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关键词智能手机Android API 用户



As smartphones is walking into the life of ordinary people step by step, it will become the main equipment of access to information.Therefore, mobile entertainment application service there will be a very big development space of mobile phone quick query software is one of them.Android platform to provide users with convenient and fast query function for the design and implementation of a quick query service provides a better platform.Also the Android platform is essentially free, so can effectively reduce the cost of software, finally let each user can freely access to information and also contribute to the popularization of mobile phone quick query service.

This study analyzes the Android platform system architecture and component model and analyzes the important part of the Android API and application of mechanism with the Intent and life cycle.On the basis of the design and development based on the Android platform mobile phone quick query software in the weather.This system friendly interface, convenient operation, good scalability and maintainability;System tested, stable operation, and can satisfy the basic needs of mobile phone users.

Keyword smart phone Android API (Application Programming Interface) User



摘要...........................................................................................................................I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 第1章绪论. (1)

1.1 国内外手机系统现状 (1)

1.2 Android系统的优势 (1)

1.2.1 开放性 (1)

1.2.2 挣脱束缚 (1)

1.2.3 丰富的硬件 (1)

1.2.4 开发商 (2)

1.3 Android的发展趋势 (2)

1.3.1 国产手机品牌纷纷加速海外布局 (2)

1.4 本章小结 (3)

第2章相关技术简介 (3)

2.1 开发工具 (3)

2.1.1 JDK(Java Development Kit) (3)

2.1.2 Android SDK 介绍 (4)

2.1.3 Eclipse 开发工具介绍 (4)

2.1.4 Android Development Tools(ADT)介绍 (4)

2.2 开发环境搭建 (4)

2.2.1 开发环境搭建的步骤 (4)

2.2.2JDK安装 (4)

2.2.3Eclipse安装 (5)

2.2.4Android SDK安装 (5)

2.2.5ADT安装 (6)

2.2.6 创建A VD (7)

2.3 本章小结 (7)

第3章需求分析 (7)

3.1 开发背景 (7)

3.2 开发需求分析 (8)

3.2.1 开发需求分析的作用 (8)

3.2.2 天气预报需求分析 (8)

3.3 本章小结 (8)

第4章项目功能描述 (9)

4.1 系统主要功能 (9)

