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Because the joints on roof is butt joints. Before the insulation lay on, make sure

the steel surface being level smoothly. The adhesive mortar shall be double

component, and the density shall be proper. After fabricated this adhesive mortar,

it shall be used up within 30 minutes. To avoid this mortar get solid before using

up, the construction speed shall be accurate estimated. And then fabricate mortar

quantity according to estimated construction speed so as to prevent waste. After

this mortar dry completely, the PIR or PUR can be sticked on.

4.1.4 施工时采用从中心向四周依次环形的施工方法;每天的工作必须完成整圈



During construction, the sequence is from the center to the circumference; each

day shall finish overall ring of PIR and FIBAROLL layer. The butt joints shall be

seal by aluminum foil so as to avoid water leakage in.

4.1.5 聚氨酯弧板下料时应充分考虑支撑环位置和尺寸,将搭缝排布在支撑环位


When fabricating the PIR materials, the supports position and dimension shall be

taken into consideration. The butt joints shall be arranged near the support ring.

4.1.6 在预制好的绝热材料(PIR)与罐体接触面四周均匀满涂粘接剂(胶泥),且



Brush the adhesive agent on the PIR material, make sure the faces connected with

roof plate and other PIR shall be completed brushed. And the interface with steel

plate shall be brushed 5 points evenly so as to make sure it could stick firmly; the

sticked on PIR shall be tight and smoothly. Where not level shall be fill with

adhesive mortar and keep level.

4.1.7 聚氨酯弧板粘贴后将纵横搭缝用PAP胶带密封、压实。

After sticked on the PIR board, the vertical joints shall be seal with PAP Band

and roll smoothly.

4.1.8 在支撑环处弧板粘贴完成后,安装不锈钢钢带,用自攻螺钉将不锈钢钢带固




After sticked on the PIR board around the support ring, install the stainless stell

band on the support device with crew. When install the stainless steel band, make

sure the PIR is sticked firmly and without any gap. Prior to stick FIBAROLL on,

the stainless steel shall be cleaned. The used band shall be grinded and clean with


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I/P Tank Insulation Rework Procedure

4.1.9 外保护层(FIBAROLL)使用前应用黑胶带或无破损纸箱密封妥善保管,施


The FIBAROLL is packed in paper box with black band. Prior to use, check the

package carefully.

4.1.10 粘贴保护层前应准确测量并在下料工棚内放样后将FIBAROLL裁切成所需



Before stick the protection layer, measure it carefully and cut it into the shape

required, which shall be guided by sample. The support ring position and

dimension shall be taken into consideration, and the butt joint shall be arranged

under the support ring; during cutting process, the light shall be avoided. And the

fabricated material shall be used up in the fixed period.

4.1.11 粘贴外保护层(FIBAROLL)前应保护安装好的绝热层弧板表面,保持其表


Before lay on the protection layer (FIBAROLL), the insulation layer surface shall

be protected and under sound condition. Keep the surface level and clean, once

find the dirts, remove it immediately.

4.1.12 FIBAROLL接缝处采用搭接条粘贴在绝热层表面,再粘贴大块FIBAROLL




For the joints of FIBAROLL, use the joint bar to stick on the insulation surface,

and another big piece of FIBAROLL shall be applied on it. The FIBAROLL shall

be cut into accurate dimension. Make sure that each FIBAROLL have overlap

joints of 50mm.. The overlap joints shall be level and evenly.

4.1.13 粘贴施工时,粘贴后要用特制滚筒碾压平滑,确保保护层与绝热层的均匀、


During the sticking construction, the sticky parts shall be rolled smoothly. Make

sure that the protection layer could sticked with the under layer firmly. The

tightness and smooth of the overlap joints shall be ensured.

4.1.14 如外保护层FIBAROLL表面接头有细小裂缝或翘曲等缺陷时,可采用fibagel

FR UV(光硬化聚酯胶泥) 进行填充、修补。

If find tiny crack or warp at the FIBAROLL joints, use FIBAGEL FR UV to fill

and repair.

4.1.15 粘贴好的FIBAROLL应在其固化一段时间后而完全固化以前,揭除其表面



After sticked the FIBAROLL and cured a certain period, the plastic film on the PR-GDCC-0000-3079 Rev. A Page 4 of 6 Contract No.: C2-WHPE-CSPC-0037

I/P Tank Insulation Rework Procedure
