员工自主管理 ppt课件

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1.Observe workstations and listen to one’s team. 观察工位和倾听团队
2.Detect deviation from standard and analyze it with employee. 发现现实和标准的不同,和员工一起分析.
3.Use existing tools such as standardized work, Hoshin, Top five, QRQC and indicators. 使用现有的工具,例如,标准化作业,TopFive, QRQC 和指标.
2.Observing details and listening to the team. 注意细节,倾听团队
3.Motivating operators to identifying problems and suggest improvement. 鼓励员工确定问题并提出改进建议
➢A simple, visual system for gathering ideas. 一个简单的,可视的系统收集建议
➢Implementation organized by the manager and preferably carried out by the team itself.
由经理组织实施,当然最好是由团队自己实施 ➢A visible and credible system of professional recognition.
1. Use of a simple, visual and manual system 使用简单的,可视的,可手动更新的工具.
2. Strong management involvement 强大的全员参与管理
3. The manager involves the operators in the improvement approach 从经理到操作工,共同管理合理化建议.
6.Conclusion 结论
The Top five is: 5分钟会议是
1. Is a daily meeting held at the start of the working day. 每天工作开始前举行的会议.
2. Lasts 5 minutes 持续5分钟
3. Is for all members of all GAPs in production and nonproduction. 适用于所有类型的GAP̣̣(生产或非生产)
The Manager role is to create favorable conditions for generating an Improvement ideas: 经理的职责就是为合理化建议的提出创造有利的环境. The Manager gets out on the shop floor 经理到达现场. Pays attention to the details 注意细节 Encourage the team to identify problems 鼓励团队确定问题所在
1.Definition of the Top five Top 5会议的定义
2.Purpose 目的
3.Preparing for the Top five 准备Top 5会议
4.Leading the Top Five 主导Top 5会议
5.The plant Top Five 工厂Top 5会议
6. It is preferable for the GAP to carry out the ideas themselves. 最好是GAP内部实施自己提出的合理化建议.
7. Recognizing II. facilitates communication and makes the proposer feel valued, which in turn encourage further employee empowerment. 认可合理化建议可优化沟通,使提案人感到自己有价值,从长远来讲,也是对 员工激励的促进.
To function properly, the improvement ideas approach requires: 从功能上来讲,合理化建议可以实现 ➢Coordination by the manager and the GAP leader: 经理和GAP组长之间的协作
1.Presence on the shop floor. 在车间现场
4. The manager answers every improvement idea contributor within five days. 5天以内,经理对每个合理化建议作出答复.
5. The manager organize implementation of II. 经理组织合理化建议的实施.
1. Purpose 目的
2. How to generate Improvement id源自文库as? 如何收集合理化建议
3. How to manage Improvement ideas? 如何管理合理化建议
4. Conclusion 结论
Improvement ideas are an approach: 合理化建议是一种方法 For solving problem at the very spot they occur 随时解决发生的问题 For achieving QCDP objectives 实现QCDP的目标 That they concerns everyone at the site( inside and outside of production ) 关系到工厂中的每一个人(生产和非生产) Implementation must be organized and controlled by Manager. 经理必须组织和管理合理化建议.