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Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

"Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" is a panoramic(全景的)painting by Zhang Zeduan(张择端), an artist in the Northern Song Dynasty (北宋)(960-1127). It is the only existing masterpiece杰作from Zhang, and has been collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing as a national treasure(国家宝藏).

The hand scroll painting手卷画is 528.7 cm long and 24.8 cm wide. It provides a window展现to the period's economic activities in urban and rural areas, and captures描绘the daily life of people of all ranks in the capital city of Bianjing (today's Kaifeng, Henan Province) during Qingming Festival in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is an important historical reference material for the study of the city then as well as the life its residents rich and poor.

The painting i s composed of 由……组成three parts: spring in the rural area, busy Bianhe River ports, and prosperous繁荣的city streets. The painting is also known for its geometrically accurate images of variety natural elements and architectures, boats and bridges, market place and stores, people and scenery. Over 550 people in different clothes服饰, expressions表情and postures姿势are shown in the painting. It is often considered to be the most renowned work among all the Chinese paintings, and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa."








指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留。seize侧重指以突然、有力地动作迅速抓住或捉住。catch普通用词,指捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉。capture指通过武力或计谋等,战胜抵抗而捉住敌人或动物。trap多指诱捕。本文中capture 是“捕捉、捕获”的意思,捕捉到某一个画面。如果对应到某幅画,可以翻译为“描绘”。providesawindow 译为“为……提供了窗口”,根据文中大意,可以灵活译为“展现”。

这幅画有三部分组成:农村的春景、汴河上繁华场景以及繁荣的城市街道。清明上河图也因为画中各种自然元素、建筑、船艇以及小桥、集市、店铺还有人物、风景等在空间上精确合理的布局而闻名于世。清明上河图中有550余人,但是他们各着不同服饰,表情各异,身体姿势也是变化万千。它是中国绘画中最享有盛名的著作,被称作“中国的蒙娜丽莎”。Composevt组成,构成;创作(文学、音乐、绘画等作品);整理,整顿词义辨析:invent,compose,make, create,design,produce这组词都有“创造”的意思,其区别是:invent主要用于科技领域,指通过思考、研究或实验制造出新的前所未有、极为有用的东西。compose多指音乐或诗歌、画的创作。make最普通用词,指任何东西的创作或制造。create侧重创造出来的东西以前并不存在,或者指独具特色的创作。design主要指在艺术或技术领域的创作设计,强调构思多于实际制造。produce指产品的生产,或作品创作的完成。geometrically 意思是“几何学上的”geometrically accurate images表面译为“几何上精确的图片”,根据文中的意境,应该是“各个元素在空间上合理而准确的布局”。
