小学英语语法 介词和连词9教案资料

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Name Mark ★重点讲解




①表示具体的时刻:at seven (o’clock )

②表示人的年龄:at the age of eleven

③表示一段时间,“在...... 期间”:at night (在夜里)

at Christmas(在圣诞期间)

④与结尾为festival的节日连用,如:at Spring Festival


in spring in January in February in the morning (3)on:表示具体的某一天,常与day和表示星期、节日的词连用。如:

on October the tenth on Christmas Eve on Christmas Day

on a cold day on Wednes day on Tree Planting Day (4)before 和after:表示时间的先后顺序。如:

They have to finish the work before Thursday.

The boys often play football after dinner.

We sometimes take a walk after supper.

(5)from ... to ...:“从...... 到......”。如:

We have classes from Monday to Friday.

She worked in the garden from morning to evening.

This train is from Beijing to Tianjin.


(1)on :“在..... 上面” ,两物体有接触。

(2)over:“在..... 正上方” ,两物体没有接触。如:

A lamp is over the table. (灯和桌面没有接触)

(3)above :“在..... 斜上方” ,两物体没有接触。如:

The plane is flying above the clouds. (飞机在云层中飞行)

(4)under 和below:在..... 下面,两物体有接触。

①under :“在...... 的正下方” 。如:There is a cat under the table.

②below:“在...... 的下面”,不强调是否在正下方。如:

Our classroom is below theirs. (我们的教室在他们教室的下面)

(5)in:“在...... 里面或者在 ...... 地方(大地点)” 。如:in the drawer in the box in the room in the zoo

A group of visitors arrived in Beijing yesterday. (一群游人昨天抵达了北京)(6)at:“在...... 旁边或者在...... 地方(小地点)” 。如:

The family is eating at the table.(一家人正坐在桌子旁吃饭)

I met Peter at the railway station.

(7)behind:“在...... 后面” 。如:Sally hid herself behind a tree.

in front of“在... 外部的... 前面” 。如:

There is an apple tree in front of the house

There is a house behind the apple tree.

in the front of “在... 内部的... 前面” 。如:

There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

(8)between:“在两者之间” 。如:

The office building is between the swimming pool and the playing ground. (三)动向介词

(1)across :“横穿”,常与street ,bridge等名词连用。如:

Go across the street, and you will find a book shop.

(2)though:“从....... 里面穿过” 。如:We walked through the woods. (森林)(3)along :“沿着...... ”,常与road ,street ,river等名词连用。如:

Dick and Wendy walked along the river.

Go along the road, and then turn left.


(1)by:表示“靠...... ;用......” 。如:by bus by painting(靠画画为生)(2)with:表示“使用...... ” 。如:We write with a pen. with our right hands with knives and forks (用刀和叉)

(3)in:“用....... 语言” 。如:We talked in English.



①表示目的、对象,意思为“为......” 。如:I have a gift for you. (给你)

②表示原因,意思为“因为” 。如:Thank you for your dinner. (感谢你的款待)

I am sorry for being late. (对不起,我来晚了。)

(2)about:表示某种事物的内容,意思是“关于” 。如:

The movie is about the history of China. (这是一本关于中国历史的书)(3)with :

①表示“和...... 一起” 。如:

Can you play with me? (你能跟我一起玩吗?)

I did some cleaning with my mother at weekends. (周末我和妈妈一起做清洁)

②表示“对于...... ” 。如:

I am very strict with my students. (be strict with ...对某人严格要求)

③表示人或物具有的性质或特点,意思是“带着、带有” 。如:

The girl with red hair is my sister. (红头发的女孩是我妹妹)

a woman with sunglasses(带着太阳镜的妇女)

Our teacher came into the classroom with some flowers in her hand.

(4)in:表示“穿着,带着” 。如:

The boy in blue is my brother.

a boy in a white shirt a boy in a black hat

(5)like:“像......” 。如:

John is like his father.

John looks like an actor. (约翰看起来像一位演员)

(6)of:表示所属关系,意思是“......的” (名词所有格)。

