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1.The boy students are in our school. (主语)

2.Making a vocabulary list is very important. (主语)

3.It’s easy to finish the work on time. (主语)

4.What we shall do next is not decided. (主语)

5.We have run out of the time. (谓语)

6.English is spoken in many countries. (谓语)

7.He can fix up old cars. (谓语)

8.We often help him. (宾语)

9.He likes to play basketball. (宾语)

10.He asked if he could get his ears pierced. (宾语)

11.The man showed us a few photos. (宾语)

12.Sad movies always make us cry. (宾语补足语)

13.I find English difficult. (宾语补足语)

14.He saw the man escaping from the house. (宾语补足语)

15.I was heard to sing in the classroom just now. (宾语补足语)

16.I am a teacher. (表语)

17.The story sounds interesting. (表语)

18.The office is ten minutes’ walk from here. (定语)

19.The 8-year-old boy is very clever. (定语)

20.This is a book which tells about fish. (定语)

21.I want to retire somewhere quiet. (定语)

22.We hardly ever visit the history museum. (状语)

23.He did homework carefully at home. (状语)

24.When I grow up, I want to be a lawer. (状语)

25.I like comedies because they are interesting. (状语)


( )1. Physics ____one of the ____ subjects in middle school.

A. are; important

B. is; most important

C. is; more important

D. are; much important

( )2. Not only the parents but also James ____ London. They will come back in a month.

A. has been to

B. have been to

C. has gone to

D. have gone to

( )3. Milk and bread ___ my favorite food every morning.

A. is

B. are

C. will be

D. was

( )4. The teacher with two of her students _____ the classroom.

A. are walking

B. is entering

C. is walking C. are entering into ( )5. There ____ a bird and some kites in the sky.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. be

( )6. It is very difficult ____ the work without your help.

A. do

B. doing

C. to do

D. that do

( )7. We often help ____ with the housework.

A. he

B. her

C. they

D. my

( ) 8. The little girl was seen ____ in the next room.

A. cry

B. to crying

C. cried

D. crying

( ) 9. The policeman kept the man ___ for a long time.

A. waiting

B. wait

C. to wait

D. waited

( ) 10. The foreigner tried to make himself ___.

A. understand

B. understood

C. understanding

D. to understand ( )11. The milk shake tastes ___ .

A. sweet

B. well

C. nicely

D. differently

( )12. The boy became ____ in joining the chess club.

A. interest

B. interesting

C. interested

D. interests

( )13. Is there ____ in today’s newspaper?

A. something interesting

B. interesting something

C. anything important

D. unusual anything

( )14.This is ____ CD, not ____.

A. mine; your

B. my; you

C. me; yours

D. my; yours

( )15. We must work hard ____ the exam.

A. to pass

B. to past

C. passing

D. past

( )16.She loves the library ____ she loves books.

A. but

B. or

C. so

D. because

( )17. What we need ____ good books.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. has

( )18. The mother with her little son ____ at my home ____ that snowy night.

A. were; at

B. was; at

C. was; on

D. were; on

( )19. The actor ______at the age of 70.

A. dead

B. died

C. death

D. dying

( )20. ____ were all very tired, but none of ____ would stop to take a rest.

A. We, us

B. Us, we

C. We, our

D. We, we

( )21. I think _____necessary to learn English well.

A. its

B. it

C. that

D. that is

( ) 22. The dog ____ mad.

A. looks

B. is looked

C. is being looked

D. was looked

( )23.I will never forget the place ______ I joined the clean-up campain.

A. that

B. when

C. on which

D. where

( )24.Either Tom or I ____ going there tomorrow.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. be

( )25. No one ____ swimming in such bad weather.

A. like

B. likes

C. liking

D. are liking

( )26. One third of the books in our library ____new. Let’s borrow some.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

( )27. Good news. There ____ fewer people catching this kind of illness now.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. were

( )28. ---I don’t think it’s good to drive eight hours without a rest.

---I agree. Eight hours ____ really a very long time.

A. has

B. is

C. were

D. am

( )29. Now each student ____ an English-Chinese dictionary.

A. has

B. have

C. is having

D. are having
