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Master's degree graduate students

Political theory exam outline

The first part: marxism

The introduction of marxism is the science of proletarian and human liberation

The first section the emergence and development of marxism

The meaning of marxism; The economic and social cause of marxism, ideological origin and practice foundation; The creation of marxism

The unity of marxist scientific and revolutionary in the second quarter

The marxist world outlook and methodology, politics, the theory of quality, and social ideals

The first chapter material and its law of development of the world

The first section in the material world and practice

Materialism and idealism, knowability and agnosticism, dialectics and metaphysics; The establishment of marxist philosophy in the great change in the history of philosophy; Marxist view of matter and its theoretical significance; The origin of consciousness and nature; Material world unity; The basic features of practice and basic form; Practice essence of social life

Development and things of widespread contact in the second quarter

Widespread contact of the principle of methodology; The essence of the development; Contradiction and identity and struggle; The meaning of the contradictory relationship between universality and particularity principle; Things in the development of quantitative change and qualitative change, and their dialectical relationship; Dialectical negation view and the methodology significance

Objective regularity and subjective initiative of the 3rd quarter

Law and objectivity; The performance of the consciousness of active functions; Subjective

initiative and objective regularity of the relationship; Social and historical trend and the relationship between the subject choice

The second chapter to know the world and transform the world

The first section essence and regularity of understanding

The relationship and interaction process of subject and object. Practice decisive effect to know; The guiding role of theory to practice, The essence of knowledge; Repeatability in the process of cognition and limitless; The unity of knowledge and practice of specific history

Truth and value in the second quarter

Truth and objectivity; The absoluteness and relativity of truth and their dialectical relationship; The practice of the criterion for testing truth; Practice the truth of the scale and value scale; Value and characteristics; Truth and value of dialectical unification relations

The third chapter of human society and its law of development

The first section social basic contradiction and motion

The principle of social existence and social consciousness of the dialectical relationship between theory of meaning; The principle of productivity and production relations contradictory movement rule of theoretical significance and practical significance; The contradiction between economic basis and superstructure contradiction interaction motion; The replacement of social formation of unity and diversity; The necessity of social form change with people's historical selectivity

In the second quarter. The power of the development of society and history

The role of social basic contradiction in social development; The meaning and role of class struggle; Revolutionary effect on the development of the society; The nature and function of reform; The role of science and technology revolution

The role of the third quarter of the people in the historical development

The reality person and its activity and the social history; The essence of man. Determining the masses of the people in the process of history; The mass viewpoint and the mass line; The role of historical figures in historical development

The fourth chapter the formation of capitalism and its nature

The formation of the capitalism in section 1 and is based on private ownership of commodity economy

The formation of the capitalist mode of production; The two factors and production of goods commodity labor duality; The decision of the commodity value; Law of value and function; Theoretical and practical significance of Marx's labor theory of value

The nature of the capitalist economic system in the second quarter

The meaning of the surplus value; The nature of capital; Surplus value rate; The nature of capital accumulation; Historical trends of capital accumulation; Capital turnover; The core issue of social reproduction. Profits and average profit; The significance of Marx's theory of surplus value. The basic contradiction of capitalism and its deepening
