


Passage 1

The recovery rates of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province and across the country have all risen significantly, a spokesman from the National Health Commission said on Monday.

NHC spokesman Mi Feng said according to today's data analysis, the recovery rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia across the country was 8.2 percent, compared with 1.3 percent on Jan 27.

The recovery rate in Hubei province reached 6.1 percent from 1.7 percent on Jan 27 and the rate in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, rose to 6.2 percent from 2.6 percent on Jan 27, he added.

"It shows medical treatment across the country has been effective," he said.

Mi added that with medical support strengthened and the adoption of various measures to increase bed supply for patients, treatment capacity in Hubei and Wuhan has also significantly improved.

By the end of Sunday, a total of 40,171 infections were confirmed, 908 deaths were reported and 3,281 patients had recovered, per the most recent data.

Task 1. Find out the following expressions according to the Chinese tips.


2. 恢复率;治愈率___________________________

3. 新型冠状病毒肺炎___________________________

4. 国家卫生健康委员会(简称“国家卫健委”)___________________________

5. 数据分析___________________________

6. 疫情暴发的中心___________________________

7. 采取各种措施___________________________


Task 2 语法填空

The recovery rates of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province and across the country have all risen significantly, a spokesman from the National Health Commission said on Monday.

NHC spokesman Mi Feng said according to today's data_1____________(analyze), the recovery rate of novel coronavirus pneumonia across the country was 8.2 percent, _2______________(compare) with 1.3 percent on Jan 27.

The recovery rate in Hubei province reached 6.1 percent from 1.7 percent on Jan 27 and the rate in Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, rose _3________6.2 percent from 2.6 percent on Jan 27, he_4_______( add).

"_5________ shows medical treatment across the country has been effective," he said.

Mi added that with medical support _6______________ (strength) and the adoption of various measures to increase bed supply _7_______ patients, treatment capacity in Hubei and Wuhan has also _8______________ (significant) improved.

_9_______ the end of Sunday, a total of 40,171 infections were confirmed, 908 deaths _10_____________(report) and 3,281 patients had recovered, per the most recent data.

Passage 2

Medical association mourns Dr Li

The Chinese Medical Doctor Association on Friday expressed deep condolences over the death of Li Wenliang and called for medical workers to improve self-protection when fighting the novel coronavirus.

Li, 34, was infected with the virus in the course of epidemic prevention and control and died of the disease at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, Hubei province at 2:58 am on Friday, despite medical staff's best efforts.

The association said in a statement posted via its website it had closely followed Li's condition and treatment over the past few days, and was shocked to hear of his death. Besides the deep condolence for him, it also extended sympathy for Li's family. At the beginning of the epidemic, Li alerted his colleagues of possible infections and reminded them to better protect themselves. "We admire his scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts," the association said.

Li combated the virus at the frontline and tried his best to save patients. "His spirit of bravery, not fearing difficulties, fulfilling duties, healing the wounded and rescuing the dying is something all medical workers should learn," it said.

"The task of epidemic prevention and control is still arduous and the working environment of medical staff is very dangerous," it said, calling on all medical workers at the frontline to better protect themselves and avoid being infected. "Only if you're healthy will you have the power to combat the disease. Your health is the guarantee for the recovery of all patients," the association told all medical staff in the statement.

It also called for governments at all levels and medical institutes to care more about medical workers' physical and mental health.

Task 1. Find out the following expressions according to the Chinese tips.














Task 2 语法填空

The Chinese Medical Doctor Association on Friday expressed deep condolences over the death of Li Wenliang and called for medical workers to improve self-protection when fighting the novel coronavirus.

Li, 34, _______(be) infected with the virus in the course of epidemic prevention and control and died of the disease at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, Hubei province at 2:58 am on Friday, despite _2__________(medicine) staff's best efforts.

The association said in a statement posted via its website it had _3__________ (close) followed Li's condition and treatment over the past few days, and was shocked _4_________ (hear) of his death. Besides the deep condolence for him, it also extended sympathy for Li's family.

At the beginning of the epidemic, Li alerted his colleagues of possible infections and reminded _5_________ to better protect themselves. "We admire his scientific spirit of _6__________ (seek) truth from facts," the association said.

Li combated the virus at the frontline and tried his best to save patients. "His spirit of bravery, not fearing difficulties, fulfilling duties, healing _7_______wounded and rescuing the dying is something all medical workers should learn," it said.

"The task of epidemic prevention and control is still arduous and the _8__________ (work) environment of medical staff is very dangerous," it said, calling on all medical workers at the frontline to better protect _9____________ (they) and avoid_10___________ (infect).

"Only if you're healthy _11_________ you have the power to combat the disease. Your health is the guarantee for the _12____________ (recover) of all patients," the association told all medical staff in the statement.

It also called for governments _13______ all levels and medical institutes to care more about medical workers' physical and mental health.


中考英语时事新闻阅读理解最新训练 A It was the last climb on his try to reach the highest summit(峰顶) on all seven continents(洲). When Christopher Kulish finally got to Mount Everest’s 29,035-foot peak, he joined a group known as the “Seven Summits Club”. But the 62-year-old Colorado attorney passed away suddenly Monday after returning to the first camp below the mountain’s summit. He’s the second American to die in the past week after reaching Everest’s highest point. At least 11 people have died on Mount Everest this year. The deaths come among reports of overcrowding on the popular mountain. The Nepali government gave a total of 381 permits(许可证)to climb Everest this year. (第二题)For some climbers, that traffic has meant longer wait times —some told the Himalayan Times the wait has been over two hours between the last camp and the peak. Mountaineer Vanessa O’Brien said when there’s a crowd, being a more ex perienced climber won’t help you. “It doesn’t matter if you’re the best racecar driver in the world. If you’re stuck in traffic, you’re stuck in traffic,” she said in an interview. Still, Christopher’s family said he’d been mountain climbing for five decad es. (第三题)He arrived at the base camp nearly two months before his climb so he could give himself time to adapt to the conditions. When he made his journey, his family said he was climbing with a small group in almost ideal conditions after some of the overcrowding had cleared. 1. What do we know about Christopher? A. He has reached the highest point on all seven continents. B. He joined the “Seven Summits Club” at the foot of the mountain. C. 11 people following him died after reaching the Everest peak this year. D. He died from a heart attack before he got to the mountain’s summit. 2. What made longer wait times on Mount Everest? A. Lacking guides.


英语时事新闻新词 创造性思维out-of-box thinking critical thinking批判性思维 divergent thinking发散式思维test-oriented school system应试教育制 度学术评价体系academic appraisal system mass appraisal批量评估zero tolerance零容忍 supervising body监督机构academic fraud学术腐败 gear towards quick success and instant benefit急功近利导致 academic misconduct学术不端行为homework loads课业负担 professional test-takers专业“考试机All-court press 全场紧逼court struggle宫廷斗争 Agony aunt 排忧栏目主持人backup dancer/driver伴舞。副驾驶 air strip /strip a off b简易机场(剥夺)Achilles’ heel 致命伤 Altitude/motion sickness 高原反应。晕车船 Anti-choice 反自由堕胎的pro-choice主张自由堕胎的 Anti-graft campaign 反腐运动big brother 大佬 Banana republic香蕉共和国(拉美国家) Baby/coffee break 产假。咖啡时间 Blackball反对票,放逐 Bag people/lady 携购物袋的浪人、女人 Bank run 挤兑gold rush 淘金潮 Bank shot 擦板球 make a shot 投篮 Bargaining chip 谈判筹码Birds and bees 两性基础常识影 Cash cow 摇钱树 cancer stick/coffin nail 致癌棒 Celestial burial /revolution 天葬、太平天国 Closed book 不知道的事color bar 白人对黑人的歧视 Dirty bomb 脏弹 sex bomb 性感美人


导读 自20世纪初期开始,人们凭着望远镜中看到的火星影像和头脑中的想象,认为火星上可能存在生命,乃至火星人。正是这种对神秘星球的无限遐想,促使人类一次一次地进行探索,一次一次地将遥远星际之外的秘密带回地球。最近“好奇号”又给人类历史上增添了怎样的光彩呢?一起来看看吧。 阅读短文并回答问题 NASA’s Curiosity vehicle recently recorded the largest level of methane(甲烷)ever measured during its seven-year Mars mission. The discovery is exciting because the existence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars. Methane has no color or smell. A special instrument on Curiosity’s Mars Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level. The device, called a laser spectrometer, measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Martian atmosphere. In addition to methane, the instrument can record levels of water and CO2. Nearly all the methane gas found in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by biological activity. It usually comes from animal and plant life. But it can also be formed by geological(地质的)processes, such as interactions between rocks and water. NASA said the increased methane was measured to be about 21 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). One ppbv means that if you take a volume of air on Mars, one billionth of the volume of air is methane.

2020年高考英语时事热点外刊新闻做语法填空:An experimental antiviral medication might help fight the

一、外刊阅读做高考语法填空: An experimental antiviral medication might help fight the new coronavirus By Nicole Wetsman Feb 4, 2020, 5:25pm EST A single case study isn’t enough to prove anything. It’s not clear if the medication, called remdesivir, actually helped the patient, or if his improvement was a c oincidence. But it’s one of a few drugs, (1)______ (include)a combination of anti-HIV drugs, (2)________ doctors think might help patients with the new coronavirus. Remdesivir was developed by the pharmaceutical company Gilead as a treatment (3)_____ Ebola. It’s a broad-spectrum antiviral drug, and it blocks the activity of a protein that helps coronaviruses make copies of themselves. Research groups identified the drug as a potential candidate for the treatment of coronaviruses in the aftermath of the 2012 MERS outbreak, (4)______ another new coronavirus spread through the Middle East. In cell models, it blocks the activity of MERS, SARS (a 2002 coronavirus), and other coronaviruses that are found in bats. Tests on the new coronavirus show that remdesivir blocks (5) _____ activity, too, at least in the lab. That result, (6) ______(couple) with the positive outcomes in the Washington patient, were enough for Gilead to launch a larger clinical trial of the drug in new coronavirus patients. The company will test it in a group of 270 patients at China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing — one group will (7) ______ (give) the drug, and one group will be given a placebo. The drug isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration or by any otherregulatory body. (8) ______, it already went through safety testing during the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and 2015. That’s why Gilead is ab le to test it in sick patients (9) ___________(immediate). The importance of those previous studies was emphasized by Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a press conference last week. Researchers aren’t starting from zero because work over the past two decades tested drugs in cells, animals, and individual patients. Now, researchers who have devoted their professional lives to this work face new urgency around the most

双语阅读 时事新闻

iPhone增量式改变或将令苹果面临风险 The new iPhone is sure to shatter previous sales records. It may also prove the moment to dump Apple shares. 新iPhone一定会打破之前的销售纪录。除此之外,它也提醒我们,可能到了卖出苹果(Apple)股票的时候了。 Each new iPhone has sold as many units as all previous generations combined, Apple executives have joked internally according to recent trial testimony. And it isn't crazy to believe exponential growth can continue for at least one more. Combine pent-up demand among existing iPhone users looking to upgrade, with the possibility that the new model will finally be compatible with the world's largest carrier, China Mobile, and investors can expect explosive results. 据前不久的庭审证词显示,苹果高管在公司内部开玩笑时曾说,每款新iPhone 的销量都是之前所有几代产品的销量之和。认为至少另一款iPhone的销量也将呈现出这种增长模式并非不切实际的想法。那些想让手里iPhone更新换代的用户具有潜在需求,再加上新机型可能最终将与全球最大无线运营商中国移动(China Mobile)的网络兼容,基于这两个因素,投资者可以期待新iPhone异常火爆的销售情况。 But the device setting those records is itself likely to be just an incremental upgrade over its predecessor, the iPhone 4S. Indeed, if the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system is any guide, the newest iPhone may not look that much different from smartphones Apple sold over three years ago. Granted, the screen is expected to be larger and the device thinner. But the actual user experience isn't expected to be very different. 但创造这项纪录的新款iPhone本身却可能只是iPhone 4S的“增量升级”版。实际上,如果从苹果最新版移动操作系统来判断的话,那么新款iPhone可能与苹果过去三年来售出的智能手机并无太大差别。当然,预计屏幕会变大,机身会变薄,但实际用户体验可能不会有太大不同。 In one sense, that is good since a reason the iPhone is so popular is that 'it just works,' notes analyst Neil Mawston of research firm Strategy Analytics. The hardware, software and Apple services like iTunes are tightly integrated and easy to use, making the device appealing to a huge swath of non-techie users. That is opposed to, say, devices running Google's Android operating system, where the ability to customize can complicate the user experience. 市场研究公司Strategy Analytics的分析师莫斯顿(Neil Mawston)指出,从某


一Wine cuts smoking damage 红酒可以缓解吸烟伤害 1.___________(smoke) cigarettes is bad for you. But if you're going to smoke anyway, medical researchers recommend that you 2._________have some red wine beforehand. According to a newly published study, adequate drinking of red wine can help stave off some of the immediate damage 3.________smoking does to your vascular system. In the study, researchers looked at the biochemical 4._________( effect ) of smoking on 20 healthy nonsmokers. The researchers found that wine drinkers didn't suffer the changes in their vascular systems that generally 5._____________(cause) by smoking, such as inflammation and cell damage. 6._______________(addition) , drinking wine before smoking also reduced harm 7._______(do) to the telomeres (端粒), the 8._______________(protect) caps on the cells' chromosomes (染色体). V ocabulary anyway /?eniwe?/ adv. 无论如何,不管怎样 recommend /?rek??mend/ vt. 推荐,介绍 beforehand /b??f??rh?nd/ adj. 提前的;预先准备好的 adequate /??d?kw?t/ adj. 充足的;适当的 stave off 避开;延缓 immediate /??mi?di?t/ adj. 立即的;直接的 biochemical /?ba?o??kem?kl/ adj. 生物化学的 generally /?d?enr?li/ adv. 通常;普遍地 inflammation /??nfl??me??n/ n. [病理] 炎症;[医] 发炎 cell /sel/n. 细胞 additionallyadv. 此外;又,加之 do harm to suffer vt. 遭受;忍受;经历


英语时事阅读现状调查问卷 1你认为训练英语阅读能力对英语综合能力的提高 A 有很大帮助 B 有一定帮助 C 帮助不大 D 毫无帮助 08: A: 40.6% B: 57.5% C: 1.8% D: 0 09: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 0 10: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:0 2.您是否觉得现在阅读课的内容应该适当加入一些时事类的话题? A.否 B.是 08: A: 30.5% B: 69.5% 09: A: 33.6% B: 66.4% 10: A: 33.5% B:66.5% 3.您课下是否会自主选择其他材料来阅读? A.会 B.不会 08: A: 70.5% B: 29.5% 09: A: 62.6% B: 38.4% 10: A: 45 % B:55% 4.您一般对什么内容的英语阅读材料感兴趣? A小说 B.时事类的报纸 C.内容多变的杂志 D.其他文学形式08: A: 30.6% B: 28.5% C:46% D: 0 09: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 0 10: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:0 5.您是否喜欢阅读材料配有相应的听力(例如VOA,BBC原声新闻)? A.很好,能够锻炼听力 B.可以听一下 C.不喜欢 08: A:43.2% B:38.5% C:28.3% 09: A: 48.3% B: 30.2% C: 21.5% 10: A: 54% B:27.3% C:18.7%

6.您是否有定期看时事英文报纸的习惯?(频率如何) A.否 B.是(a.每天都看 b. 一周一次 c.一月一次 d.几乎不看)08: A: 43.7% B:56.3% (a: 12.4% b:33.8% c:34.2% d:19.6%) 09: A: 46.3% B: 53.7% (a: 13.2%b:38% c:29.7% d:19.1%) 10: A:53.2 % B:46.8% (a:16.3% b:36.5% c:28.6 d:18.6%) 7.下列选项中,您最关注哪一类的时事新闻?(单选) A 政治 B.经济 C.娱乐 D.体育 E.其他 08: A: 30.3% B: 20.5% C:24.2% D:14.6% E:10.4% 09: A: 32.5% B: 16.2% C: 21.2% D: 18.2% E:11.9% 10: A: 32.6% B:20.2% C:16.4% D:18.5 % E:12.3% 8.您是否觉得阅读时事类的英文材料对提高英语水平有帮助? A.否 B.是(a.能扩充词汇量 b.能增长见识) 08: A: 30.6% B: 69.4% 09: A: 42.5% B: 57.5% 10: A: 38.2% B:61.8% 9.您是否觉得有必要开设专门的报刊阅读课? A.没有必要 B.有必要 08: A: 26.6% B: 73.4% 09: A: 33.5% B: 66.5% 10: A:27.8% B:72.2% 10.您是否在网上浏览英语新闻? A.否 B.是 08: A: 60.6% B:39.4% 09: A: 52.5% B: 47.5% 10: A: 57% B:43%


The Dutch boy mop ping up a sea of plastic 荷兰男子制造“海洋吸尘器”清理海洋塑料垃圾 “When I was 16 years old, I was scuba diving (水肺潜水) in Greece, but I was disappointed because I saw more plastic bags than fish.” These are the words of Boyan Slat, 25, an engineer who desi gned the world’s first ocean plastic cleanup system. Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans, according to the UN Environment Programme. Every day, plastic items, fishing equipment, and ship parts are dump ed (倾倒) into the seas. These can take up to 500 years to decompose (分解) . If left alone, sea animals become entangled (缠绕的) in them and can even die if the plastics are ingest ed (摄入). Worse, humans can be affected when these plastics break down.“Smaller pieces enter the food chain, and that’s a food


_____(devote)yourself to the work you do, not the prize you might get. Hao Jingfang, a Tsinghua University alumna, is pursuing her passion for writing and education. In 2016, she____(win)he prestigious Hugo Award with her novella, Folding Beijing, ____made her the first female writer in China to bring home this prize. Later on, the author turned____education. She set up Tongxing Academy for public welfare education and WePlanets_____(foster )children's _____create) after school. In this interview with Easy Talk, Hao discusses her life experience — not only as a writer and educator, but also a parent. The major task for society is to help people get better education, ____(elevate )their skill set in line ___future technological advancements, and to broaden their horizons," Hao said. Since founding her company, Hao has been carrying out voluntary teaching programs in rural areas. "We really want these kids to have better education resources like kids from the cities," she said. "We hope that the children from rural China, ____one day they manage to live in the cities, can do more than car maintenance, for example. They ___ (have )the skills to take on other jobs."


China locks radar on JP ship(中国导弹雷达瞄准日舰) A Chinese military frigate locked its weapons-targeting radar on a Japanese Self-defense Maritime escort ship in the East China Sea on Jan 30, Japan’s defense minister said in a ______ ________ (新闻发布会) on Tuesday night, local media reported. The two ships were just 3 kilometers apart( ), said the Japanese Minister. He also told reporters that, on Jan 19th, a Japanese military helicopter( ) was also locked onto( ) with a similar fire-control radar. Such incidents( ) had never previously happened in the history of the 2 nations’ navies( ), said Onadera(小野) Housing market revives( )(一二三线楼市集体爆发) Traded new commercial( ) residential buildings in 20 major Chinese cities surged( ) 269.2% year-on-year( ) in Jan to 10.57 m sqm, revealing a ________(复兴)of the housing market in 1st, 2nd and 3rd—tier cities. Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen reported a jump of 348.6% and 2nd-tier cities( ) rose 221.6% and 3rd-tier cities rose 247%. The market in 3rd-tier cities is more buoyant(热) _______(对比) with 1st and 2nd-tier cities partly because many migrant workers from those cities are returning to purchase( ) properties in their hometowns before the Spring Festival, the report said. (20个典型城市新建商品住宅成交面积为10.57万平方米,同比增长269.2%,一、二、三线城市楼市全面爆发) Minister loses doctorate(德教育部长学位取消) Germany’s education minister was stripped of her doctorate Tuesday after a committee of academics(学术委员会) concluded that she plagiarized(抄袭) substantial(大量的) parts of her 1980 thesis( ), AP reported. Annette Schavan, 57, is the 2nd minister in Angela Merkel’s cabnet(内阁) to lose a doctorate after being accused of ( ) plagiarism. Former defense minister … _________(辞职) from his _________(岗位) in 2011 after it came out that he copied large parts of his doctorial thesis. From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report in Special English. Teachers say the______ ______(数码时代) has had a good influence -- and a not-so-good influence -- on this generation of American teenagers. More than 2,000 middle and high school teachers took an online ______(调查) . Researchers also spoke with teachers in focus groups. Three-quarters of the teachers said the Internet and digital search tools have had a “mostly positive” effect on their students’ research habits and skills. But 87 percent agreed tha t these technologies are creating an “easily _______(分散的) generation with short attention spans.” And 64 percent said the technologies “do more to distract students than to help them ____________(学业).” Many students think "doing research” now means just d oing a quick search on Google.


First: Philippine quake leaves 43 dead.(菲律宾地震致使43人死亡) A 6.8-magnitude earthquake strucked off the coast of the central Philippines on Monday , killed at least 43 people and caused widespread panic.In a narrow strait between the heavily populated island provinces of Negros and Cebu, which caused buildings to collapse, cracking roads and bridges, and shutting down the power supply.In Cebu city, a popular tourist destination and city of 2.3 million, hotel guests scrambled to higher floors as unfounded rumors that a huge tsunami was bearing down spread by text message.Other people were killed in other parts of Negros which also suffered widespread power outages and cracked roads and bridges, hampering rescue efforts, Patrimonio told reporters.Local residents said there was panic in the country's second-biggest city, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage there. Two:Britons turn down free cash (英国人“白给现金”都不要) The majority of Brits were so cynical when it came to accepting a genuine offer of goodwill that they turned down free money, research has revealed.Cash was offered by five women who were


2020中考疫情期间英语时政阅读三 一、阅读表达(文章来源于China Daily) Students in their final year at junior high and senior high schools in Beijing are ready to return to school on May 11 and April 27. Li Yi, spokesperson of Beijing's education authority, announced at a press conference(新闻发布会)on Sunday afternoon, adding that the college entrance examination in Beijing will be held from July 7-10. 学生应该提前两周回到北京。And then finish the 14-day home or integrated quarantine with a negative result in nucleic acid testing. School staff members and teachers should be on duty 10 days ________(early) than the resumption(恢复) and get prepared for schooling. The time for the resumption of student in other grades, as well as kindergartens and special education schools, will be determined later. 1.When is the the college entrance examination? 2.将文中划线的汉语翻译成英语。

2018年高一英语专题阅读理解专项练习:WeekOne时事新闻 含答案

Week One 时事新闻 一、阅读理解(共16小题;共32.0分) A A gunman killed 26 people, including 20 young children, at a US school where his mother worked Friday morning in one of the worst school shootings in the country's history. Pupils who were rushed from the building through the terrible scene by police were told to close their eyes. A police officer said the suspect, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, was dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and he was the son of a teacher at the school. The mother, Nancy Lanza, was found dead at home. The attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School, just two weeks before Christmas, was the latest of several mass shootings in the US in the year of 2012, and it approached the deadly scope of the Virginia Tech university shooting in 2007 that left 32 dead. This time, many who were killed were young children. Photos from the scene showed students, some of them crying, being escorted by adults through a parking lot in a line, hands on each other's shoulders. Children told their parents they had heard bangs and, at one point, a scream over the intercom(内部通话装置). State police said 18 children were found dead at the school and two later were declared dead, and six adults were found dead at the scene. They said the shootings occurred in one section of the school but did not give details. Police said another person was found dead at a second scene—someone who lived with the gunman died. "Our hearts are broken today," President Barack Obama said. He said the children killed were 5 to 10 years old. He said the nation had been "through this too many times" with recent mass shootings and has to come together to take meaningful action.
