















大G让C挂条棍,小g 大辫真正长;













大U陷阱在下方,小u将n倒着放;大V竖起两手指,小v长个尖下巴;大W是朝天躺,小w将v弄成双;大X像叉画本上,小x剪刀裁衣忙;大Y弹弓没皮筋,小y 比v多尾巴; 大Z和2最相象,小z呼噜声最响。英语26个字母规范书写顺口溜











新概念英语第二册第一课到第三课的测试题 、词汇 I. 钻戒 2.私人谈话 4. 非常注意某事或某人 6.到剧院 8. 几句话 9.直到 II. 姑母 12.重复 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空 1. ________ He (go )to bed very late last night. 2.1 freque ntly ______ (go)to school without havi ng breakfast. 3. He n ever (worry) _______ much about his son. 4. The earth _______ (move)aro und the sun. 5. The house is kind of small for us no w, I want ____ (sale) it. 6. Nobody likes a pers on who is ______ (hon est) 7. Did you enjoy ______ (you) in the party, kids? 三、 用恰当的词组填空,将句子补充完整 1. The old man and old woman were standing ___________ m e.(在… 前面) 2. He ___________ (转身) to look at the map on the wall. 3. When he heard the news, he __________________ (生气了)。 4. 这事与你无关 。 --------------- 5. Please wait outside, we will have a ______________ (私人谈话)。 四、 单项选择 3.因某事和某人生气 5?作决定 7.天啊 10.外面


Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How many cards did the writer send? Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送 friendly adj. 友好的 postcard n. 明信片 waiter n. 服务员,招待员 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 lend v. 借给 museum n. 博物馆 decision n. 决定 public adj. 公共的 single adj. 唯一的,单一的 whole adj. 整个的 Note on the text 课文注释 1 a few words,几句话。 2 lent me a book中,lent是“借出”的意思。我们常说lend sb. sth 或lend sth to sb.。borrow 是“借入”的意思,常用的结构是borrow sth.或borrow sth. from sb. 参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! Summary writing 摘要写作 Answer these questions in not more than 50 words. 回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过50个单词。 1Do postcards always spoil the writer’s holiday or not? 2Where did he spend his holidays last summer? 3What did he think about every day? 4Did he send any cards to his friends or not? 5What is the writer’s big decision? 6Where did he stay all day? 7Did he write any cards or not? Key structures 关键句型 What happened? 一般过去时


新概念英语第二册第三课课文详解【知识点讲解】 一、词汇解析 1 send [动词] 寄,发送;传达,告知;派遣,打发 send sb. something/ send sth. to sb. 例句:Lily sent me a present from Australia. 莉莉从澳大利亚给我寄来了礼物。 短语扩展:send for sb. 请某人来 例句:Please hurrily send for a doctor! 请赶快请医生过来! 2 spoil [动词] 破坏,毁掉;溺爱,娇惯,宠坏 spoil的过去式和过去分词能够是spoiled或spoilt 例句:My weekend was spoilt by his sudden visit. 我的周末被他的突然到访破坏了。 spoil还可表示长辈对晚辈的溺爱,娇惯。 例句:Jack is spoilt by his mother. 杰克被他的妈妈宠坏了。 3 public [形容词] 公共的,公众的;百姓的 这个词与我们第1课中讲到的private是一对反义词。 public library 公共图书馆

public transport 公共运输 例句:The media has a great influence on public opinion. 传媒对大众舆论有很大影响。 public也能够作名词,前面加定冠词the,表示平民,百姓。 例句:The president gave a speech to the public. 总统对公众实行了演讲。 4 friendly [形容词] 友好的,友爱的;亲切的,善意的;朋友似的 friendly是一个形容词,要特别注意,它的比较级和级分别是friendlier,friendliest。 短语扩展:friendly to/ towards sb. 例句:Everyone was friendly to me. 每个人对我都很友好。 friendly match 友谊赛 5 lend [动词] 借给,借出 lend (out) sth. to sb./ lend sb. sth. 例句:Can you lend me your cellphone? 你能把手机借我用用吗? lend,borrow,keep的区别 两者都可表示"借",但是 borrow 指"借入",而 lend 则指"借出",两者其实是一对反义词,而不是同义词。如:


Lesson 2-Breakfast or lunch? Text It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a805568.html,st Sunday,I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside."What a day!"I thought.It's raining again.Just then,the telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy."I've just arrived by train."she said."I'm coming to see you." "But I'm still having breakfast."I said. "What are you doing?"She asked. "I'm having breakfast."I repeated. "Dear me!"She said."Do you always get up so late?It's one o'clock." New words and expressions 生词和短语 until prep. 直到outside adv. 外面 ring v. (铃、电话等)响aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母 repeat v. 重复 Note on the text 课文注释 1 on Sundays, 指每个星期日。星期几的前面用介词on。 2 What a day! 多么糟糕的天气!这是一个省略的感叹句。完整的句子应该是What a day it is!英语中的感叹句常用what开头,后面紧跟一个名词或名词性短语(包括连系动词),然后是主语和谓语,句尾用感叹号。 3 I’m coming to see you. 在这句话中现在进行时用来表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。 4 Dear me! 天哪!这也是一个感叹句。 一、教学重点 1、代词:it做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置。 二、精讲课文 1、It was Sunday. 这里的it是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。接下来课文中还会出现很多个it,让我们来一起看看它到底指代什么。 2、I never get up on Sundays. 这是在说我一直以来的习惯,所以用了一般现在时。 never从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:-Have you loved me? -Never. -Will you marry me? -Never.太绝情了! on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on用在具体的某一天之前,例如on March 21st,on Monday,on Monday morning 在这里Sundays用了复数,表示在每一个星期天。 3、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 这句话也是一般现在时,表示习惯。 sometimes 有时。频率副词。常用于一般现在时。 例句:I usually get up at seven but sometimes at eight. stay in bed 待在床上不起来。这恐怕是每个人的梦想吧,“赖床”。stay是个持续性动词。 in bed 在床上睡觉VS 仅仅是陷在床里面in the bed until和till的区别:till只用在肯定句中,until可以用在肯定句或否定句中。 until用在肯定句中,表示一个动作一直持续到某时。He stayed in bed until/till


新概念英语二 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How many cards did the writer send Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! 、 New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 museum n. 博物馆 public adj. 公共的 friendly adj. 友好的 waiter n. 服务员,招待员 lend v. 借给 decision n. 决定 ; whole adj. 整个的 single adj. 唯一的,单一的 Note on the text 课文注释 1 a few words,几句话。 2 lent me a book中,lent是“借出”的意思。我们常说lend sb. sth 或lend sth to sb.。borrow是“借入”的意思,常用的结构是borrow sth.或borrow sth. from sb. 参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! ; Supplementary Written Exercises 补充书面练习 Comprehension 理解 1 The writer ___________. (a)doesn’t like buying postcards (b)doesn’t like receiving postcards


§Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card 请给我寄张明信片 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ★send v. 寄, 送 寄信: send a letter 用法: send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell... send/take children to school 区别: take : 强调某人亲自送; take flowers to his wife 自己送 send则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送postcard n. 明信片 [注意]/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音 send him a card 简写为card, 由此引申出: namecard/visiting card : 名片 Here is my namecard.(口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作) ID card:身份证; ID : 身分, 身份(identification, identity) credit card:信用卡 cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种) ★spoil(spoiled or spoilt) v. 使索然无味, 损坏(重点词) 几种破坏: break: 打破; break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁 以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上 spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好; 生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱 1、宠坏His parents spoiled the boy. 2、毁了某人心情. This spoiled my day. What you said spoiled me. His arrival spoiled my hoilday. ★museum n. 博物馆 Palace Museum:故宫 ★public adj. 公共的 这个词我们在第一课见过了, 基本用法和private一起记. 下面再说两点: public house简称pub : 酒吧; public place 公共场所 in public:公开的; in private:私下里的(介词短语在英语中往往充当状语) Let’s have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈? Why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)


Lesson 3Please send me a card New words and expressions send v寄,送send--sent--sent postcard n明信片 spoil v使索然无味,损坏 museum n博物馆 public adj公共的 friendly adj友好的 waiter n服务员 lend v借给lend--lent--lent decision n决定 whole adj整个的 single adj唯一的,单一的 send v寄送,派遣,打发 send--sent--sent (cause sb to go or sth to be taken without going oneself) 1):加双宾语: send sb sth =send sth to sb 把某物寄给某人(物是直接宾语,人是间接宾语) eg I sent my mother a present on Mothers` day. 在母情节我把礼物寄给妈妈。 I sent a present to my mother on Mothers` day. 在母情节我把礼物寄给妈妈。 2):加单宾语 send sth寄送某物 send sb派遣,打发某人 send a letter寄一封信 send a percel寄一个包裹 send the children to bed打发孩子去睡觉 send sb my love/give sb my love 代向…致意 eg Please send your sister my love. 请代我向你姐姐问候。 Please send my love to your sister. eg Please say hello to your brother. 代我问候你的哥哥。 eg Remember me to your parents. Give my regards to your parents. 请代我问候你的父母。 send for sb派人去请某人 send for sth派人去叫某物 send for a doctor派人请医生 send for a taxi派人叫出租车 postcard n明信片 card n卡片,贺卡 a Christmas card圣诞卡 a birthday card生日卡片 a get-well card康复卡 an identity card身份证 a post card明信片 a pack of cards一幅纸牌 one`s best card/one`s strongest card 某人的王牌,绝招 give sb his card开除,解雇某人 lay one`s cards on the table 摊牌 put one`s cards on the table摊牌 post n/v邮,寄 post-bag邮袋 post-box邮筒,邮箱(US ,mail box) post-code邮政编码 post office邮局 postman邮递员(US. Mailman)


always 总是(频度副词) holiday a holiday 一天的假期 holiday 较长的假期 go on holiday 去度假 be on holiday 正在度假 holidays 较长的假期,不能指一天的假期 vacation 1)法定假日(宗教假日,国家庆典)英美都用holiday。 2)每年的例行休假(英)holiday (美)vacation leave 雇员因某种原因而获准的休假 ask for a leave 请假 take French leave (英)不辞而别 leave in an English style (法)不辞而别 Italy 意大利Italian 意大利语;意大利人 public garden 公园 tought me a few words of Italian teach sb sth 双宾语现象: teach myself English 自学英语 teach sb a lesson 教训某人一顿 give sb a less on教训某人一顿 teach sb to do sth 教某人去做某事 teach fish to swin 班门弄斧 teach your gran dmother to suck eggs班H 弄斧 educate 知识和智慧全面的培养,通常由学校进行的正规教育 teach 指某一学科或某种技能的各种教育课程 coach 非正规的教导,可能为某一学科进行(考试)辅导或对体育运动的指导train 训练,使在行为、技能或体能上达到要求 instruct 教授某人学校科目;传授某人技巧;命令 word n. 1)词 New words and expressions 生词和词组 2)话,语言 eg. I don'tbelieve a word of his story. 他的故事我一句(一个字)都不相信。3)消息 eg. Word came that he had run into trouble. 有消息传来,他陷入麻烦了。eg. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。( Idiom) have a word in sbsear 和说句悄悄话 have a word with sb 和.说一句话


New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送postcard n. 明信片spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏museum n. 博物馆public adj. 公共的friendly adj. 友好的 waiter n. 服务员,招待员lend v. 借给decision n. 决定whole adj. 整个的single adj. 唯一的,单一的 Please Send Me a Card Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! 【NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS】 ★send v. 寄,送 send sth.to sb./send sb.sth give sb.sth./give sth.to sb. send/take children to school take: 某人亲自送 send: 通过第三人去送 ★postcard n. 明信片 send him a card name card/visiting card : 名片 Here is my name card. ID card:身份证 credit card:信用卡 cash card ★spoil(spoiled or spoilt) v. 使索然无味,损坏 Don’t spoil the pleasure. You should not spoil your child. break: 打破 spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心的事;宠坏,溺爱 His parents spoiled the boy. 宠坏 This spoiled my day. What you said spoiled me. His arrival spoiled my holiday. damage: 破坏,程度不一定很重 destroy:破坏,彻底摧毁


Lesson 2 - Breakfast or lunch? Text It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a805568.html,st Sunday,I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside."What a day!"I thought.It's raining again.Just then,the telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy."I've just arrived by train."she said."I'm coming to see you." "But I'm still having breakfast."I said. "What are you doing?"She asked. "I'm having breakfast."I repeated. "Dear me!"She said."Do you always get up so late?It's one o'clock." New words and expressions 生词和短语 until prep. 直到outside adv. 外面 ring v. (铃、电话等)响aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母 repeat v. 重复 Note on the text 课文注释 1 on Sundays, 指每个星期日。星期几的前面用介词on。 2 What a day! 多么糟糕的天气!这是一个省略的感叹句。完整的句子应该是What a day it is!英语中的感叹句常用what开头,后面紧跟一个名词或名词性短语(包括连系动词),然后是主语和谓语,句尾用感叹号。 3 I’m coming to see you. 在这句话中现在进行时用来表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。 4 Dear me! 天哪!这也是一个感叹句。 一、教学重点 1、代词:it做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置。 二、精讲课文 1、It was Sunday. 这里的it是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。接下来课文中还会出现很多个it,让我们来一起看看它到底指代什么。 2、I never get up on Sundays. 这是在说我一直以来的习惯,所以用了一般现在时。 never从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:-Have you loved me? -Never. -Will you marry me? -Never. 太绝情了! on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on用在具体的某一天之前,例如on March 21st,on Monday,on Monday morning 在这里Sundays用了复数,表示在每一个星期天。 3、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 这句话也是一般现在时,表示习惯。 sometimes 有时。频率副词。常用于一般现在时。 例句:I usually get up at seven but sometimes at eight. stay in bed 待在床上不起来。这恐怕是每个人的梦想吧,“赖床”。stay是个持续性动词。


新概念英语第二册第三课(包含课文及完整 课后练习)

Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How many cards did the writer send? Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送 friendly adj. 友好的 postcard n. 明信片 waiter n. 服务员,招待员 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 lend v. 借给 museum n. 博物馆 decision n. 决定 public adj. 公共的 single adj. 唯一的,单一的 whole adj. 整个的 Note on the text 课文注释 1 a few words,几句话。 2 lent me a book中,lent是“借出”的意思。我们常说lend sb. sth 或lend sth to sb.。borrow是“借入”的意思,常用的结构是borrow sth.或borrow sth. from sb. 参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! Summary writing 摘要写作 Answer these questions in not more than 50 words. 回答下列问题,将答案组成一个段落,不要超过50个单词。 1Do postcards always spoil the writer’s holiday or not? 2Where did he spend his holidays last summer? 3What did he think about every day? 4Did he send any cards to his friends or not? 5What is the writer’s big decision? 6Where did he stay all day? 7Did he write any cards or not?


新概念英语第二册复习笔记第三课课文讲解 always 总是(频度副词) holiday a holiday 一天的假期 holiday 较长的假期 go on holiday 去度假 be on holiday 正在度假 holidays 较长的假期,不能指一天的假期 vacation 1) 法定假日(宗教假日,国家庆典)英美都用holiday。 2) 每年的例行休假(英)holiday(美)vacation leave 雇员因某种原因而获准的休假 ask for a leave 请假 take French leave (英)不辞而别 leave in an English style (法)不辞而别 Italy 意大利Italian 意大利语;意大利人 public garden 公园 tought me a few words of Italian teach sb sth 双宾语现象: teach myself English 自学英语 teach sb a lesson 教训某人一顿 give sb a lesson 教训某人一顿 teach sb to do sth 教某人去做某事 teach fish to swin 班门弄斧 teach your grandmother to suck eggs班门弄斧 educate 知识和智慧全面的培养,通常由学校进行的正规教育 teach 指某一学科或某种技能的各种教育课程 coach 非正规的教导,可能为某一学科进行(考试)辅导或对体育运动的指导train 训练,使在行为、技能或体能上达到要求 instruct 教授某人学校科目;传授某人技巧;命令 word n. 1) 词 New words and expressions 生词和词组 2) 话,语言 eg. I don’t believe a word of his story. 他的故事我一句(一个字)都不相信。3) 消息 eg. Word came that he had run into trouble. 有消息传来,他陷入麻烦了。eg. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。( Idiom) have a word in sb’s ear 和…..说句悄悄话 have a word with sb 和…..说一句话 have words with sb 和…..吵架 have word from sb 听到,收到…..的消息 lend sb sth 借给某人某物


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新概念英语二 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How many cards did the writer send Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! New words and expressions 生词和短语 send v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 museum n. 博物馆 public adj. 公共的 friendly adj. 友好的 waiter n. 服务员,招待员 lend v. 借给 decision n. 决定 whole adj. 整个的 single adj. 唯一的,单一的 Note on the text 课文注释 1 a few words,几句话。 2 lent me a book中,lent是“借出”的意思。我们常说lend sb. sth 或lend sth to sb.。borrow是“借入”的意思,常用的结构是borrow sth.或borrow sth. from sb. 参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! Supplementary Written Exercises 补充书面练习 Comprehension 理解 1 The writer ___________. (a)doesn’t like buying postcards (b)doesn’t like receiving postcards (c)doesn’t like writing postcards (d)doesn’t like postcards 2 What was the writer’s ‘big decision’ (a)He decided to write postcards to his friends. (b)He decided to spend the whole day in his room. (c)He decided to buy a lot of postcards. (d)He decided not to write a single card. Structure 句型


Lesson 38 Everything except the weather唯独没有考虑到天气Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly? My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. 参考译文 我的老朋友哈里森在回到英国以前曾多年居住在地中海地区。过去他常幻想退休后到英国,并计划在乡间安顿下来。他刚一回到英国便买下了一幢房子住了进去。但紧接着他就开始抱怨那里的天气了。因为即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且常常冷得厉害。在阳光下生活了那么多年的哈里森对此感到惊奇。他的举动就好像他从未在英国生活过一样。最后,他再也忍受不住,还没等安顿下来就卖掉了房子,离开了这个国家。他多年来的幻想从此破灭。哈里森把每件事情都考虑到了,唯独没想到天气。 【New words and expressions】(6) 1 except [ik'sept] prep.除了 2 Mediterranean[?medit?'reini?n] n.(the~)地中海 3 complain [k?m'plein] v.抱怨 4 continually [k?n'tinju?li] ad.不断地 5 bitterly ['bit?li] ad.刺骨地 6 sunshine ['s?n?ain] n.阳光 一.单词讲解 except prep.除了,除了…外 eg. Except a broken chair, the room has no furniture. 除了一把破椅子,这间房子里什么也没有。(chair与furniture性质相同) except for eg. Except for a broken chair, the room is empty. 除了一把破椅子外,这间房子是空的。 except for没有“所指项目类别”的限制 except that eg. I know nothing about his career except that he is a graduate of Oxford University.
