新概念第二册 第31课课件

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In few years "几年之后 " and his wife came in. She He a was still smiling when the door opened
第九课我们学过“It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.”
4.How many hours a day did he use to work?
5.Did he save money for years?
6.What did he buy in 1958? 8.What happened to his small workshop? 9.How many employers did he employ? 10.Why did he smile?
c________ onfidence
1.When was Frank the head of a very large business company?
2.How did he earn a living as a boy?
Listen and Answer
3.What was his job?
I used to go to work by bike, but I go to work by bus now. 区别:be used to do sth.被用来做... b e u s e d t o d o i n g s t h . 习 惯 于 做 某 事 e g . I u s e d t o I am use to e x e r c i s e i n t h e m o r n i n g . exercising in the morning.
1.Who are successful in your opinion? 2.What is success?
Success = Money?
Success = Power?
Success = Money + Power?
Success = Fame?
Success = Achievement?
In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the ) long road to success. wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle!
long roadHale Waihona Puke Baiduto

Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was ___me about his___as a young man. Frank is now the head of a very large business___, but as a boy he___to work in a small shop. It was his job ____bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He___money for years and in 1938 he bought a small work-shop___his own. During the war Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two___. ___the end of the war, the small work-shop had become a large___which___seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his___early years and the long road to ___. He was still ___when the door opened and his wife came in. She____him to repair their son's bicycle!
Bill Gates
Graduated from Peking University , He Created the new Oriental educational Ltd.which occupies 50% of training market abroad in China.
Minhong Yu
Success story
Lesson 31
Success story 成功者的故事
标题success前省略了定冠词A, 其意 是指A story about his success,这 里不可用successful。 用successful则指 “故事讲得成功, 受大家欢迎”。
7.When did he make spare parts for aeroplanes?
New words
★retire v. 退休
retire=stop working
黎姿越来越老, 她打算退休了。
Li zi is getting old. She is going to retire. →n. retirement
I worked /began the job in the 1990s.
S p a r e p a r t s — — 零 配 件 ( 我 们 第 5 课 学 过 )
job 是 “工种”、 “职业”,是可数名词,比如教书、 行医等;有时表示 “杂活、零活”,常用复数: Many men may lose their jobs. 好多人会失业。
Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.
was telling me是过去进行时,它主要表示过去某个时刻 或某段时间正在进行的动作。与一般过去时相比,它更强调 动作的持续性。一般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。 在叙述故事时,过去进行时往往用来表示背景。
ItIn 是“形式主语” his twenties Frank ,代表 usedto to repair make spare bicycles parts for 这个真正的主语 aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. 即To repair bicycles was his job. 但是,不定式短语作 句子的主语是不常用的,我们必须借助形式主语it作句子的 for years表示“许多年”。 主语。而不定式短语却放在表语之后。 It is hard to learn English well. 2. of his own - of one ’ s own 表示“属于某人 It is a pity to miss the concert.
十的倍数的复数形式可用于表达近似的、非确定的数量,确切的用 at the age of...
in my fifties 在我五十多岁的时候 In his fifties, he learned the second language.
in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代
★workshop n. 车间
★helper n. 帮手, 助手
assistant 助理
办公室助理office assistant
★employ v. 雇佣
employer: 雇主
employee: 雇员
trainer 教练 trainee 接受训练的人
examiner主考官 examinee考试的人
n. 公司
firm 指两个人以上合资经营的商业机构。
limited corporation 有限责任公司
缩略形式 : Ltd.Co
save one's face
<难点2> 挽会面子
① vt. 挽救,救助,拯救 SOS:save our soul/save our ship(国际求救信 号) ② vt. 积蓄,储蓄 savings n.储蓄 西方人不喜欢提钱, 所以用 save up 表示存钱 Save it for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪, 为将来需 要而做好准备
n. 雇佣,就业
unemployment n. 失业
experiences as a young man.
〖U〗“经历” 〖C〗“经验” <难点1> experienced adj.有经验的 eg.This job requires a lot of experience. Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his
work表示要干的事情;也可表示 “上班”,是不可数名 词 : Washing windows is hard work for some people. 擦 洗 窗 户 对 某 些 人 来 说 是 艰 苦 的 工 作 。 It takes a lot of work to build a house. 盖一所房 子需要花费很多劳动。 I’ve just found a new job.
(1)hard意思很多,在这里指“艰难的”、“困苦的” She lived a hard life in those years.
(2)one's early years 指某人的早年 ( 生活 ) ,意义相近的表达方式为 early in one's life。
(3)the long road to success是一种比喻的说法,因为success是抽象名词,U。 to在这里表示方向、目的地,意义为“朝”、“往”、“向”等,这个短语的字 面意义为“通向成功的漫漫长路”。
① ②

tell sb. about sth.
the head of

④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
修理自行车 自己的

④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧
used to do sth.
repair bicycles of one’s own
in one’s twenties in a few years
♥ head是“首领、头目”的意思,“the head of+名词”的意思是“……的老板,头” ♥ As a boy, as在这里是介词,表示“当…时”, as a boy相当于as he was a boy。
♥ 1.used to的结构
u s e d t o “ 过 去 常 常 做 某 事 ” 表示过去的习惯动作或某种情况,但是 现在已经停止,不再重复的动作。
自己的”,是个固定短语。 I want to have a room of my own.She has a mind of her own.她颇有主见。(有自己的想法)
3.in one's -ies 在某人几十岁的时候
in one's twenties/thirties/forties/fifties/...
It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.
Key to success
The richest person in the world, worth at least $41 billion, who made his money by starting the company Microsoft. Much of his money is used to help needy Children . He started many special fund to give medical aid to children in Europe and Africa.
Success = Happiness?
What are the keys to success?
Everyone wishes to be successful in life. While discussing this, we must bear in mind the following three principles: diligence, devotion and p e r s e v e r a n c e .
List the qualities that a successful person should have.
etermination d___________ gift/talent ________
c_____ hance
c_____ ourage
ard work h_______