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1.a t home在家

2.right away马上

3.be free 有空

4.deal with 处理

5.get over something 克服/复原

6.For good 永远

7.let someone down 使……失望

8.for nothing 免费/徒然

9.by the way 顺便一提

10.talk about some/something 谈到某人/某事

11.go out 出去12.get home/get back 回家/回来

13.once in a while 偶尔

14.feel like somesthing 想要/意欲……

15.hear from 接到……的信息

16.pay attention(to)…专心/注意

17.eat out 出去吃18.get ready to 准备好要…

19.No kidding./?没开玩笑/真的吗?

20.sounds good 听起来不错

21.take care of 照顾22.take off 脱下,拿下,起飞

ed to 以前常……

24.what’s going on ?发生了什么事?

25.fall in love 坠入爱河;爱上

26.leave someone/somesthing alone


27.on purpose 故意的

28.put something back 放回去

29.wake someone up 把某人叫醒

30.as usual 和平常一样

31.all of a sudden 突然32.all over 到处

33.pick up 接/捡起来

34.so far, so good 目前一切都好

35.as soon as possiple 越快越好

36.be sorry for something 对……感到抱歉

e from 从……来

38.get better 好一点39.stand up 站起来

40.take a walk/go for a walk 散步

41.after a while 一会儿之后;一段时间之后

42.give back 归还43.look for 找

44.as a matter of fact 实际上

45.believe in someone/something 相信某人/某事

46.by mistake 不小心弄错了

47.count on someone/something 依赖,指望某人或某事

48.get rid of someone/something 把…丢掉.除去

49.drive someone crazy 使某人发狂

50.in a moment 马上

51.run out (of) 用尽,用完

52.in case (that)…以防万一……

53.think over something 考虑某件事情……

54.work on something 做……

55.get along(with) 和……相处

56.hang up 挂断电话/挂起来

57.how about doing something? 做……如何?

58.help someone out 帮助某人

59.look at/take a look at someone/something


60.get in touch with someone 和某人联络

61.every now and then/occasionally偶尔

62.feel sorry for 为…感到难过

63.find out 发现64.far away 很远

65.be (not) good at something 对什么很(不)在行

66.first of all 首先67.bump into 撞见,不期而遇68.have got to do something 得做….

Eg:why didn’t you sleep last night ?

Because I have got to finish my report .

69.put away something 把什么东西收拾好

70.shut off 关起来,关闭

71.take sb/sth out 带某人/某物出去

72.do without 不需要/没有……也行

73.run into sb/sth 偶然碰到某人/某事

74.change one’s mind 改变主意

75.fill out/in something 填写……

76.upside down 颠倒77.in time 赶上;及时

78.keep……in mind 放在心上;记得

79.look forward to something 期待……

80.go through something 穿过……/经历

81.not at all 不客气,没关系

82.get in 进去;被录取83.so-so 还好/不过如此84.try on something 试(衣服等)

85.cheer up 开心一点/安慰86.get to 去,到

87.hear of someone/something 听说某人/某事

88.make money 赚钱89.take turns 轮流

90.no matter what (happens)不管怎样(发生什么事)

91.get well 康复92.make sure (that)…确定……

93.(had) better do something 最好做某事

94.be around 在附近;来到

95.call off something…取消……

96.get on someone’s nerves令某人心神不安;让人心烦

97.be sick/tired of someone/something 对某人/某事感到厌烦.厌恶

98.put up with someone/something 忍受某人/某事

99.be better off (doing) 比较好

100.turn down someone/something 拒绝/回绝101.turn…into something/turn into something
