组织结构论文(英文版)organizational structure essay.

组织结构论文(英文版)organizational structure essay.
组织结构论文(英文版)organizational structure essay.


Now human society has come into the 21 century. Organization and business has changed a lot compared with thirty years ago. As the development of organization structure, organizations have to adjust and change their structure modes in order to suit to new social environment. In traditional management theory, mechanistic structure and organic structure are the two kinds of organizational structure and are widely applied by most of organizations. Whether these two kinds of organizational structures are relevant to 21st century organizations is a very important topic for most organizational management. The aim of this essay is to state organic structure is more relevant to 21st century organizations. For the structure, it will firstly have an introduction and comparison of the features of mechanistic and organic structure. Secondly it will discuss why organic structure is more relevant to 21st century organizations compared with mechanistic structure.


Now it comes to have an introduction and comparison of features of organic structure and mechanistic structure. First is organic organization. Organic organization is also called as adaptive organization. Organic organization mainly has two features. Organic-type organization is a loose, flexible and hig hly adaptive form. It doesn’t have a standardized work and the rules and regulations, and it can quickly make adjustments as needed. (Litwin, S. 2002) The mainly features are low-standardization and low-centralization. Second is mechanistic structure. Mechanical organization is a stable, rigid structure; its main objective is the pursuit of efficiency and stable operation. It pursues to stabilize the operation efficiency and focus on the tasks and functions of a high degree of division of labor division. Reverse to organic structure, it has high-standardization and high-centralization. It is often adopted by bureaucracy organizations.

For comparison of their features, the following diagram shows the differences between organic structure and mechanic structure.

(Westbrook, J 2004)

According to the above comparison of the features between mechanic structures and organic, now it aims to discuss why organic structure is more relevant to 21st organizations. This should base on the features of the 21st organizations’ developing


A Absolutely integrable 绝对可积Absolutely integrable impulse response 绝对可积冲激响应Absolutely summable 绝对可和Absolutely summable impulse response 绝对可和冲激响应Accumulator 累加器 Acoustic 声学 Adder 加法器 Additivity property 可加性 Aliasing 混叠现象 All-pass systems 全通系统 AM (Amplitude modulation ) 幅度调制 Amplifier 放大器 Amplitude modulation (AM) 幅度调制Amplitude-scaling factor 幅度放大因子Analog-to-digital (A-to-D) converter 模数转换器Analysis equation 分析公式(方程)Angel (phase) of complex number 复数的角度(相位)Angle criterion 角判据 Angle modulation 角度调制Anticausality 反因果

Aperiodic 非周期 Aperiodic convolution 非周期卷积Aperiodic signal 非周期信号Asynchronous 异步的 Audio systems 音频(声音)系统Autocorrelation functions 自相关函数Automobile suspension system 汽车减震系统Averaging system 平滑系统 B Band-limited 带(宽)限的 Band-limited input signals 带限输入信号 Band-limited interpolation 带限内插 Bandpass filters 带通滤波器Bandpass signal 带通信号 Bandpass-sampling techniques 带通采样技术Bandwidth 带宽 Bartlett (triangular) window 巴特利特(三角形)窗Bilateral Laplace transform 双边拉普拉斯变换Bilinear 双线性的 Bilinear transformation 双线性变换 Bit (二进制)位,比特


本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 论文(设计)题目网络环境下的企业危机公关对策研究 作者姓名所属学部专业年级 指导老师姓名、职称预计字数12000 开题日期 一、选题背景与研究意义 (一)选题背景 危机公关是指在由于某种突发事件导致企业形象受损,要求企业必须作出关键决策和进行紧急回应,否则会使公众对企业产生信任危机的非常态公共关系状态下,企业针对危机事件所采取的一系列自救行为,包括消除影响、恢复形象等。通常,危机公关非常重视传统媒体,因为传统媒体拥有强大的舆论引导力,其立场和观点往往影响着公众对企业或品牌的判断。但是近年来,从LG翻新事件和SK-II的重金属超标等诸多危机事件中可以发现,越来越多的企业危机完全是以谁也无法预料的方式引爆的——网络上的各种小帖子、论坛或博客文章等。面对新媒体——网络等引发的危机,不少企业措手不及,无法作出快速、正确有效的应对措施,因而给企业形象或品牌带来了无法估量的损害。在网络飞速发展的今天,企业的危机公关也呈现出新的特点,而相应的对策也成为企业必须直面与重视的新课题。 (二)研究意义 1.理论意义 当今很多企业在面对危机时都会抱着恐慌的态度,而能够面对危机做出正确的决策和应对措施的企业往往能化险为夷,对于一个企业而言,危机公关因而十分的重要。而相比于传统的媒体传播方式,网络环境下危机事件在空间上会更加的不受地域限制,在时间上也会更加的迅速。这对于企业面对危机所作出的反应时间提出了更高的要求,也对其面临危机时采取的策略与措施提出了新的要求,企业必须在最短的时间内作出最恰当的应对方案才能使企业的形象以及今后的发展不受到危害。因此,做好在网络背景下的企业危机公关研究显得尤为重要。现在不少研究都关注到了企业危机公关的重要性并提出相应的对策,也有研究者关注到了在网络时代企业危机公关的新特点,但企业如何应对网络时代的危机?危机公关中采用怎样的策略与措施才能有效地化解企业危机?这部分的研究还不够深入和系统。本选题在研究网络特征的基础上,分析网络背景下企业危机出现的新的特点,并针对其特征全面地、深入地探索危机公关的对策,并提出危机管理的新模式和具体的策略措施。本选题一定程度上丰富了当前企业危机公关领域的研究,具有一定的理论意义和价值。 2.实际意义 互联网将现实生活中微弱的个人声音汇集起来,形成的强大力量足可以与任何一个企业抗衡。飞速发展的网络赋予公众更多的传播渠道及内容表达的自由,一旦企业的产品和服务出现了问题,很多消费者的第一反应会是上网发帖,对网友倾诉不愉快的心情。企业必须对他们的意见给予足够的重视,对他们的力量有充分的认识,否则可能产生意想不到的后果。网络对于企业公关来说是把


信号与系统课程设计报告 实验题目:信号的运算与处理 内容简介: 设计一个信号,对其进行信号运算和处理,利用Matlab仿真。 课设方式: 利用电子技术、电路理论和信号与系统的知识学习验证信号的运算和处理,如延时、相加、微分、抽样等。自已设计信号及运算方式,并利用Matlab仿真。 分析计算结果。 课程设计要求: 独立完成; 完成信号设计(任意信号均可)及其某种运算(任意运算均可,也可多做几种,或做组合运算)的验证; 学会利用Matlab仿真;提交课程设计报告。 例如: 设计一个信号为f(t)=3sin2t 对其做微分运算得到f/(t) , 用MATLAB 编程实现计算过程,画出f(t)和f/(t)

本次课程设计本人选的信号运算是: 设计一个信号为y1=y(x)=sin2x,对其作微分运算得到dy1,用MATLAB对其实现运算过程,后画出y1,dy1,y1+dy1的图像 实验步骤(操作过程) 1、 首先打开MATLAB软件,在其命令窗口直接输入以下程序,对y(x)进 行微分运算。得到dy1 clear >> syms x y1; >> y1=sin(2*x); >> dy1=diff(y1,'x') dy1 =2*cos(2*x) 运算过程如下图所示: 2、 接着便是对其进行验证,点击fire,新建一个文件,输入以下程序(绘制出y1=sin2x, dy1=2cos2x, 以及y1+ dy1=sin2x+2cos2x。的波形)

3、保存文件,后缀名为.m,随后按F5执行输出输出图形。实验结果如下图所示 、

结果分析 如图所示绿色波形为y1=sin2x,蓝色为dy1=2cos2x,红色波形为y1+dy1。仿真结果与运算结果一致。 实验心得体会(调试过程) 总的来说,这次课程设计难度并不是太高,而我选取的正玄信号也是较为简单常用的一种函数,对其进行微分运算之后,得到了余弦函数,其仿真结果波形也如上所示,与预期一致。在设计过程中,还是出现了几个小问题的,一个是变量的定义,之前没有定义x,直接取范围结果出错了,还有一个是注意各种函数的调用以及运算格式,还是希望能在之后再接再厉,掌握好matlab软件!(附上调试过程图片) 左边为文件、历史窗口,底下是命令窗口,最右下角为实验仿真波形,中间为运算程序,绘图画图程序。

野性的呼唤读书笔记全英文版 之 作者简介

1 J ack London was born in San Francisco on January 12, 1876, the illegitimate son of Flora Wellman, the rebellious daughter of an aristocratic family, and William Chaney, a traveling astrologer who abandoned Flora when she became pregnant. Eight months after her son was born, Flora married John London, a grocer and Civil War veteran whose last name the infant took. London grew up in Oakland, and his family was mired in poverty throughout his youth. He remained in school only through the eighth grade but was a voracious reader and a frequent visitor to the Oakland Public Library, where he went about edu-cating himself and laying the groundwork for his impending literary career. In his adolescent years, London led a rough life, spending time as a pirate in San Francisco Bay, traveling the Far East on sealing expeditions, and making his way across America as a tramp. Finally, temporarily tired of adventure, London returned to Oakland and graduated from high school. He was even admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed only for a semester. The Klondike gold rush (in Canada’s Y ukon Territory) had begun, and in 1897 London left college to seek his fortune in the snowy North. The gold rush did not make London rich, but it furnished him with plenty of material for his career as a writer, which began in the late 1890s and continued until his death in 1916. He worked as a reporter, covering the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 and the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s; meanwhile, he published ov er fifty books and became, at the time, America’s most famous author. For a while, he was one of the most widely read authors in the world. He embodied, it was said, the spirit of the American West, and his portrayal of adventure and frontier life seemed like a breath of fresh air in comparison with nineteenth-century V ictorian fiction, which was often overly concerned with what had begun to seem like trivial and irrelevant social norms. The Call of the Wild, published in 1903, remains London’s most famous work, blending his experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness with his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence. He drew these ideas from various influential figures, including Charles Darwin, an English naturalist credited with -developing theories about biological evolution, and Friedrich Nietzsche, a prominent German philosopher. Although The Call of the Wild is first and foremost a story about a dog, it displays a -philosophical depth absent in most animal adventures. London was married twice—once in 1900, to his math tutor and friend Bess Maddern, and again in 1905, to his secretary Charmian Kittredge, whom he considered his true love. As his works soared in popularity, he became a contradictory figure, arguing for socialist principles and women’s rights even as he himself lived a materialist life of luxury, sailing the world in his boat, the Snark, and running a large ranch in northern California. Meanwhile, he preached -equality and the brotherhood of man, even as novels like The Call of the Wild celebrated violence, power, and brute force. London died young, on November 22, 1916. He had been plagued by stomach problems and failing kidneys for years, but many have suggested that his death was a suicide. Whatever the cause, it is clear that London, who played the various roles of journalist, novelist, prospector, sailor, pirate, husband, and father, lived life to the fullest. 1


公共关系论文之 康泰克在危机中重焕生机 学院:文法学院 班级:事业0901 姓名:赵娜 学号:20090127

危机公关之康泰克在危机中重焕生机 赵娜20090127 事业0901 (东北大学文法学院,,辽宁沈阳) 摘要:2000年国家出台一项政策,国内15种含有苯丙醇胺(PPA)的感冒药被停止使用和销售。中美天津史克制药有限公司的康泰克作为国内感冒药的第一品牌,在这一事件中首当其冲。但是中美史克立即进行危机公关管理,成功化解这次危机。成立危机处理小组,积极处理危机中的新闻传播工作,开展和恢复重建品牌活动等一系列活动和措施,成功度过危机。 关键词:危机公关;公共关系;危机管理;康泰克 随着现代社会分工日益细分化,社会机构之间的联系越来越紧密,处于复杂多变的社会环境中,企业难免与社会公众产生各种矛盾、冲突,进而演化为公共关系危机,在信息化高度发展的今天,企业公共关系危机可能在很短的时间内迅速广泛扩散。面对公关危机,一些企业成功地化危为机,一些企业在危机中遭遇损失,甚至遭受灭顶之灾。不同的企业在对待公关危机时采取的不同的态度和处理方法所产生的截然不同的结果,让我们清醒地认识到,企业要持续生存并获得发展,必须进行科学的公共关系危机管理。 1.公共关系的概念和内涵 公共关系是社会组织在运行中,为使组织与公众相互了解、相互合作而进行的传播活动和采取的行为规范。包含着这样几层含义:第一,公共关系是社会组织与公众之间的关系,其中社会组织是主体,公众是客体;第二,主体与客体联系的桥梁是传播活动;主体与客体之间是双向信息交流关系;第四,这种传播活动有一定的行为规范,以保证其正常有效的开展。 危机公关是指应对危机的有关机制,它具有意外性,聚焦性,破坏性和紧迫性。危机公关对于国家、企业、个人等等都具有重要的作用。危机公关是指当企业遭遇突发事件或重大事故,其正常的生产经营活动受到影响,特别是企业的良好形象受到破坏时,如何从公共关系角度来应对处理,以使企业渡过经营危机的公关活动。当危机降临时,不同的企业会有不同的反应,有的企业会迅速采取行动,果断的承担责任,这样的企业面临危机时采取的是“雄鹰”政策;有的企业在面临危机时,采取的是“鸵鸟”政策,推卸责任,采取像鸵鸟那样把头埋在沙子里的做法。


摘要 随着改革开放的深入,企业之间竞争的加剧,对公共关系工作提出了更高的要求,企业公共关系工作在经营管理中的地位和作用也日益重要。任何企业都处在复杂多变的社会环境中,不可避免地会受到各种社会公众关系的影响和制约,企业要顺利地实现自身的目标并获得不断的发展,必须有效地协调与社会公众的关系,为自身的发展创造一个宽松、融洽的环境。本文从公共关系的涵义以及发展中分析出公共关系对于企业管理中的重要性,并尝试着通过自己所学习的知识提出一些关于公共关系在企业管理中运用的具体操作的方式和战略的选择。 关键词:企业管理;公共关系;运用

目录 前言 (3) 一、公共关系概述 (4) (一)公共关系的含义 (4) (二)公共关系在企业中的应用领域 (4) 1.公共关系在市场营销中的应用 (4) 2.公共关系在企业发展重大问题上的应用 (4) 3.公共关系的意义 (5) 二、公共关系在企业管理中的现状分析 (5) (一)现阶段对公共关系认识不够深入 (6) (二)企业公关缺乏科学指导 (6) (三)公关机构设置不合理 (6) 三、公共关系在企业管理应用中存在问题的原因 (7) (一)企业缺乏公关意识,公关人才不足 (7) (二)公共关系意识及管理模式不成熟 (7) (三)企业缺少调研,公关情感投入不足 (7) (四)公关危机预警机制不健全 (8) 四、企业公共关系运用的解决策略 (8) (一)加深对公共关系的认识 (8) (二)要加强公共关系的专业教育 (8) (三)企业应重视公关关系,引进公关人才 (9) (四)合理地设置公共关系机构 (9) 五、佳洁士防蛀牙膏公共关系案例 (9) (一)宝洁公司介绍 (9) (二)宝洁公司的佳洁士牙膏公关策划 (10) 1.佳洁士牙膏介绍 (10) 2.佳洁士牙膏的公关策划目标 (10) 3.佳洁士牙膏的公关策略 (11) 4.佳洁士牙膏公关策划项目实施方案 (11)


企业危机公关论文 律师在房地产企业危机公关中的作用 摘要:介绍了房地产企业危机公关的现状,并通过对案例的分析,论述了律师在房地产企业危机公关中必不可少的作用。 关键词:律师;房地产企业;危机公关;沟通 危机公关一旦出现,极易出现迅速扩展的状况。在实际操作过程中,国内的房地产企业在面对这样那样的危机时,要么采取不闻不问静观其变的处世哲学,要么干脆用纸包火的方式把危机事件的消息拼命捂住,试图阻隔外界对事件的了解与传播。 在通讯手段如此发达的今天,再强势的企业,在网络博客、BBS 论坛、业主qq群日益流行的时代,也无法控制舆论,任何的掩盖敷衍只会强化不良信息的传播速度,使得“小道消息”满天飞。正确的做法则是迅速掌握所需信息资料,及时与业主沟通、做好政府沟通和媒体沟通。 (一)业主沟通 依据相关法律的规定,房地产公司不仅承担交付房屋、转移房屋所有权的义务,同时还应保证房屋各项质量指标达到法定或者约定标准。房地产企业因为某种原因导致了在建住宅倒塌,导致了不能按时交付,同时其他的在建住宅也可能存在安全隐患,已经构成了违约。根据《合同法》关于违约责任的相关规定,开发商应采取补救措施、

赔偿损失、支付违约金等。违约方不履行合同或不完全履行合同,致使对方当事人权利不能实现时,受害方如果认为违约方能够采取一定的补救措施挽回合同损失时,可以请求对方采取修理、更换、重作的方法实现合同权利。在出现这样危机的情形下,房地产公司聘请律师可以为其说明这些其应当承担的责任底线,同时也可以安排律师代表房地产企业与购房人进行沟通,通过协调为双方找到更合适的解决办法以最大程度的维护房地产企业的利益。危机公关并不仅仅是法律赔偿即可,律师可以站在法律的角度衡量修理、更换、或者退房等法律行为在危机事件的解决中所起的作用,并为企业在法律底线的基础上,协助其他智囊成员提供更好的方案。 “楼脆脆”事件的解决就很好的说明了律师的重要性。2009年6 月27日,由上海梅都房地产开发有限公司开发、上海众欣建设有限公司承建的“莲花河畔景苑” 的一栋13层的在建的住宅楼倒塌,所幸周边数栋在建楼房未受损,造成一名工人死亡。这次的楼塌事件之后,“莲花河畔景苑”的业主自发的临时业主大会,业主们纷纷要求赔偿,并且梅都房地产公司开发的该小区的其他楼房的业主也要求退房。此事诱发了很大的信任危机,极大的影响了公司的销售状况。 在该代表沟通会上,业主们主要提出如下要求:第一,房屋倒塌,业主的损失该由谁来赔偿?第二,退房时业主可否获取房价上涨收益?第三,小区其他业主可否退房?以上问题不仅仅是楼脆脆时间中业主提出的要求,这四个问题基本上是所有房地产企业在遇到危机事

信号与系统论文+傅里叶变换的分析 (2)

信号变换与处理 论文 ——单边拉普拉斯变换与傅里叶变换关系 专业:电气工程与自动化系 姓名:刘俊鹏 学号:B11040416

对信号单边拉普拉斯变换与傅里叶变换关系的探讨 On Relationship between Single Side LaplaceTransformation and Fourier Transformation 摘要: 在传统的信号与系统理论中,单边拉氏变换和傅氏变换关系存在瑕疵。文中给出的单边拉氏变换和傅氏变换关系的理论克服了传统理论的瑕疵。 Abstract: In traditional theory of signal and system,the relationship between single side Laplace transformation and Fouriertransform ation exists faults.The theory from this paper overcomes these faults. 关键词:拉普拉斯变换;傅里叶变换;单极点;重极点 Key words:La place tran sform ation;Fourier transform ation;simple pole;heavy pole 引言: 设 f(t)为有始信号,则 (S)的单边拉氏变换凡与f(t)的傅氏变换()之间有一定联系。这种联系依据f(t)的拉氏变换(S)的收敛横坐标的值不同而分成三种情况: (1)>0,拉氏变换存在而傅氏变换不存在; (2)<0,(S)=(); (3) =0,(S)≠(),但(S)与()都存在,且有一定的关系。传统的理论


《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表第 1 章绪论 信号(signal) 系统(system) 电压(voltage) 电流(current) 信息(information) 电路(circuit) 网络(network) 确定性信号(determinate signal) 随机信号(random signal) 一维信号(one–dimensional signal) 多维信号(multi–dimensional signal) 连续时间信号(continuous time signal) 离散时间信号(discrete time signal) 取样信号(sampling signal) 数字信号(digital signal) 周期信号(periodic signal) 非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic)signal) 能量(energy) 功率(power) 能量信号(energy signal) 功率信号(power signal) 平均功率(average power) 平均能量(average energy) 指数信号(exponential signal) 时间常数(time constant) 正弦信号(sine signal) 余弦信号(cosine signal) 振幅(amplitude) 角频率(angular frequency) 初相位(initial phase) 周期(period) 频率(frequency) 欧拉公式(Euler’s formula) 复指数信号(complex exponential signal) 复频率(complex frequency) 实部(real part) 虚部(imaginary part) 抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function) 偶函数(even function) 奇异函数(singularity function)


企业公共关系结课论文知名白酒企业塑化剂风波的公关建议 班级:市场营销 姓名: 学号:

知名白酒企业塑化剂风波的公关建议 摘要 危机是每个企业在发展过程中都会遇到的,危机公关管理是企业是否会使用危机这把“双刃剑”,转弊为利的关键。随着白酒塑化剂事件成为舆论焦点,事件危害的严重性不仅针对事件的引发者——“酒鬼酒”,对整个行业也产生了震动性的影响。我们从各个方面的诉求分析,提出了针对白酒企业应对危机风波的可行性的公关建议,希望企业以此为鉴,平衡各方力量,重树消费者信心。同时使白酒企业真正不仅“相信品牌的力量”,也要重视“媒体的声音”。 关键词:塑化剂风波危机影响危机应对危机公关管理

目录 摘要 (1) 关键词 (1) 1.白酒企业塑化剂事件 (3) 2.塑化剂 (3) 2.1塑化剂概念 (3) 2.2塑化剂危害 (4) 3.危机影响 (4) 3.1消费者对白酒行业的信任危机 (4) 3.2白酒行业整体销售情况 (5) 3.3股市的激烈震荡影响 (5) 4. 各方回应 (5) 4.1白酒企业 (5) 4.2质监部门 (6) 4.3业内专家 (6) 5.消费者质疑 (6) 5.1塑化剂如何进入白酒 (6) 5.2检测机构权威与否 (7) 5.3白酒是否均含 (7) 6.酒企危机公关中存在的问题 (7) 7.应对危机的公关建议 (7) 7.1坚持危机公关原则 (7) 7.2组建危机管理小组 (8) 7.3启动危机管理小组 (9) 7.4实施危机隔离 (9) 7.5深入现场收集信息 (9) 7.6分析信息确定对策 (9) 7.7检查结果公之于众 (9) 7.8做好善后挽回形象 (9) 7.9危机评价形象重塑 (10) 参考文献 (11)


成绩评定表 课程设计任务书

摘要 本文研究的是傅里叶变换的对称性和时移特性,傅里叶变换的性质有:对称性、线性(叠加性)、奇偶虚实性、尺度变换特性、时移特性、频移特性、微分特性、积分特性、卷积特性(时域和频域);从信号与系统的角度出发,给出了激励信号的具体模型;应用Matlab软件进行仿真,将研究的信号转化成具体的函数形式,在Matlab得到最终变换结果。使用傅里叶变换的方法、卷积的求解方法以及函数的微分等方法研究题目。 关键词: 傅里叶变换;对称性;时移特性;Matlab 目录 1、Matlab介绍................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.利用Matlab实现信号的频域分析—傅里叶变换的对称性与时移特性设计 (5) 2.1.傅里叶变换的定义及其相关性质 (5) 2.2.傅里叶变换的对称性验证编程设计及实现 (7) 2.3.傅里叶变换的时移特性验证编程设计及实现 (10) 3.总结 (13) 4.参考文献 (13) 1 、Matlab介绍 MATLAB作为一种功能强大的工程软件,其重要功能包括数值处理、程序设计、可视化显示、图形用户界面和与外部软件的融合应用等方面。 MATLAB软件由美国Math Works公司于1984年推出,经过不断的发展和完善,如今己成为覆盖多个学科的国际公认的最优秀的数值计算仿真软件。MATLAB具备强大的数值计算能力,许多复杂的计算问题只需短短几行代码就可在MATLAB中实现。作为一个跨平台的软件,MATLAB已推出Unix、Windows、Linux和Mac等十多种操作系统下的版本,大大方便了在不同操作系统平台下的研究工作。 MATLAB软件具有很强的开放性和适应性。在保持内核不变的情况下,MATLAB可以针对不同的应用学科推出相应的工具箱(toolbox),目前己经推出了


Study on the Causes of Buck’s Returning the Wild 摘要:本文运用马克思主义辩证关系原理,科学地探索了巴克回归自然的内因和外因,并对人类进行了深刻的反思。淘金热是巴克转变的一个间接原因,也是一个大背景。巴克凭着先天优势在残酷的不断变化的环境中,学得了重要的生存法则,即“适者生存”。由此发现,虽然外部环境在不断变化,但巴克凭着自己的能力掌握规律,以另一种方式生存。这表明外因在一定程度上影响了事物的发展,而事物的发展是由内因决定的。 关键字:内因;外因;生存法则;适应能力。 Abstract: On the basis of Marxist dialectic, this passage makes a study on the internal and external causes of buck’s returning to the wild, and makes a reflection of human beings as well. Prevailing phenomenon of seeking gold is an indirect cause as well as a big backdrop of the time. Buck, learning against his superior advantages, learned a critical law of existence, that is, survival of the fittest. In this sense, in spite of the various environments, Buck mastered the law against his own adaptability and led a different way of life. That indicates the external causes have an effect on the development of things, while it is the internal cause that decides the final implementation of things. Key words: external causes; internal causes; law of existence; adaptability 1.Introduction: The call of the wild, one of the representative works, written by Jack London, reveal many realities and truths that deserve ponder and study. On the ground of Marxist dialectic, we choose to the causes, internal and external, that push Buck to return to the wild. Any implementation of phenomenon is formed by the combined effect of internal and external causes, thus, to know the process and results of development in things, finding out the reasons is necessary. At the same time, thoughts should not be confined in things themselves, but touch the lessons and experience hiding in the development of things, that is, in the call of the wild, we should see the illumination from Buck’s shift of life, and make self-reflection. In this sense, reflection on human beings being the third part of this passage, apart from external causes and internal causes. 2.External Causes 2.1 The Found of Yellow Metal It is a direct reason that leads to Buck′s hardship. It is the found of gold that increase the demand for dogs of strong muscle and long hair, which can according make them pull sled protect them from frost. Also it is the found that offers Manuel, one of the gardener′s helpers an opportunity to reduce his debt, that is to sell Buck. Buck was betrayed and forced to begin his shift of life. 2.2.The Big Contrast in Living Conditions Buck had lived the sun-kissed santé clara valley,where was beautiful and peaceful. “It stood back from the road, half-hidden among the trees, through which glimpses could be caught of the wide cool veranda that ran round its four sides. The house was approached by graveled drive ways which wound about through wide spreading lawns and under the interlacing boughs of tall poplars. At


公共关系论文选题 导语:关于公共关系方面的论文选题有哪些呢?以下是我为大家整理的文章,欢迎阅读!希望对大家有所帮助! 1、论公关心理学在企业管理中的正确运用 2、论企业文化建设与公共关系教育 3、大众媒体与外交 4、非政府组织与外交 5、品牌的文化标志性对消费者品牌评价的影响 6、论中国传统文化中的公关意识 7、论领导者个人形象的塑造及其对组织形象的影响 8、论危机公关中的传播原则与方法 9、论广告运作策划中应有的公关意识 10、论公关谈判的本质及其基本原则 11、论公关写作在公关活动中的重要功能与作用 12、论公关员的公关口才及其培养 13、论中国申请入世谈判中的谈判艺术 14、从对中国旅游者不文明行为的批评看强化对国民进行公关教育的必要性 15、试论公共关系在企业形象建设中的作用 16、公共关系在品牌链中的有效运用 17、论决策者的公共关系意识 18、试议公共关系在现代企业发展中的作用

19、从公共关系学角度分析政府新闻发言人制度 20、公共关系在现代企业管理中的运用 21、关于公关的误区 22、公共管理中的组织形象研究 23、公共管理中的城市形象研究 24、公共管理中的国家形象研究 25、公共危机中的政府形象管理 26、公关人员素质初论 27、我国企事业公关的现状及其发展趋势 28、政府与大众媒体的相互关系和作用 29、城市形象与政府 30、政府、传媒与公众的关系管理 31、整合营销传播(IMC)的战略与策略 32、政府和企业的议题管理研究 33、现阶段公关理论与公关实践的不足 34、公共关系与商业化社会 35、公共关系与社会主义民主建设 36、服务行业公关特征 37、社会不正之风与公共关系 38、公关人员的自我教育和自我完善 39、传媒对公共情绪的宣导抚慰功能研究 40、广东省文化品牌的建设与传播研究


山东财经大学 公共关系课程论文 题目:企业公共关系危机 专业 班级 学号 姓名 成绩 二O一四年六月

摘要:经济的高速发展为企业的高速发展提供了合适的环境的同时,也在考验着企业。危机时时伴随在组织周围,当危机事件出现时,会使企业的经济利益、声誉和生存环境受到严重损害。因此企业要全面了解有关危机预测和危机处理,并能够对企业受损的原因及时分析,并采取措施,减少危机对企业造成的影响,正确地化解危机。 关键词:公共关系危机危机管理企业形象 一、公关关系危机的含义、特点和种类 公关关系危机是指在公关活动中,由组织内外的某种非常性因素所引发的非常性或失常性事态。其特点是:破坏性、突发性、紧迫性和公众性①。音公关危机的划分标准不同,公关危机的分类也略有差别,如公关危机在存在状态上可分为一般性危机和重大性危机。在企业关系的程度上和归咎对象上分为内部和外部公关危机,从损失表现的表现形态上分为无形和有形公关危机,从产生的主客观关系上分为人为和非人为公关危机②。 二、公共关系危机的产生原因和处理原则 (一)产生原因 公关危机是有潜伏期的,长时间的松懈,最终才酿成了大的问题,正所谓的“千里之堤毁于蚁穴”。产生公关危机的原因有很多,例如生产性意外、环境问题、劳资争论及罢工、产品质量、股东的兼并购买、谣言或向大众传媒泄露组织内的秘密、恐怖破坏活动、安全因素等等③。 (二)处理原则 1.主动性原则④ 公关危机产生之后,往往是谣言四起,企业应该主动发布消息,增加自己消息的可信度,保持消息对外的高度一致性,主动引导舆论。危机的处理必须坚持“一个声音,一个观点”以正视听,掌握危机处理的主导权。 2.及时性原则⑤ 公关危机事件发生具有突发性,所以处理方面必须非常及时,迅速做出判断,有效控制事态发展,及时向有关部门反映,快速与新闻媒体沟通。 3.承担责任原则

野性的呼唤读书笔记英文版之8 Chapter7 summary

Chapter 7: The Sounding of the Call Summary John Thornton pays off his debts with money he earns from the bet, and he sets off to the east to find a fabled lost mine that is supposed to make a man rich. Together with his other dogs and his friends Pete and Hans, he and Buck wander in the wilderness, hunting and fishing and living off the land, until they reach a shallow place in a valley full of gold. The men earn thousands of dollars a day panning for gold, and the dogs have nothing to do. Buck begins to feel wild yearnings. One night, he springs up from sleep with a start, hearing a call from the forest. He dashes through the woods and finds a timber wolf, one-third his size. Buck begins to circle the wolf and make friendly advances, but the wolf is afraid. Finally, the two show their friendship by sniffing noses, and the wolf leads Buck away through the forest. They stop to drink, and Buck remembers John Thornton. The wolf encourages him to keep following, but Buck starts back toward the camp. When he arrives, Thornton is eating dinner, and Buck showers him with affection. For two days, he never allows Thornton out of his sight. Then, he hears the call more loudly than ever and is haunted by recollections of his wild friend. He begins to stay away from the camp for days at a time, hunting his own food. Buck has two identities at this point: one as sled dog in Thornton’s camp, another as wild hunter in the forest. He kills a bear and fishes for salmon the river; when the moose come in the fall, Buck hunts them eagerly. He cuts a bull away from the pack to kill him and finally brings him down after four days. Then he heads back to the camp. On the way, he feels a strange stirring in the wilderness, of something new abroad, and he feels a premonition of calami ty. His feeling is proven correct when he finds Thornton’s dog Nig and one of the dogs bought in Dawson, both dying on the trail. As he approaches the camp, he sees Hans lying facedown, arrows covering him. He peers out to where the lodge had been and sees Yeehat Indians dancing in the wreckage. Buck charges, cutting their throats with his fangs and killing several of them. The Indians scatter, and Buck finds the rest of his camp, including Thornton, dead. Buck mourns his dead master but feels pride at having killed the Yeehats. Henceforth, he will not fear men unless they carry weapons. He hears the call of the wolf again. His ties to Thornton broken by death, he heads off to follow it. He finds the pack, and one wolf lunges for his throat, but he breaks its neck easily. Three others try but pull back. After half an hour they all draw back, and one of them approaches Buck in a friendly manner. Buck recognizes him to be the wolf he encountered in the woods. Buck joins the wolf pack, and the Yeehats notice a difference in the local breed of timber wolves as years pass. They also tell of a Ghost Dog that runs at the front of the pack, singing songs and leaping above his fellows. They tell of a haunted valley—where Thornton lies dead—where an evil spirit dwells, and where, every year, Buck comes and mourns for a time beside the stream before loping away to rejoin the pack.
