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安全问题 (1)

产品构成 (2)

零部件名称 (3)

正确测量姿势 (4)

功能键说明 (5)

操作注意 (6)

腕带的使用 (14)

错误信息和故障排除 (15)

血压警告 (16)

基本的血压知识 (18)

存储和维护 (19)

高压(系统)(high pressure(sys))低压(low pressure(DIA.))

心率失常、心跳脉搏(arrhythmia/heartbeat pulse)

正确的测量姿势(right measurement posture)

在测量过程中,请坐,保持安静,放松身体(during measure,please sit,keep quiet and relax the body)

①把肘关节放在桌子上(put eldow joint on the tabel)

②腕带应保持在与心脏高度相同的高度(the wristband should be kept at the same height as the heart)

③手掌向上,使身体放松(palm up,relax the body)


●请每天在同一时间测量血压,使用相同的手臂,同样的方法(please measure blood pressure every day at same times,use the same arm,the same poture)建议在起床一小时后,晚上睡觉前测量一下(suggest that measure after getting up an hour,before going to bed in the evening)

腕带的位置差异会导致测量值的波动(the position difference that the wrist takes will result in the fluctuation of measured value)

测量时不要触碰主单位和腕带(don't touch main unit and wristband during measure)

●在测量时请保持安静和放松身体(please keep quiet and relax the body during measur)

保持安静5分钟(keep quiet 5 minutes before measure)

放松身体,手腕和手指(relax body,wrist and finger)

在测量时不说话(don't talk during measure)

在连续测量时,请用4-5分钟(while measuring in a row,please span 4-5 minutes)

功能键说明(function keys description)


1)在睡眠模式下,短按进入自动测量模式。(另一种状态,简称为off键)(in sleep mode,short press to enter the automatic measurement mode.(other state,short press for off key))

2)在睡眠模式下,长时间按10秒进入单元选择模式毫米汞柱和千帕(in sleep mode,long press 10 seconds to enter the unit selection mode mmHg and Kap)


1)在睡眠状态下,进入内存查询模式时,要进入内存查询模式,然后进行转换键(in the sleep state,short prress to enter the memory query mode,and make the turn key)

2)在内存查询模式中,长时间按3秒删除所有当前的用户数据内存(in memory query mode,long press 3 seconds to delete all current user data memory)

3)在时间设定模式下,简短的按下键(in the time setting mode,short press to make up key)

4)在血压计单元选择模式下,短按切换毫米汞柱和千帕(in the sphygmomanometer unit selection mode,short press to togglemmHg and Kpa)


1)在睡眠状态下,短按查看当前时间和当前用户(in the sleep state,short press to view the current time and the current user)

2)在睡眠状态,长时间按3秒进入时间设置模式和短按模式开关(in the sleep state,long press 3 seconds to enter time setting mode and short press for mode switch)

3)在查看当前时间和当前用户状态时,简短地按下开关用户(in view the current

time and the current user state,short press to switch users)

操作规程(operating instructions)


A.在睡眠状态下,“开”按钮按下,液晶充分展示,和压强为零,蜂鸣器响,自动进入测量血压。如下所示:(in the sleep state,the"开"button press,LCD full display,and the pressure to zero,buzzer beep,automatically enter the blood pressure shown below:)

图片单词:睡眠模式(sleep mode)

B.充气血压计,血压测量,测量结果:高/低压/脉冲。如下所示:(inflatable sphygmomanometer,blood pressure measurement,measurement results obtained:High/low pressure/puls shown below:)

C.血压测量结果,短按“M”显示前三个组平均值,并组成键。记忆查询过程,如果不规则心跳内存“~ ~”闪光和“♥”显示一个提示,缺乏电力的“□”明确显示提示(blood pressure measured results,short press"M"shows the first three group average,and make up key. memory query process,if irregular heart Rate memory is"~~"flashes and"♥"for displaying a prompt,lack of electricity is "□"explicit show tips)

D. 在睡眠模式下,“开关”按钮长按10秒进入血压单位选择模式(屏幕已经完全在10秒钟内显式),短按“M”键切换“毫米汞柱”或“千帕”血压单位,短按“开关”或13秒没有操作后进入睡眠状态。(in sleep mode,"开关"button long press 10 seconds to enter the blood pressure unit selection mode(in the press has been full within 10 seconds explicit),short press"M"key to switch"mmHg"or"Kpa"as blood pressure units,short press"开关"or 13 seconds without operation backward into sleep state.)图片单词:睡眠模式(sleep mode)按10秒(press 10s)没有操作13秒(no operation
