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(1)Where ________ (be)you yesterday?

(2)We ________(do not)visit a friend yesterday.

(3)Who was ________ (one)in the race?

(4)When is ________(you)birthday?

(5)Tom is_____(tall) than Jim .


2. ( ) _____ is your job ?

A. Where

B. What

C. How




What do you _____ _____ Canada?


____ ____ ____ the kangaroos in Australia?


They _____ _____ in the palaces.


Is this _____ _____?


Would you _____ _____ _____ Buckingham Palace?

【答案】(1) know about (2) Do you know (3)Don’t live(4)Danny’s map(5)like to visit

【解析】(1)本题主要考查“知道,了解”这个词组,这个词组的英文为:“know about”,故答案为:know about。

(2)本句是一个一般疑问句,主语为你,故用助动词do来帮助提问,“知道”的英文为“know”,故答案为:Do you know。

(3)“住”的英文单词为:live,动词的否定形式是在动词前面加“助动词+not”表示否定,因为本句话主语为They,是第三人称复数形式,故答案为:don’t live。


(1) I like eating oranges. (改成否定句)

I__________ like eating .

(2)I can skate very well. (改成同义句)

I am at .

(3) My brothers like reading books. (对划线部分提问)

What brothers like ?

(4) I can draw some pictures. (改成一般疑问句)

draw pictures?

(5) Billy is cold and wet. (对划线部分提问)

the with Billy?

【答案】(1)don’t oranges

(2)good skating

(3)does your doing

(4)Can you any

(5)What’s matter



Liu Tao: What’s the time now, Yang Ling?

Yang Ling: It’s four thirty. It’s time to go home.

Liu Tao: It’s raining(下雨).Where is my umbrella?

Yang Ling:Look!There’s a red umbrella under the desk.

Liu Tao:That isn’t my umbrella.

Yang Ling:There are four umbrellas near the blackboard. Which one is yours(你的),Liu Tao? Liu Tao:The blue one. Thank you, Yang Ling.

Yang Ling:Shall we go home together?

Liu Tao:Great!Let’s go.

( ) (1) What time is it now?

A. Four

B. Four thirty

C. Five

( ) (2) Where are Yang Ling and Liu Tao?

A.In the classroom

B. In the playground

C. In the supermarket

( ) (3) Is there an umbrella under the desk?

A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, there is

C. No, there isn’t.

( ) (4) How many umbrellas are there in the classroom?

A. There are four. B . There are five. C. There are six.

( )(5)What colour is Liu Tao’s umbrella?

A. Red. B . Black C. Blue.

【答案】B A B B C

6. ( ) I like _____home.


B. mine

C. my



( )1.A.Britain B. clever C. New Zealand

( )2.A.her B. his C. he

( )3.A.nose B. worker C. eye

( )4.A.caryon B. study C. work

( )5.A.fruit B. pear C. cherry

【答案】1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A


2. A和B都是形容词性物主代词,C是人称代词。所以选C。

3. A和C都是人体器官名称,B是名词工人,与A和C不是一类。所以选B。

4. B和C都是动词,A是名词“蜡笔”与B和C词性不同。所以选A。



【答案】1. A Whose 2. B visit 3. C my 4. C for 5. B is

【解析】1. 根据题干可猜测句意为:这是谁的包?谁的whose,所以应将Who改为Whose。

2. didn’t后接动词原形,所以应将visited改为visit。

3. 根据题干可猜测句意为:他想穿我的T恤衫。T-shirt名词,其前用形容词性物主代词,所以应


4. 根据题干可猜测句意为:我为你洗了T恤衫。为某人for sb,所以应将to改为for。

5. 主语T-shirt为单数第三人称,其后be动词用is,所以应将are改为is。
