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I. 单选题

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.(每题1分, 共30题)

1. O ur national policy should fit in __A____ the changed international situation.

A. with

B. to

C. at

D. up

2. W e should weigh _____C__ the pros and cons of starting up our own business.

A. at

B. to

C. up

D. down

3. W e will _______A_____ your suggestion in this new plan.

A. incorporate

B. underlie

C. display

D. agree

4. W e can ______D__ the safety of the workers if we check the machines carefully.

A. sure

B. surely

C. assure

D. ensure

5. T o make sure the plan fits in ____B__ our arrangements, you need to have a discussion with him.

A. at

B. with

C. to

D. up

6. W e have to rely _________A___ ourselves to solve the problem because they are very busy for the moment.

A. on

B. with

C. to

D. at

7. T he above-mentioned are some communication skills __C____________are very useful in an office setting.

A. when

B. while

C. which

D. what

8. W e would rather relay on ourselves than _____A_____ help from others.

A. seek

B. to seek

C. seeking

D. sought

9. N ew vehicles must comply ______D__ the national standards.

A. to

B. at

C. in

D. with

10. ____________B___ interests the children a lot is that there are many animals

in the zoo.

A. That

B. What

C. Which

D. When

11. W hat she said at the meeting is ______C_______ the program will be put off.

A. if

B. for

C. that

D. what

12. W hat Mr. Li was proud _______A____ was that his son won in the match.

A. of

B. for

C. at

D. in

13. T he Marketing Department is responsible _C_______ the Company’s sales

decline last year.

A. to

B. at

C. for

D. in

14. I f exports ________B__ in the fourth quarter, we will have to think about

developing the domestic market.

A. will drop

B. dropped

C. dropping

D. drop

15. H e said that a few people were injured in the __D__________, but without

specifying how many.

A. event

B. incidence

C. happening

D. accident

16. T he two companies signed an agreement to renew their

_____B_____________ for another five years.

A. producer

B. partnership

C. participant

D. participant

17. H e tried to _______b_____ his absence with poor excuses.

A. approve

B. justify

C. decide

D. testify

18. M r. Blair was about to draw his conclusion __C______ the manager cut in

with a question.

A. while

B. why

C. when

D. where

19. T he reason for my quitting the job is ____B_____ I want to further my study


A. why

B. that

C. for

D. because

20. T he reason ___B____ her asking for leave is that she was sick.

A. at

B. for

C. in

D. up

21. T he athletes appeared on the sports ground and __D______ to the audience.

A. smiling

B. to smile

C. smile

D. smiled

22. W hen I saw the flowers on the table, I felt so grateful to you because they
