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M9 Unit!


1.China is a wonderful land minerals.

A. is abundant in

B. abundant in

C. in abundant

D. is in abundant

2.Zhongguancun is the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous


A. the home to

B. home of

C. home to

D. a home to

3.We often associate the name of Li Ning gymnastics.

A. with

B. by

C. to

D. in

4.Across the Yangtze River more than one bridge, the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge being

the first one.

A. lay

B. lie

C. lies

D. laid

5.—Do you let your kids travel alone at night?

A. Absolutely

B. Absolutely not

C・ It's up to you D. Every day counts

6.一What weather!

——Yes, it must be the wind that makes it so cold and many roads are hard.

A. freezing; freezing

B. frozen; frozen

C. frozen; freezing

D. freezing; frozen

7.Lizzie was to see her friend off at the airport.

A. a little more than sad

B. more than a little sad

C. sad more than a little

D. a little more than sad

8.They said they liked the of your article, but the style wasn't quite right for the


A. words

B. meaning

C. content

D. lines

9.—What can I do for you?

—I'd like to buy a tie this brown shirt.

A. to match with

B. to fit

C. to go with

D. to suit

10.Try some of this salad. You will say it's・

A. second to none

B. the second to none

C. best of none

D. the best of none


1.It is amazing to see so many wild plants and animals in African(从机〔).

2.People have lost(而寸,C?) with the slow pace of reform.

3.We are so disappointed that he gave us an(模棱两可的)answer.

4.Is English a(必修)subject in your school?

5.What(百分t匕)of his income is paid in income tax?

6.Everyone has his own(弱点).

7.Sport and(娱乐)have always been part of university life.

8.Young people are not _____________ (满足)to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.

9.He has some(意料之外的)guests before he left his home, so he had to change his plan.

10.After such a long thirsty journey, the(旅彳亍者)drank the fresh spring water.


be lost to; be equipped with; be content with; fill out; be fond of; seek one's fortune; owing to

1.Every classroom in the modern school a new TV set.

2.Please the application form carefully so that I can make it out.

3.Though she lives in a small flat, she her present life.

4.Attracted by the idea of working abroad, a considerable amount of talent this country each year.

5.The boy left school and went to the big city to.


1.—Jim is scolded by his father.

一It serves him right. He a large sum of money in playing computer games.

2.一Are you satisfied with the in London?

一Not really. It is rainy there.

3.—We all like Miss Green very much.

—She is a teacher famous for her to her students.

4.—The 2008 Olympic Games is a great one.

—I agree with you. Every athlete tried his best to win his.

5.一is falling now. I must go home.

一Nice having you here.

6.一Michelle and Mary arc arguing about who is better in performance.

一They should find a of dispute.


Canada, the second ] country as well as the best country for living in the world, __2 the two great oceans—the Atlantic and the Pacific. Famous for its natural scenery, it is a huge country with vast mountain ranges, enormous open plains, countless rivers and seemingly endless forests. It is a paradise for those who love outdoor 3 One is 4 to hike, sail, cross-country ski or travel by snowmobile for days without meeting another person.

Toronto, which is said to be the most multicultural city in the world, has 5 from Ireland, Portugal, Cliina, Lebanon, Italy and Vietnam. Montreal, the second largest city in Canada, 6 Old World and New World architecture and culture. Vancouver is not 7 in size, but it has superb scenery, a beautiful harbour and all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine. Edmonton, home to the West Edmonton Mall, also 8 lots of visitors every year.

Another famous 9 in Canada is Niagara Falls, which is shaped like a semicircle. The Falls fall 56
