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He goes to school at seven o’clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学。

Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?

Linda was born on the second of May. 琳达五月二日出生。

1. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如:at five o’clock (五点),at down (黎明),at daybreak (天亮),at sunrise (日出),at noon (中午),at su nset (日落),at midnight (半夜),at the beginning of the month (月初),at that time (那时),at that moment (那会儿),at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。

2. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:

in 2006(2006年),in May,2004 (2004年五月),in the morning (早晨/上午),in the afternoon (下午),in the evening (晚上),in the night (夜晚),in the daytime (白天),in the 21st century (21世纪),in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week (一周),in spring (春季)。

3. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。如:on Sunday (星期日),on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night (12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon (那天下午),on the following night (下一个晚上),o n Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日),on New Year’s Day (新年),on New Year’s Eve (除夕),on the morning of the 15t h (15日的早上)等。


about 大约在……时间 about five o'clock 在周围,大约多远 about five kilometres 关于、涉及 talk about you

above 高出某一平面 above sea level

across 横过walk across the street对面across the street

after 在……之后 after supper 跟……后面 one a fter another 追赶run after you

against 背靠逆风 against the wall, against the wind 反对 be against you

among 三者以上的中间 among the trees

at 在某时刻 at ten o’clock 在小地点 at the school gate 表示速度 at high speed 向着,对着 at me before 在……之前 before lunch 位于……之前 sit before me

behind 位于……之后 behind the tree

below 低于……水平 below zero 不合格 below the standard

by 到……时刻,在……时刻之前 by five o'clock 紧挨着 site by site 乘坐交通工具 by air, by bick被由 was made by us

during 在……期间during the holidays

for 延续多长时间 for five years 向……去 leave for Shanghai 为了,对于be good for you

from 从某时到……某时 from morning till night 来自何方 from New Y ork 由某原料制成be made from 来自何处 where are you from

in 在年、月、周较长时间内 in a week 在里面 in the room 用某种语言 in English 穿着in red

into 进入……里面 walk into 除分 divide into 变动 turn into water

near 接近某时 near five years 在……附近 near the park

of 用某种原料制成 be made of 属于……性质 a map of U. S .A

on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面 on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于 a book on Physics

over 渡过一整段时间 work over night 在上方over the desk 超过,高于 over five pairs

past 超过某一时刻 ten past five 经过某地 walk past the park

since 从某时以来 since 1980

through 经过某一时期 through his life 通过、穿过某地 through the forest

till until 直到某时为止 till f ive o'clock

to 差多少时间 five to ten 问,到,去往 to Shanghai 面对面 face to face 给予give a book to me under 在……下面 under the desk 少于 under ten 在……管制之下under the rule

with 用某种工具 with a pen 带着,具有with me

without 没有 without air
