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一、 Listen and choose


据你所听到的内容, 选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号



( )1. A.

B. C.

( )2. A.

B. C.

( )3. A.

B. C.

( )4. A. B. C.

( )5. A.

B. C.

( )6. A. write a letter B. write an e-mail

C. write an e-card

( )7. A. talking to the teacher

B. taking pictures

C. watching insects

( )8. A. Children ’s Day B. Teacher s’ Day

C. National Day ( )9. A. It ’s windy and warm in spring

B. It ’s windy and cold in winter. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

C. It ’s windy and cool in fall.

( )10. A. What ’s the date?

B. What day is it today?

C. When is your birthday?

二、Listen and judge

你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的题号前的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。每小题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1. ( )2.

( )3.

( )4. ( )5. ( )6. 1st 1

( )7. Miss Li is answering the phone.

( )8. Li Ming is doing homework.

( )9. To m’s father is writing a letter.

( )10. The boys often catch butterflies.

三、Listen and choose


( ) 1. A. Look, the tiger is swimming.

July Canada

B. Yes, they can.

C. The tigers can swim.

( ) 2. A. At 6:20.

B. At school.

C. I have noodles for breakfast.

( ) 3. A. We usually go hiking.

B. They’re playing the piano.

C. She’s planting trees.

( ) 4. A. Monday. B. February. C. June 8th.

( ) 5. A. I go shopping. B. I eat dinner.

C. I’m shopping now.

四、Listen and judge


( ) 1. Amy is going to Australia by plane.

( ) 2. It is spring in Australia.

( ) 3. Amy can make a snowman in Australia this weekend.

( ) 4. Amy’s grandpa’s birthday is on Thursday.

( ) 5. Amy is making a birthday cake now.



()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch

C、eat dinner

()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees

C、make a snowman

()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping

C、go fishing

()9 A、go to bed B、go to school

C、go to work

()10 A、first B、second C、third


()1、Look, what is my mother doing?


A. go fishing

B. go swimming

C. go hiking ()2、Chen Jie and Amy

are ____________________.

A. flying kites

B. playing football
