综合英语第一册Unit 1词组总结

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Unit 1 My father's shadow

res•on•ate verb[V](formal)

1(of a voice, an instrument, etc.)to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time:Her voice resonated through the theatre.

2~ (with sth) (of a place)to be filled with sound; to make a sound continue longer RESOUND:a resonating chamber The room resonated with the chatter of 100 people.

3~ (with sb/sth) to remind sb of sth; to be similar to what sb thinks or believes:These issues resonated with the voters.His speech resonated with the fears and suspicions of his audience.

resonate with sth(literary)to be full of a particular quality or feeling:She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions. gre•gari•ous adj.

1liking to be with other people SOCIABLE:She’s very outgoing and gregarious.

2(biology) (of animals or birds)living in groups

gre•gari•ous•ly adv. gre•gari•ous•ness noun [U]

prod•igal adj. (formal,disapproving)too willing to spend money or waste time, energy or materials EXTRA V AGANT:a prodigal administration

prod•ig•al•ity /prd lti; NAmE pr d/ noun [U]:They criticized the prodigality of the administration.

the / a prodigal (son) a person who leaves home and wastes their money and time on a life of pleasure, but who later is sorry about this and returns home

hazel /he zl/ noun, adj.

noun [C, U]a small tree that produces small nuts (called hazelnuts) that can be eaten adj. (of eyes)greenish-brown or reddish-brown in colour

squall /skwl/ noun, verb

noun a sudden strong and violent wind, often during rain or snow storms:A sudden vicious squall knocked her to the ground.

verb[V](usually used in the progressive tenses) (disapproving)to cry very loudly and noisily:squalling kids The baby was squalling in its crib.

re•tire /r ta(r)/ verb


1~ (from sth)|~ (as sth) to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sick; to tell sb they must stop doing their job:[V]She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health.He is retiring next year after 30 years with the company.My dream is to retire to a villa in France.He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine.The company’s official retiring age is 65.[VN]She was retired on medical grounds.


2~ (from sth)to stop competing during a game, race, etc., usually because you are injured:[V]She fell badly, spraining her ankle, and had to retire.[V-ADJ]He retired hurt in the first five minutes of the game.


3(formal)to leave a place, especially to go somewhere quieter or more private:The jury retired to consider the evidence.After dinner he likes to retire to his study.


4[V](formal)to move back from a battle in order to organize your soldiers in a different way


5[V](literary)to go to bed:I retired late that evening.


6[VN]to make a player or team have to stop their turn at BA TTING:He retired twelve batters in a row

fret•ful /fretfl/ adj.behaving in a way that shows you are unhappy or uncomfortable RESTLESS:Babies soon become fretful when they are tired or hungry.

fret•ful•ly adv.:‘How much longer do we have to wait?’ she asked fretfully.

gur•gle /l; NAmE rl/ verb, noun


1to make a sound like water flowing quickly through a narrow space:Water gurgled through the pipes.The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.a gurgling stream

2if a baby gurgles, it makes a noise in its throat when it is happy:The baby gurgled happily.She gurgled with laughter.

