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My name is Mike.1. I went to Bejing with my parents on vacation .2. 天气非常晴朗.We spent five days in Beijing.3.我们参观了天安门广场。We also went to the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.Of course,We went shopp in g.The shops were crowded.We ate in some Chin ese restaurant,too.4.The food was cheap and delicious.The Chinese people were very friendly.5.We had a good time in Beiji ng.

1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. 我得承认我对历史一点儿也不感兴趣。

I must admit I ' m ________________________ interested in history.

7. 她在巴黎呆了一年多。

She stayed in Paris for ____________________ a year.

8. 我认识他们当中的很多人,比如约翰和汤姆。

I know many of them, ____________________ Joh n and Tom.

9. 你弟弟每天上网吗,凯特?

Does your brother ____________________ every day, Kate?

10. 米勒先生每天早上6点半开始锻炼。

Mr. Miller ____________________ at 6:30 a.m. every day.

11. 那个老师和孩子们相处得好。

The teacher ________________________ childre n.

12. 我不做与她相同的事。

I don ' t do the _________________________ she

13. 刘英真正地关心她的妈妈。

Liu Ying truly _____________ her mother.

14. 安娜比贝蒂努力得多。

Anna is _________________________ tha n Betty.

15. 她与她的姐姐很像,她俩都很友好。

She is ______________ h er sister. They are both frie ndly.

16. 世界上最受欢迎的运动项目是什么?

What' s sport in the world?

17. 这是我看过的最令人激动的电影。

This is the movie that I ' ve seen.

18. 玛丽认为这首曲子是世界上最优美的。

Mary thinks this piece of music is in the world.

19. 阳光旅馆里的房间是附近最大最干净的。

The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the and around here.

20. 离我家最近的超市步行需5分钟。

supermarket from my home is

My n ame is L in da. I ' m a fifteenar-old girl. I have three good friends at school. They are Judy, Alice and Dave. All of us like watch ing TV.

I watch TV three times a week. My favorite TV shows are sitcoms.21 I think they are very ____ funny and can help me relax.

Judy can only watch TV on weekends. She loves talk shows best. 22She thinks they ' re educati onal and she can lear n a lot from them.

23Alice enjoys watching soap operas, because she thinks they' interesting. She watches them four times a week.

Dave watches TV every evening. 24 大卫喜欢看什么?He likes the news.25 他想弄清世


21. ___________________________________

22. ___________________________________

23. __________________________________

24. __________________________________

25. __________________________________

26. 学习一门新语言是不容易的For many of us, speak ing it is the

hardest part! Here are some

tips (advice)to help you become more comfortable speak ing En glish.

Tip 1 When you study, make your mouth do what your mind is lear ning. 27.If you read aloud, you make your mouth and your mind work. This will help you with both speech and pronunciation(发音).

Tip 2 28Talk to yourself as much as possible. You need to be comfortable making sounds in English. All over the day, talk to yourself in English! 29This will_help you feel comfortable thinking in English. The n write dow n what you are say ing and read it aloud aga in.

Tip 3 Have a tudy b uddy(partner) ” . Get together with him or her at leastce a week and study together. Speak as much En glish as you can whe never you meet. 30 之后,你们可以相互帮助.

26. ___________________________________

27. __________________________________

28. __________________________________

29. __________________________________

30. __________________________________

31. 在这个镇上每个人都应该参与到清扫的工作中

Every one in this tow n ______________________ _____________ _____________________

_________ it up!
