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Test (Unit 5)

I. Read through the passage “Weeping for My Smoking Daughter”and write a summary by using

the tips below.

1. weeps for her smoking daughter

2. the same brand of cigarettes that killed her grandfather.

3. attracted by tobacco advertising and film actors

4. health was getting worse and worse

5. eventually died from

6. the confident or fashionable older man or the beautiful, “worldly”young woman smoking

7. is slowly killing herself

8. a form of self-battering

9. stop smoking at least at families

II. Make your choices

1. She ____ the job after finding that the company needs constant overtime work.

A. left

B. gave in

C. quitted

D. escaped

2. I want to give up because I can’t see a ________ chance of success.

A. slip

B. slim

C. tiny

D. few

3. This clock _________ five minutes a day.

A. gets

B. wins

C. makes

D. gains

4. I lost my wallet and now I am ____ __ penniless.

A. literally

B. literarily

C. directly

D. completely

5. In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.

A. swallow

B. dispose

C. consume

D. exhaust

6. Did you see a ________ of keys on a blue ring? I now can’t go back home.

A. package

B. bunch

C. series

D. group

7. She is patient, warm-hearted; she will ___ __ you a good wife.

A. make

B. give

C. present

D. offer

8. I expected she might not come but when she didn’t show up I still felt ______ disappointed.

A. somehow

B. sometime

C. some times

D. somewhat

9. They promised _____ delivery but we didn’t receive the goods two months later.

A. instant

B. rapid

C. fast

D. prompt

10. The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the _______in which people

communicate across time and space.

A. mood

B. manner

C. mission

D. vision

11. Newcomers are often pining ______ home within weeks of arriving in their new country.

A. of

B. for

C. at

D. in

12. He is _______ a traditional man. On the contrary, he always departs from customs.

A. by any means

B. by all means

C. by what means

D. by no means

13. It was said that the wealthy White family __________ in the oil business.

A. made a fortune

B. ran a risk

C. made money

D. ran a fortune

14. More and more ________ sort of women went out of home and took on some jobs.

A. homely

B. domestic

C. routine

D. homey

15. Having a holiday once or twice a year is good for you to break ________ routine.

A. out

B. up

C. from

D. away

16. We should have the consciousness to _______ all kinds of resources.

A. economy on

B. economical on

C. economize on

D. economic on

17. It is very necessary to have a dictionary close _______ when you are learning English.

A. in hand

B. on hand

C. to hand

D. at hand

18. After two-month rough living in the desert, these young people _______ a lot.

A. hardened

B. stronger

C. strengthened

D. harder

19. The police have been criticized for __________ complaints from the public.

A. insensitive

B. being insensitive to

C. insensitiveness

D. being insensitive

20. Informing patients of the truth about their conditions risks __________ their hope of life.

A. destroyed

B. destroying

C. have destroyed

D. to destroy

III. Put the following into English

1. 缺乏······

2. 吞烟吐雾

3. 起初不明显

4. 犹豫不决

5. 听起来让人很难受

6. 陷入/无法摆脱

7. 为······而哭泣8. 在一次家庭聚会上9. 在他生命结束前

10. 一种自我毁灭11. 使······虚弱不堪12.身穿黑色燕尾服

13. 保住(工作) 14. 指派某人做某事15. 塞满了······, 充满了······16. 坚持/重视做······17. 达成和解18. 为······向某人赔偿

19. 为······伤心; 渴望20. 勇敢地面对21. 炯炯有神的眼睛
