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Chapter 1


1.the ground floor(G/F)首层the first floor(1/F)第一层

the second floor(2/F)第二层the third floor(3/F) 第三层

the fourth floor(4/F) 第四层the fifth floor(5/F) 第五层

the sixth floor(6/F) 第六层

2.toilets厕所art room美术室computer room 电脑室

music room音乐室classroom教室library图书室

lift电梯school building学校大楼garden花园


on the left左边on the right右边next to相邻/隔壁

between在…之间behind在…之后in front of在…前面


office 办公室(be )puzzled 感到疑惑headmaster 校长steal 偷citizen 市民thief(thieves复数) 小偷


A: Excuse me. Where’s the art room, please? 请问,美术室在哪里?

B: It’s on the second floor, on the right. 在二楼,右边。

A: Excuse me. Where are the toilets, please? 请问,厕所在哪里?

B: They are on the ground floor, on the left. 在首层,左边。

Chapter 2 Helping Others

一、Words and phrases:

1. hungry饥饿thirsty口渴的sick生病的tired累的

2. jacket夹克衫fan风扇seat座位take some medicine吃药

3. poster海报decide决定at recess在课间

pregnant怀孕的get on the bus上车get off the bus下车give up放弃give up one’s seat让座honest诚实的

carry 提、扛、携带collect money筹钱neighbour邻居

nurse护士First Aid Centre 救助站gift shop 礼品店

snack bar 零食店bookmark书签remind提醒




①Here’s a jacket for you. 这是给你的夹克衫。

②Here’s some medicine for you. 这是给你的药。

③ A pregnant lady gets on Polly’s bus, but there are no seats.


④Polly gives up her seat to the lady. Polly把她的座位让给了这位女士。

⑤Put litter in the bin. 把垃圾丢到垃圾桶里。

⑥Give up your seat to needy people. 给有需要的人让座。

注:Words and phrases 1、2单词和Sentences①②句子为四会。

3 Camping 露营


Camp 露营,野营fun 有趣的人或事tent 帐篷stay in the tent 呆在帐篷里

play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏boil water 煮水cook a meal 做饭

pick up rubbish 捡垃圾pick a card 挑一张牌wash outside 在外面洗漱

plant trees 植树watch a film 看电影walk to…走到……

have a great time 玩得开心wonderful 极好的,精彩的

call / ring sb. 给……打电话Today 今天yesterday昨天

First,…. Next,…. After that,…. At last,…首先…., 接着……,然后….,最后……


am/is----was are---were do---did stay----stayed cook----cooked play----played boil----boiled pick----picked wash----washed plant----planted open---opened taste---tasted walk----walked paint----painted clean----cleaned water---watered


1.Was camp fun? Yes, it was great fun. 野营好玩吗?是的,好玩极了。

2.What did you do yesterday? We stayed in a tent. 你昨天干啥了?我呆在帐篷里。

3.We cooked a meal.我们煮了饭。

4.First I walked to the park. Next I planted trees. After that, I watched a film. At last , I played games.

首先我走路去公园, 接着我植了树,然后我看了电影,最后我玩了游戏。

5.Ring us again soon. 赶紧再给我们打电话。

6.Did you help Mum cook lunch, Peter? Yes, I did.你帮妈妈做午饭吗?是的。


enough 足够的firewood 柴火make a fire 生火burn 燃烧prepare 准备

bring…back 带……回来 a tin of 一听/罐……take out拿出来blow away 吹走leaf--- leaves 树叶yummy 美味的

4. In the holidays


1. ride a bike

2. have a picnic

3. swim in the sea

4. go hiking


5. holidays

6. enjoy

7. enjoy holidays

8. meet my friends


9. go to the cinema 10. eat dim sum

