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一些动词与介词to搭配构成短语,下面列举一些常见的搭配形式。1.get down to着手做(认真考虑)

While the weather is fine, I must get down to painting the house.


解释:其后宾语一般用“business, work等”。down是副词。

2.keep to遵守(坚持,坚持……方向)例如:

Ill as he was, he kept to studying far into the night.


3.contribute to = make contributions to


We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.


4. admit to承认,招认

The young man admitted to stealing the jewels.



5.take to开始从事;养成习惯,沉湎于,例如:

Our factory has taken to making children's boots.我们厂开始生产童靴。Our factory has taken to making children's boots.

For some reason he took to walking in the New York streets at night.


6.turn to求助于(依靠,转而从事于)例如:

Refused permission to work in the country, he was able to turn to writing to earn a living.


7.when it comes to (doing) sth.其短语表示“当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问题时”

When it comes to getting rid of his bad habits, he always keeps silent.


8.lead to导致(引起,通向)例如:

Jealousy and anger usually lead to doing the wrong thing.


注:lead sb. to do带领某人做某事;使得某人做某事

His search for wisdom leads him to understand the fear for God.


9.look forward to期望(盼望)例如:

We are all looking forward to hearing from you . 我们都盼望收到你的信。

10. stick to坚持(忠于等)例如:

If you stick to practising English, you'll make unexpected progress.


11. object to反对例如:

I really object to being charged for parking at the hospital.


12 be equal to等于,胜任,经得起例如:

He is equal to doing this task. 他胜任做这件工作。

13.see to注意(处理,照料等)例如:

I really will see to painting the living room next week. 我真的在下周油漆起居室。

注:see to it that = make sure that务必要,注意例如:

See to it that your are back before 4 o’clock.务必四点钟之前回来。

14.pay attention to注意,认真听讲

You should pay attention to summing up better and faster solution.


15. devote oneself to = be devoted to = be committed to


Several courses are devoted to improving customer care.


16. fall to开始做例如:

Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf fell to talking. 小红帽和大灰狼交谈起来。

17. give oneself up to献身于,致力于例如:

I want to give myself up to writing fulltime. 我希望全时间投入写作。

18. prefer...to…(两者中)宁愿选择其中之一,更喜欢例如:

I prefer singing to acting. 我愿意唱歌而不愿演戏。

19. be/get used to习惯于例如:

I have been used to getting up early. 我已经习惯了早起。

20. be reduced to被迫做……,陷入境地,陷入窘境例如:

I was reduced to borrowing money from friends.我被迫沦落到了向朋友借钱的地步。

21. be / get used to习惯于

She isn't used to living with strangers.她不习惯与陌生人住在一起。

22. settle down to =settle to开始认真对待,定下心来做例如:

I am so worried that I can’t settle down to doing anything.


初高中常见带介词to的短语总结在初高中阶段的英语学习中,我们经常会遇到许多含有to的短语,而其中有些短语所含的to是介词,其后要求跟名词,代词或动名词形式,那麽这种情况往往与to do sth相混淆,为了帮助大家记忆,现将常见的to为介词的短语归纳如下:adjust to / apply to/adapt (oneself) to/适应see to负责stick to坚持get down to 认真处理listen to 听What do you say to ---? 你觉得---怎样?amount to / come to合计be/get/become used to 习惯于be given to 喜欢;癖好be related to 与…有关系be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾be opposed to 反对devote oneself to献身于;专心于be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于be admitted to 被…录取;准进入be reduced to 沦为reduce…to…使…沦为be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋be adjusted to 适应be known to 为…所知be married to 和…结婚be sentenced to被判处

be / get / become used to 习惯于
