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1 英语名篇名段背诵精华余健明等编华东理工大学出版社2008 7562823170/9787562823179

2 Little Women by Louisa M. Alcott Signet Classics 2004 451529308

3 Pride and Prejudice Jane. Austen 中央编译出版社2008 7802117321/9787802117327

4 Jane Eyre Charlotte. Bronte Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 9781853260209

5 Wuthering Heights Emily. Bronte Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 9781853260018

6 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe Wordsworth Editions Ltd 199

7 1853260452

7 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 1853260339

8 The Great Gatsby Scott F. Fitzgerald Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 185326041X

9 The Quiet American Greene, Graham Penguin Classics 2004 143039024

10 A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway Arrow Books Ltd 1994 99910101

11 Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb Penguin Books 1998 140621598

12 Martin Eden Jack London Penguin Books 1994 140187723

13 The Call of the Wild Jack London Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 1853260266

14 Tales of Mystery and Imagination Poe, Edgar Allan Collector's Library 2009 1904633137

15 当代英国概况肖惠云上海外语教育出版社2003 7-81080-898-2 /H.310

16 Treasure Island Robert Louis. Stevenson NTC/Contemporary Publishing Company 1998 9781853261039

17 Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 1853260274/9781853260278

18 The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Dover Publications Inc. 1994 486280616

19 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Simon & Schuster 2001 689842244

20 The Happy Prince and Other Tales Oscar Wilde Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1993 1853261238

21 Tolerance Hendrik Willem Van Loon ( 房龙)外语教学与研究出版社1999 7560014488

22 Round the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne 上海译文出版社,培生教育出版中国有限公司2000 7532723488

23 Death on the Nile Agatha Christie Harper 2001 7119321

24 Gone with the Wind Margret Mitchell 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司2009 750012256X/9787500122562

25 Harry Potter J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2007 747593698

26 唐诗百话施蛰存华东师范大学出版社2001 756172828X

27 中国哲学史(英汉对照) 冯友兰天津社会科学院出版社2007 9787806882832

28 The Holy Bible Ivy Books 1991 804109060

29 A Brief History of Time ( From the Big Bang to Black Holes) Stephen Hawking Bantam Books 1998 553380168

30 A History of English-Speaking Peoples Winston Churchill McClelland & Stewart 1995 9780771020049

31 英国戏剧史何其莘凤凰出版传媒集团,译林出版社2008 7544706893/9787544706896

32 The Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam Smith 上海三联书店2008 9787542628435

33 The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger Penguin Books Ltd 2004 140237496

34 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Dover Publications 2009 486475670

35 Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare Longman Group United Kingdom 2004 582823072

36 The Story of Mankind Van Loon Hendrik Willem Longman Group United Kingdom 2004 582823072

37 A Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1992 1853260150

38 Essay Concerning Human Understanding Lex Newman Cambridge University Press 2007 521542251

39 《西方文明史》(第五版)Mark Kishalanshy,Patrick Geary Patricia O'Brien 中国人民大学出版社2008 7300096794/9787300096797

40 西方翻译简史谭载喜商务印书馆2004 7100041112

41 Course in General Linguistics F. de Saussure 外语教学与研究出版社2001 7560023746

42 The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish Joan Pinkham Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2000 756001559X

43 Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville Oversea Publishing House 1999 185326480

44 Animal Farm George Orwell Signet Classics 1996 451526341

45 A Passage to India E. M. Forster Penguin Classics 2005 014144116X

46 Metaphors We Live By George Lakoff & Mark Johnson University Of Chicago Press 1980 9780226468013

47 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Random House of Canada, Limited 2000 99284960

48 Walden Henry David Thoreau 中央编译出版社2008 7802117208/9787802117204

49 A History of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell Routledge 2004 415325056

50 On Nature and Language Noam Chomsky 东北财经大学出版社2007 7301068867

51 A Short History of Linguistics Longman, R.H. Robins 外语教学与研究出版社2001 7560023835

52 Writing the Research Paper (A Handbook) Anthony C. Winkler & Jo Ray 北京大学出版社2008 7301142196/9787301142196

53 大进军E.L.多克托罗,邹海伦译人民文学出版社2007 9787020059812

54 美的历程李泽厚天津社会科学院出版社2008 9787805639741

55 人文困惑与反思——西方后现代主义思潮批判盛宁三联书店2001 710801033X

56 陶庵梦忆•西湖梦寻张岱上海古籍出版社2001 9787532528684

57 译道探微思果中国对外翻译出版公司2002 7500109245

58 英译中国现代散文选张培基上海外语教育出版社2007 9787544604819

59 关键词:文化与社会的词汇雷蒙•威廉斯刘建基译三联书店2005 7108021625

60 Nature Ralph Waldo Emerson Boston : James Munroe and Company 1790 1072008

61 Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge Karl Popper Routledge 2002 415285941

