




第一部分听力第一节(共20题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?扎£19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15. 答案是C。

1? What is the woman going to do?

A. Have a coffee?B? Clean her office? C? Attend a meeting?眩

2.What does the woman ask for?

A. A dress of different size?

B? A dress of better quality?

C? A dress of a bright color?

3.What does the man want to do?

A. Borrow a ladder?B? Take his leave C? Clean the roof.

4.What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go to the man' s place?

B? Call the Hillsboro Hotel?

C? Reserve an exhibition hal1?

5.Where are the speakers?

A. At home? B? In a museum? C? In the city square?






6.Why has the man hardly seen the woman lately?

A. She had a traffic accident?

B? She moved to another place?

C? She is working unusual hours?

7? Where does the conversation take place?

A. In an office?B? At a bus stop?C? In an apartment.


8. What does the man have to do now?

A. Plan a trip. B? Look for a job. C? Make a decision.

9. What does the woman think of the journey to South America?

A. Dangerous. B? Exciting. C? Expensive.

10.Whet advice does the woman give r to the man?

A. Going abroad? B? Staying at home? C? Opening a bookstore.


11. What is the radio program for? A. Sharing personal feelings ? B ? Discussing language skills. C ? Promoting community service ? 12. What is the second point Prof. A. To give details and facts ? B ? To introduce main ideas. C ? To conclude the article ?

13. Whet makes an excellent article according to Prof ? Sheffield? A. Formal language ?

B ? Detailed facts ?

C ? Personal style ?


Interesting ? C ? Valuable.


18. Whet do the Hoffmans do for a living?

A. They are gardeners ? B ? They sell vegetables ?

C ? They run a guesthouse.

19. How much direct sunshine to tomato plants actually need every day? A. Five hours ? B ? Eight hours ?

C ? Twelve hours ?

20. Why do Irish potatoes grow better in the shade? A. They have deeper roots ? B ? They have wider leaves ? C ? They have bigger flowers ?

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下而短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项

Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Sheffield mentioned?

14. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A summer job. 15. What does the man A. Design furniture. 16. What will the man A. Set tables ?

17. Whet does the B ? A birthday party ? s company do?

B ? Organize concerts ? do

before the party? Cook food ? C ? Play music. C ? A food company. B ?

woman think of the man* s work?

C ? Offer food services.

A. Difficult ? B ?

Electronic Village Program (Thursday, June 18, 2015)

A. offer grammar tests

B? teach listening on-line

C? help vocabulary learning

D? gain fluency in speaking

22.If you want to improve your speaking skills, you can go to _________________________ ?

A. Room 501

B. Room 502

C. Room 601

D. Room 602

23.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

A. Nearpod?B? Kahoot?C? TEO. D? Prezi?

24. A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching ia expected to arrive by _____________________ ?

A. 9:00 am

B. 10:30 am

C. 2:00 pm

D. 3:30 pm


In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment? Modern businesses hav r e been following his lead, with more tactics (策略)?

One tactic involves where to display the goods? Foe example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section? They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food (垃圾食品)later in their trip? In department stores, section is generally next to the women * s cosmetics (化妆品)section: while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later?Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers* senses? Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, they make their own bread each morning and then fan 3word版本可编辑?欢迎下载支持.

the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wine went up.

When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics? They find

that customers make decision in the first few second upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity? A California builder designed the structure of its houses smart 1 y. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the poll through an open stairway leading to the lower leve 1? The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses? 25?Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?

A.To save customers times?

B? To show they are high quality foods?

C? To help sell junk food?

D? To sell them at discount prices?

26.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?

A? Opening the store early in the morning?

B.Displaying British wines next to French ones?

C? Inviting customers to play music?

D? Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread?

27.What is the California builder? s story intended to prove?

A. The house structure is a key factor customers consider?

B? The more costly the house is, the better it sells?

C? An ocean view is much to the customers1 taste?r D? A good first impression increases sales?

28.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain how businesses turn people into their customers?

B? To introduces how businesses have grown from the past?

C? To report researches on customer behavior?

D? To show dishonest business practices?


When her five daughters were young, Helene An always told them that there was strength in unity (团结).To show this, she held up one chopstick, representing one person? Then she easily broke it into two pieces? Next, she tied several chopsticks together, representing a family. She showed the girls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks? This lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew up.

Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California? However, when Helene and

her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975, they didn,t have much money? They moved their family to San Francisco ? There they joined Danny * s mother, Diana, who owned a small Italian sandwich shop? Soon afterwards, Helene and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant?The five daughters helped in the restaurant when they were young? However, Helene did not want her

daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too hard?

Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to work in the family business? They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles? Even though family members sometimes disagreed with each other, they worked together to make the business successful? Daughter Elisabeth explains, "Our mother taught us that to succeed we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace? Without the strength of the family, there is no business?"

Their expanding business became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans working together? Now the Ans' corporation makes more than S20 million each year? Although they began with a small restaurant, they had big dreams, and they worked together? Now they are a big success?

29.We can I earn from Paragraph 2 that the An family _________________ ?

A. started a business in 1975

B? left Vietnam without much money

C? bought a restaurant in San Francisco

D? opened a sandwich shop in Los Angeles

30.Whot can we infer about the An daughters?

A. They did not finish their college education?

B? They could not bear to work in the family business?

C? They were influenced by what Helene taught them?

D? They were troubled by disagreement among family members?

31.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Run a Corporation

B? Strength Comes from Peace

C? How to Achieve a Big Dream

D? Family Unity Builds Success


Since the beginning of the year, smog has covered parts of North China? In January, Beijing saw

only five days without smog? The rising PM 2? 5 readings terrified many people, and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious, hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory (呼吸系统)and heart diseases?

Later, news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe?

So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere?Smog especially is a common concern. Like a popular online post said, air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone, despite your income or vocation? People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices, but they breathe the same air as

everyone else?

At a meeting on Monday, many Representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality, too. One talked about his experience in Beijing?“After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel, which took about an hour, I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black? We should ask ourselves this question: Why do we want to develop? It's for living a better life? Dirty air is definitely not a better life," he said?

China needs to develop its economy and invest (投资)in high-tech? Every Chinese wants a strong country. But without blue sky, clean water and safe food, the achievements in the economy will become meaningless? Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can migrate to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth?

What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China? Former president Hu Jintao spoke at the 18th Party Congress last November saying that great efforts must be made to promote ecological progress and build a beautiful China? The words have shown the central government,s resolution to address the environment issue?

32.The effect of smog doesn' t include?

A? the rising of PM 2.5 readings

B? more people suffering diseases

C? the increase of people? s income

D? patients increased in hospital

33.Why smog has become a common concern?

A. Because people have to pay higher prices?

B? Because nobody can avoid it.

C? Because we have to develop industry.

D? Because a popular online-post discussed it.

34.Th e underlined word "they” in paragraph 6 refers to.

A. human beings B? other plants

C? space technologies D? industrial development

35.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that?

A. high-tech can completely solve the problem of pollution

B? space technologies should be developed in a large scale

C? we can move to the Mars after the earth has been destroyed

D? we must protect the environment while developing economy



Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life? Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesights but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes? Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of

Kealthy eyesight:

Schedule yearly exams?_36 Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check? The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment> including eyeglasses?

?Protect against UV rays 夕卜线)?Long- term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes? No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses?_3]

?Give your eyes a break? Two- thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products?—型Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutest take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

?39 As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day? Vitamins C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health?

?Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses(I隐形眼镜)?Many Americans use contact

lenses to improve their eyesight? While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk?Otherwise,

you may have problems such as red eyes> pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition?A? Eat your greens?

B? Eye care should begin early in life?

C? They can properly protect your eyes?

D? Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins?

E? Parents usually don't care about their own eyesight?

F? Always follow the doctor* s advice for appropriate wear?

G? This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness?




My sister and her husband loved going on short holidays to new places? Once, they decided to take a 41 in their own car to a nearby small town? They reached the town and 42 at a hote 1?

The next morning, they started on their new 43 ? Since there were many places to

see, it took them the whole day to finish their sightseeing?

They reached a place where there were many 44 selling handmade products? My sister was most 45 in shopping? They were so absorbed in their shopping that they 46 about the time and started back only as the shops began to close?

They took the same route back to their 47 but somehow got lost on the way and 48 that they were

going around in circles? After some time, they realised it was no use trying and finding their way back

? They decided to ask someone for 49 but no one was out at that late hour?50 , my brother-in-law found that the car couldn,t start?

He checked but couldn't find the 51 ?

After about twenty minutes, they saw a man walking towards them from the opposite direction. He wanted to know what had 52 ? He was a car mechanic (f修理「匸)who h-ad closed

his garage (汽车修理厂)53 and was returning home? He 54 to check the car and

after some time pronounced that it was a small problem which he could fix 55 ? Soon the car was 56 and ready to go.

When my sister offered some money to thank him, the man 57 ? He said that he always took another 58 back home which was shorter, but when he reached his turning, something prompted him to take this 59 route?

My sister and- brother-in-law were very 60 to the man? After being directed by

the helpful mechanic, they reached their hotel safel y.

41. A. walk B. trip C?

break D? chance

42. A. fell asleep B? settled down C? set out D? checked in

43. A. discovery B. 1 辻e C?

work D? secret

44. A. cafes B? markets C.

restaurants D?shops

45. A. disappointed B? experienced C? interested D?


46. A. cared B? forgot C?

worried D? talked

47. A. hotel B. h ome C? car D? town

48. A. decided B? complained C.

realised D? understood

49. A. advice B? money C? permission D. help

50. A. What's worse B? No matter what C? What's > more D? On one side

51. A. answer B? problem C?

mistake D? approach

52. A. passed B.

started C? happened D?appeared

53. A. late B? carefully C?

ahead D? quietly

54. A. expected B? persuaded C?

pretended D? offered

55. A. safely B? easily C?directly D? slowly

56. A. damaged B? stuck C?

repaired D? stopped

57. A. refused B? returned C. left D? laughed

58. A. bus B. step C? route D flight

59. A. busier B? longer C?

quicker D. better

60. A. kind B?

friendly C?

familiar D. thankful




Holi (洒红节)is a spring festival, also 61. ______________ (know) as the festival of colours or the festival of love? It is an ancient Hindu religious festival 62. has become popular in and outside Asia?It is celebrated at the end of winter 63. _______________________ the night and the day are of equal length ? The date of the festival is different every year? According to the Hindu calendar, it 64. (usual) comes in March, sometimes in late February?

The celebration 65. (start) with a bonfire (篝火)on the night before Holi, where people gather, sing and dance? The next morning is a carnival of colours, where anyone, children or elders, friends or 66. (strange), chase and colour each other with dry powder and coloured water? Everyone is happy to be made fun 67. ? Groups carry drums and musical instruments, 68? (go) from place to place? After a(n) 69? (excite) day, people visit their friends and share the delicious food after cleaning up and dressing up.

The purpose of the festival is to celebrate the 70. ____________________ (begin) of the new season, spring? Hindus believe it is a time for enjoying sprirvg,s rich colours and saying goodbye to winter?第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)


假左英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下便条。便条中共有10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






It was cold last Monday morning? While I was walking in my way to school, I noticed two street cleaners sweeping the street in the wind? Seen them working so hard on such a cold morning, I was moved and made my mind to do something for them?

I discussed with my classmates how we could do. Final we all agreed to get them some bread ?

The next day, we prepare some bread at home. When we handed the cleaner the bread and expressed our appreciation for their hard work, they looked a little surprising at first? And then we took the bread and thanked us happily. Though it was cold, but we all felt warm at that moment?第二节书面表达(满分25分)








Dear William^

Recently, I have heard that you feel stressed as a student of Senior Three?

Best wishes!


Li Hua




Dear William,

Recently, I have heard that you feel stressed as a student of Senior Three ? I have some advice on how to study effectively.

First of all. learn in a relaxing way. This will remove our pressure? making study an easy job. Another way to keep up our spirits is to take part in sports ? Not only does exercise build up the body? but also it provides us time to relax and fresh our mind, making us memorize things faster and longer ? Music, too, is another effective means of refreshing and helping us concentrate better.

Last but not least , we should exchange ideas with our classmates ? Through the communication we can find support? which will encourage us to overcome difficulties in our study ?

Hope these can benefit you. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua

阅读七选五【解析】 本文主要介绍了保护视力的五条建议。

1. 细节过渡题。本段讲视力应该左期进行年检,空后第一句讲婴儿6?12个月时就要接受检査。所 以

选B “视力保护从生命早期开始”,与文章一致。答案:B

2. 细节过渡题。本段讲预防紫外线,戴太阳镜可以有效保护视力。因此选C 。答案:C

2017年3月高考听力答案:1?5 CACBB

6?10 CBCBA 阅读 21-24 : CDBC 11?15 BACAC

25-28: CDDA

16?20 ABCAB

29-31: BCD 32-35: CBAD

36-40: BCGAF 完型填空



46-50 BACDA 51-55 BCADB

56-60 语法填空答案

61? known CACBD

62. that / which 63. when 64. usually 65.

66. strangers beginning 短文改错: ???in my way to school ??? Seen them working ??? ???made my mind to ???

??? how we could do. 67. of

68. going 69. exciting 70.


72 73 74

75 76 77

Final we all agreed ???

??? we prepare some bread ??? ??? we handed the cleaner ???

78 79 ??? looked a little surprising ??? ???then we took the bread ??? ???but we all felt warm ???

80 【参考范

Seen — Seeing made 后力H up

how — what


prepare prepared

cleaner — cleaners


surprising surprised we — they







41.B。由上文中的going on short holidays可知,他们决定自己开车去附近的小镇“旅行(trip)"。

42.D。由文中的描述可知,他们到了小镇,“登记入住(checked in) ” 了酒店。

43.Ao 由卜-文中的it took them the whole day to finish their sightseeing 可知,第二天早上,他们开始了新的“发现(discovery) ”。

44.D”由卜-文中的as the shops began to close可知,有很多"商店(shops) ”卖手工制品。

45.Co由卜-文中的They were so absorbed in their shopping可知,"我"妹妹对购物最"感兴趣(interested)"。

46.Bo 由上文中的absorbed in their shopping 和卜-文中的started back only as the shops began to close可知,他们全神贯注于购物,“忘记(forgot) "了时间。

47.A。由下文中的they reached their hotel safely可知,他们走同样的路线返回"酒店(hotel )M。

48.Co他们在返回酒店的路上迷路了, “意识到(realised) ”自己在兜圈子。

49. D.他们决定向别人寻求"帮助(help) ”。

50.Ao 由下文中的my brother-in-law found that the car couldn't start 可知,"更糟糕的是

(What's worse) M , “我”妹夫发现车启动不了了。

51.Bo由卜-文中的it was a small problem可知,他检査了车但是找不到"问题(problem) ” 。

52.Co这名修理工想知道“发生(happened) M了什么。

53.Ao由上文中的but no one was out at that late hour可知,这名修理工"很晚(late) ” 才关门回家。

54.D。他“主动提出(offered) ”帮忙检查车。

55.B」由上文中的it was a small problem可知,这是小问题,他很“容易(easi r ly) ”就能修好。

56.Co车"修好(repaired) ” 了,可以岀发了。

57.A o由文中的描述可知,这名修理工“拒绝(refused) ”接受“我”妹妹给的钱。

58.Co 由下文中的something prompted him to ... route 可知,他总走另一条近"路(route) 回家。

59.Bo由上文中的which was shorter可知,他今天走了一条"较远的(longer) 路。

60.Do "我"妹妹和妹夫非常“感激(thankful) ”这位修理工。
