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Chen Xiang Monastery(Monastery with Eaglewood statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva ),located in the western part of the Old City of Shanghai ,was established in Min Dynasty,It is named after the Eaglewood statue of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin Bodhisattva ) enshrined in it ,has attracted tremendous Buddhist pilgrims during the past 400 years.

In 1600,Mr.Pan Yunduan,the owner of Yu Garden,dredged Huai River under instruction and surfaced an eaglewood statue of Avalokitesvara out of the river .As he was a filial son and knew his mother bowed to Buddha , he gilded and enshrined the statue in the Buddhist pavilion before the ancestral hall of his family for his mother ’ s practicing .in 1801,the local government initiated donations and moved and rebuilt it in the northwest part of the Old City ,and renamed it as Ci Yun Zen Monastery.

1、monastery /?m?n?stri/n. 修道院;僧侣

2、bodhisattva/?b?d??sɑ?tv?/ n. 菩萨

3、Avalokitesvara n. 观世音菩萨

4、buddhist /b?d?st/ n. 佛教徒adj. 佛教的

5、pilgrim /?p?l ɡr?m/ n. 朝圣者;漫游者; vi. 去朝圣;漫游

6、dredged /dred?d/dredge过去分词 . vt. (用挖泥船等)疏浚; vi.


7、filial /?f?li ?l/ adj. 孝顺的

8、buddha/?b?d? /n.佛陀;佛像

9、gild/ɡ ?ld/ vt.镀金;虚饰;供给钱

10、 enshrine

11、 pavilion /?n??ra ?n/vt. 铭记,珍藏;把⋯置于神龛内

/p ??v?li?n/ n.阁;亭子;展示馆vt. 搭帐篷;置⋯于亭中;笼罩

12、 ancestral/?n?sestr? l/adj. 祖先的;祖传的

13、 initiate /??n??ie ?t/ vt.发起;创始

14、 donation /d???ne ??n/ n.捐赠

15、 zen /zen/n.禅宗
