature on the passport and visa application form. The letter must be fully filled and no handwritten correction is allowed.

2. 未成年申请者:委托书必须由父母任何一方或法定监护人签名,注意:父母或法定监护人请不要代签未成年申请者的姓名。 年龄以递交申请日/领取护照日是否达到 18 周岁为准。


For minor applicants under the age of 18 years: The letter of authorization must be signed by one parent or a legal guardian. Please DO NOT sign the name of minor applicant. If parents submit the application for their children, the letter of authorization is not required, however family relationship proofs (original and copy) must be provided.

3. 如委托书缺失、涂改、版本或签名错误,签证受理中心将不受理相关的递交签证或领取护照的申请。

Visa Application Center cannot accept applications or passport return requests from representatives without letter of authorization or with a letter with handwritten corrections, wrong template or signature.


办理签证授权委托书 authorized by: name: se-x: id card number: authorized: name: se-x: id card number: i, -----,as of personal reason,hereby appoint miss -----as my legal agent in my name and place to act in my capacity to every act that needed in application for the visa of mongolia. this power shall be in full force and effect in the process of relevant documents signed,i shall be recognized and bear corresponding legal responsibilities. this document shall remain in full force and effect since the date of signing until the end of the items above-mentioned principal: date: 办理签证授权委托书 [篇2] 本授权书申明:我_________系____________________公司(单位)的法定代表人,现授

权委托_______________公司(单位)____________ 为我公司________________项目唯一指定办理电力报装及 签署电力报装文件的法定代表人的授权委托代理人,我承认 代理人全权代表我签署的在电力报装过程中的所有文件的 内容。 代理人无转委托权,特此委托。 代理人(签名): ____________性别:____________ 代理人身份证号码: ____________________________________ 法定代表人(签名盖章): ____________________________________ 法人身份证号码: _________________________________________ 本委托书有效期至本次用电报装项目完成送电为止。 授权时间年月日。 授权人公司(盖章): ____________________________________ 办理签证授权委托书 [篇3] 委托人姓名(新生儿母亲): 有效身份证件类别:有效身份证件号码: 联系电话: 受托人姓名:性别:

代送代领委托书-模板letter_of_authorization_cn(1) (1)

签证申请 / 护照领取委托书 Letter of authorization for visa application / passport return 本人,I, 姓名 Surname, first name 护照号码 Passport Number 出生日期 Date of Birth 出生地 Birth place 在此全权委托以下女士/先生 herein, fully authorize (Ms. / Mr.) 姓名(拼音) Surname, first name (Pinyin) 出生日期 Date of birth 护照号码/身份证号 Passport / ID card Number 与签证申请人的关系或代理机构名称 Relationship with the applicant or Name of the agency 联系电话 Mobile / Phone number 向签证受理中心递交本人的签证申请、提交与本申请有关的任何解释说明或领取护照。本人对所填写的信息和提交的材料负责。本人已知悉每份签证申请或领取护照的委托书均必须为申请者本人(或未成年申请者的法定监护人)亲笔签名的原件,复印或共用无效。申根签证申请表也必须由申请者本人亲笔签名(未成年申请者由法定监护人代签),被委托人不允许模仿申请者的字迹在签证申请表上签名,否则签证申请将被拒绝。 to submit my visa application to Visa Application Center, to present any relevant explanation letter/statement or to pick up my passport. I will remain responsible for all the information and documents related to my application. I acknowledge that both for application submission and passport return, the letter of authorization must be originally signed by applicant (legal guardian of minor applicant), a copy or a shared original letter with other applicants is invalid. I have also been informed that the Schengen visa application form has to be signed by each applicant personally, in case of minors by the legal guardian(s). It is not possible to have the visa application form signed by a representative in my name (meaning: imitation of my signature). The visa application will be denied in such cases. 日期/Date :签名/Signature : ______________________________ 、 使领馆关于委托书的要求 Requirements of the Embassy / Consulate on the Letter of authorization: 1.代理人递交签证申请或代取护照时,必须提供一份独立的委托书原件(每位申请者一份,不可与其他申请者共用)。委托书上的 签名须与申请者护照、签证申请表上签名一致,且信息填写完整,不得有任何涂改。 Representative submitting a visa application or picking up a passport must provide an original letter of authorization (one original for each applicant, not sharable with other applicants). The signature on the letter of authorization must be identical with the signature on the passport and visa application form. The letter must be fully filled and no handwritten correction is allowed. 2.未成年申请者:委托书必须由父母任何一方或法定监护人签名,注意:父母或法定监护人请不要代签未成年申请者的姓名。年 龄以递交申请日/领取护照日是否达到 18 周岁为准。 如父母为未成年申请者代交申请或领取护照,不需要提供委托书,但须提供户口等证明关系的材料原件及复印件。 For minor applicants under the age of 18 years: The letter of authorization must be signed by one parent or a legal guardian. Please DO NOT sign the name of minor applicant. If parents submit the application for their children, the letter of authorization is not required, however family relationship proofs (original and copy) must be provided. 3.如委托书缺失、涂改、版本或签名错误,签证受理中心将不受理相关的递交签证或领取护照的申请。 Visa Application Center cannot accept applications or passport return requests from representatives without letter of authorization or with a letter with handwritten corrections, wrong template or signature.


代领委托书范文3篇 本文目录 1.代领委托书范文 2.代领毕业证授权委托书 3.代领英国签证委托书范本 本人因原因,无法亲自来校领取本人的学位证书和毕业证书等毕业材料,本人特委托_________(身份证号:_____________________ )代领本人的毕业(学位)证书等毕业材料。受委托人所代理领取行为经本人授权,合法有效。代为领取所产生之后果自负,因代领过程中所发生的毕业证书、档案材料遗失等事项,责任自行承担。 特此申明。 委托人姓名:___________________________ 学号:_________________________________ 学院:________________________________ 年级专业:_____________________________ 级 身份证号:______________________________ 受委托人姓名:___________________________ 身份证号:_______________________________ 家庭住址:_______________________________ 委托人签:______________ 受托人签:_______________ _______年______月______日 _______年______月______日

注:请委托人亲自填写空白处,并务必附上委托人和受委托人的身份证件复印在同一页上的复印件一份。 附件: 委托人的身份证件正面复印件 受委托人的身份证件正面复印件 代领毕业证授权委托书 代领委托书范文(2) | 返回目录 委托人:______________________________ 身份证号: ______________________________ 被委托人:______________________________ 身份证号: ______________________________ 委托事项:代为申请颁发委托人的报关员资格证书 委托权限: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 代为提交有关材料 代为签收有关法律文书及送达回证 其它:______________________________


Authorization Letter / 委托书 Date (日期) 本人将委托代理机构/代理人代为领取本人护照和资料. This is to certify that I (Applicant’s Name) authorize my agent/representative, whose signature is verified below, to collect the passport/ documents on my behalf. ●Name of the Representative/Agent (代领人姓名/代理机构名称): ●ID Number of the Person (代领人身份证号码): ●Contact Details of the representative (代领人联系电话): ●Signature of the representative authorized to collect (代领人签名): Passport Number or VAC Reference Number of applicant (申请人护照号码/签证中心序列号): 请注意所有代领人/代领机构需携带身份证明原件及复印件,如不提交,恕不发还护照. Please note that representatives/agents are required to bring ID card in original and copy for verification purpose, failing which the passport/ documents will NOT be handed over. Applicant Signature (申请人签名


Vollmacht/委托书 Ich/本人 bevollm?chtige hiermit Frau / Herrn 在此全权委托以下女士/先生 meinen Visumantrag beim Dienstleistungserbringer “TLScontact” einzureichen,Erg?nzungen und ?nderungen auf dem Antragsformular vorzunehmen, den Antrag und weitere Erkl?rungen im Zusammenhang der Antragstellung abzugeben und zu unterschreiben. 向中智签证递交本人的签证申请、在申请表上进行补充和修改,递交与签证 申请相关的申请及其它声明并签字。 _________________ ____________________________________ Datum/ 日期Unterschrift/ 签名(与护照签名一致) *Hinweis: 1. Es sind keine Korrekturen auf der Vollmacht erlaubt. Die Vollmacht muss im Original vorgelegt werden. 2. Für Minderj?hrige ist es nicht erlaubt, Antr?ge im Namen anderer Pesonen einzureichen. 3. Sollte der Antrag eines Minderj?hrigen durch einen Bevollm?chtigten eingereicht werden, muss die Vollmacht von mindestens einem Elternteil unterschrieben sein. Das Antragsformular muss von beiden sorgeberechtigten Eltern unterschrieben sein. *提示: 1. 委托书必须完整填写且不允许有涂改,递交材料时需提供委托书原件。 2. 未成年人不允许作为被委托人。 3. 未成年人的委托书需要至少父母一方的签字。未成年人的申请表需要父母双方的签字。


个人签证委托书范本 【中文版】 个人签证委托书范本 XXXX总领事馆: ①报到证、毕业证原件和复印件(未还清助学贷款等原因暂时没有拿到毕业证书的,应出具毕业证书复印件和学校证明); I, -----,as of personal reason,hereby appoint Miss -----as my legal agent in my name and place to act in my capacity to every act that needed in application for the visa of mongolia. 授权受托人代理委托人根据《中关村证券股份有限公司债权登记公告》的规定办理向中关村证券清理组申报登记债权的其他事宜。 本人XXX(护照号XXX身份证XXX )因在杭州上学不能亲自前来办理签证领取的相关手续,特委托XXX (护照号 XXX 身份证XXX )代我领取,请给予办理,谢谢。 委托人(女): 受托人(男): 日期: 【英文版】 AUTHORISATION LETTER

专利申请有多个申请人时,应当共同委托一家专利代理机构。多个申请人可以用一份专利代理委托书,也可以分别填写专利代理委托书,但委托权项及委托的专利代理机构和指定的申请人应当相同。 就中关村证券股份有限公司行政清理工作组(以下简称“中关村证券清理组”)个人债权人申报登记债权的事宜,委托人对受托人授权如下: Authorized by: name: sex: ID card number: Authorized: Name: Sex: 我单位现委托 (姓名)作为我单位合法委托代理人,授权其代表我单位进行_____________设计工作。该委托代理人的授权范围为:代表我单位与你们进行磋商、签署文件和处理______________活动有关的事务。在整个__________过程中,该代理人的一切行为,均代表本单位,与本单位的行为具有同等法律效力。本单位将承担该代理人行为的全部法律后果和法律责任。 ID card number: I, -----,as of personal reason,hereby appoint Miss -----as my legal agent in my name and place to act in my capacity to every act that needed in application for the visa of mongolia. (二)代理我方向上述银行领取我方企业网上银行的管


办理签证委托书范本 办理签证委托书范本 办理签证委托书范本本人因工作原因无法返回洛阳,因此委托我的母亲xx-x(身份证号码:140xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x)帮我办理港澳通行证签注,由此产生的一切责任和后果由本人承担。特此申明!授权有限期:201X年1月17日-201X年3月1日委托人:xx(身份证号:140402xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx)被委托人:xx-x(身份证号:140xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx)201X年1月17日办理签证委托书范本letterofauthorization本人将委托代为递交领取我的签证申请。iherebauthorizetosubmitolletmvisXXppliationonmbehalf.请给予办理。申请人姓名:护照号码:申请人姓名:护照号码:申请人姓名:护照号码:办理签证委托书范本奉节海事处白帝巡航救助执法大队:轮于201X年X月X日时抵奉节港作业,拟于 201X年X月X日时离港,特委托(身份证号码:)前来办理进出港签证。同时声明:代理人所申报内容真实无讹。委托人:轮船长 201X年X月X日办理签证委托书范本委托人:________委托单位:英国北安普顿大学广州办事处委托事项:本人 ________ 自愿委托英国北安普顿大学广州办事处代为办理英国留学签证的所有手续,并自愿承担办理签证手续所需费用6500元人民币。6500元人民币已收讫。此委托书一式两份,具有同等效力。委托人(签名):受委托单位:英国北安普顿大学广州办事处受委托单位办证人员签名: 201X年X月X日办理签证委托书范本本人 xx-x,因工作原因不能亲自来资中出入境接待大厅办理港澳通行证签注申请,特委托 xx-x (身份证号:
