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1 hierarchy=class

2 companionship=friendship

3 starvation=hunger

4 resorted to=turned to

5 sustain=support

6 prestigious=famous

7 tenure=a permanent position

8 lobbying for=persuading people to support

9 unidentified=un known

10 saucer=plate

11 sensible=reasonable

12 source=cause

13 enormous=huge

14 account=report

15 crew=sailors

16 helmets=hard hats

17 remote=far away in distance

18 multidisciplinary=involving many subjects of study

19 striving=trying hard

20 portable=easily carried

21 foster=encourage the development of

22 maintenance=keeping in good condition

23 mission=specific task

24 innovations=new inventions

25 myths=old beliefs

26 boom=growth

27 erroneous=mistaken

28 exgausting=tiring

29 lean=thin

30 novice=newcomer

31 stationary=fixed

32 gasped for air=took in breath quickly

33 unconscious=unweare

34 reveal=show

35 disposition=character

36 grumpy=bad-tempered

37 chaos=confusion

38 complacent=self-satisfied

39 repress=hold back

40 sentimental=based on tender feelingd

41 whiteashed=painted white 42 depressing=discouraging

43 melodious=pleasant

44 nibbled=took smal bites

45 company=frlenfs

46 attained=achieved

47 idle=lazy

48 reluctance=unwillingly

49 complex=complicated

50 adjust=change

51 consistent=continuous

52 diagnoses=medical judgments

53 literal meaning=original meaning

54 bias=prejudice

55 aesthetic=artistic

56 stimulated=aroused

57 teenagers=people aged 13 19

58 rhythms=regular repeated pattern of sounds

59 blues=aslow sad style of music

60 rocked=moved from side to side

61 hit=success

62 trenf=fashion

63 vs=aginst

64 amazed=surpried

65 suspected=believed it to be likely

66 accustomed to=used to

67 extend=make it longer

68 secure=safe

69 well-meaning=well-intentioned

70 compliments=expressions of praise and admiration

71 fluctuated=kept going up and down

72 prevails=is widespread

73 layer=covering

74 approximately=nearly

75 vertical=upright

76 absord=take in

77 expanded=became greater

78 maximum=greatest

79 saturated=filled

80 constant=unchanging
