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Profession :Hydraulic And Hydroelectric Engineering Class & Grade : 091 Student Name : Zhang Xu Student Number : 200916056123

Architecture and Engineering Department



1. Definition (1)

2. History and recent devel- opments (1)

3. Availability (4)

4. Use (5)

5. Storage (5)

6. Water Balance (6)

7. Water balance and climate change (6)

Water resources in Mexico

1. Definition

Water resources in many parts of Mexico are under stress, especially in the arid northwest and central regions where most of the population lives and most of the economic activities are located. The country has put in place a system of water resources management that includes both central (federal) and decentralized (basin and local) institutions.

Despite many achievements, the water resources sector in Mexico still faces some challenges, including: (i) increasing water scarcity, (ii) deteriorating water quality, (iii) lack of financial sustainability of the water sector, (iv) modernizing water supply and sanitation services, (v) improve competitiveness and efficiency of irrigation, (vi) strengthen water institutions, (vii) adapt to climate change impacts, especially droughts and floods.

2. History and recent devel- opments 1. 定义



2. 历史及近态发展

Mexico has a long and well established tradition on water resources management (WRM) which started in the 1930s when the country began investing heavily in water storage facilities and groundwater development to expand irrigation and supply water to the rapidly expanding population.

The 1934 Código Agrario, promulgated during the Cárdenas administration (1934-1940), granted the federal government sweeping powers to define the “public interest” to which water could be harnessed. By virtue of such legislation, between the 1930s and 1970s, the ejido sector and rural communities were subject to direct federal control over water. Private landowners, on the other hand, enjoyed the benefits of federally subsidized irrigation infrastructure and guaranteed market prices. Over time, large landowners became highly capitalized, while small farmers, by the 1970s, were suffering from the effects of water monopolies.

In the 1970s, the Mexican government entered into a tripartite agreement with the Wold Bank, and the United Nations Development Program to prepare the 1975 National Water Plan (NWP) which identified the need to enact a National Water Law (NWL) and a National Water Authority as well as decentralize responsibilities and promote water user participation in operational and maintenance (O&M).




1土地法:Código Agrario为西班牙语,意为土地法。

