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1.Tom is (lazy) student in our class.

2.There are (few) books in this library than in that one.

3.I have (little) free time than he.

4.Mary is (young) than her husband.

5.My watch runs (fast ) than his.

6.The days are (long) in summer than in winter.

7.This box is (large) one in the room.

8.He knows (many) people than you.

9.This box is (heavy) than that one.

10.This film is (interesting) I have ever seen.

11.It rains (often) in Shanghai than in Beijing.

12.He made (many) mistakes than I.

13.Her family is (rich) in the room.

14.Fudan University is (famous) than our college.

15.This road is (wide) than that street.

16.The room is (bright) than mine.

17.Your book is (thick) than Tom’s.

18.The water in this river looks (dirty) than in that one.

19.This is (good) book that I have ever seen.

20.He arrived (early) today than yesterday.

二.用much或many ,little 或few填空

1. There are buses in London.

2. I haven’t got time for study.

3. Please don’t make so noise.

4. Jan doesn’t know people in London and hasn’t got friends there.

5. I don’t like butter on my bread.

6. Hob said he had money and went to dances.

7. There are only a cigarettes in the box. I had too time to buy any today.

8. There is only a tea left in the teapot.

9. Jane gave me a help with my work.

10. Your homework is better than usual, you have only a mistakes.


1. Now telephones are very popular and they are much than before.

A. cheap

B. cheaper

C. cheapest

D. the cheapest

2. The busier he is, the he feels.

A. happily

B. happy

C. happier

D. more happy

3.—Remember, class. You work, result you’ll get.

--We know, Miss Read.

A. The better; the harder B The harder; the better

C. The hard; the harder

D. The harder; the good

4. Sorry, I took your MP3 by mistake. I’ll be careful next time.

A. most

B. more

C. much

5.—Who did it better, Bill or Henry?

--I think Bill did just Henry.

A. as well as

B. as good as

C. as better, as

D. more badly, than

6. The doctor told Mary to eat vegetables and meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.

A. much; little

B. more; less

C. many; few

D. more; fewer

7. There is still water in the bottle. It’s enough for both of us.

A. litter

B. a little C few D. a few

8. Things are much on the moon on the earth.

A. much lighter; than

B. much heavier; than

C. as heavy; as

D. not so light; as

在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如more natural,more clearly )或加后缀-er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加。英语句子中,将比较两个主体的方法叫做“比较句型”。其中,像“A比B更……”的表达方式称为比较级;而“A最……”的表达方式则称为最高级。组成句子的方式是将形容词或副词变化成比较级或最高级的形态。





如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest

tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest


如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest

