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Book1 Unit1 单元过关实战检测

By: Your lovely English teachers


1. recover v. 康复→ n. recovery 康复

2. calm v. 使平静,使镇定→ n. calmness 镇定→ adj. calm平静的→ adv. calmly 平静地

3.concern v.担忧→n. concern 担忧→adj. concerned_担忧的→ prep. concerning关于

4.German n. 德国人,德语→ n. Germany 德国

5.settle v. 安家,定居→ n. settlement 安家,定居→ settler n. 定居者

6. entire adj. 完全的→ adv. entirely 完全地

7. power (n. 力量,权力) →powerful (adj. 有力量/权力的,强大的)

8. dust (n. 灰尘) → dusty (adj. 积满灰尘的)

9. suffer (v. 遭受,经历) → suffering (n. 遭受,经历)

10. lonely (adj. 孤独的,寂寞的) → loneliness (n. 孤独,寂寞)

11. disagree (v.不同意) →disagreement (n.) → agree (v.同意)→ agreement (n.)


1. set ________ ________ _________ (过去式、过分、现分)

2. upset ________ ________ _________ (过去式、过分、现分)

3. fall ________ ________ _________ (过去式、过分、现分)

4. hide ________ ________ _________ (过去式、过分、现分)

5. German – ____________ (复数)


1. I don’t believe Tom broke the rules ____ purpose because he always behaves well in school.

2. I still find_____ hard to make friends with my classmates and get along well with them, and

I am so upset about this.

3. After _________ (recover) from his illness, he made use of every chance to take exercise.

4. I don’t remember the words you said just now_____ (exact). Can you repeat them again?

5. Although we had a hot discussion, they still ________ (agree) with us for several reasons.

6. It is the first time that they ______________ (go) through so much hardship.

7. The mayor was greatly_________ (concern) about the safety of the homeless after the earthquake struck the city.

8. The teacher asked the students _________ they had questions to ask or not.

9. Recently there has been ____ series of car accidents at the crossroads and many people were killed.

10. We need some friends ________ can share our happiness and sadness.

11. There was a time _____ I ignored the good advice on English learning from Miss Chen.


1. The physical examination suggested that he was entire healthy.

2. She has suffered for a severe disease since she live in the north.

3. They saw some German setting down notes carefully in class.

4. As a doctor, he has got to looking after the patient who was seriously ill all the night.

5. After Peter died, George wrote down the story of our friendship in a book.

6. Tom told me that sun rises in the east and set in the west.

7. Although he didn’t speak English well, but he could ma ke himself understand by using body language.


1. recover v. 康复→ n. ____________ 康复

2. calm v.使镇定→ n. __________平静→ adj. calm镇定的→ adv. ___________镇静地

6.concern v.担忧→n. concern 担忧→adj. ________担忧的→ prep. concerning ________

7.___________ n. 德国人,德语→ n. ____________ 德国

8.settle v. 安家,定居→ n.____________ 安家,定居→ settler n. 定居者

6. entire adj. 完全的→ adv._____________ 完全地

7. power (n. 力量,权力) → ___________ (adj. 有力量/权力的,强大的)

8. dust (n. 灰尘) → ___________ (adj. 积满灰尘的)

9. suffer (v. 遭受,经历) → _________________ (n. 遭受,经历)

10. lonely (adj. 孤独的,寂寞的) → _______________ (n. 孤独,寂寞)

11. disagree (v.不同意) → ___________ (n.) → ___________ (v. 同意) → _________ (n.)



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